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Liberal Lesbian ‘Red pilled’ After Erica Thomas Hate Hoax

‘I expect to lose friends, but I don’t care’


A lesbian who identified as a liberal says she has switched political affiliations after a recent leftist hate hoax.

In a lengthy thread, Twitter user Christina Andrews announced she was tired of everything from liberal support for Antifa violence to the left’s promotion of 11-year-old drag kid Desmond the Amazing.

“You know what? Fuck it. I’m done. As of today, I’ve swallowed the red pill,” she wrote on Sunday.

“I’ve tried half-heartedly defending the left ever since it was obvious we were only getting half the story in the Rodney King debacle,” Andrews wrote, adding, “No more.”

Andrews says she’s grown weary of defending the “transcult” that is imposing the “sexualization of children” and “drag queen storytimes.”

But the final straw, Andrews says, was last week’s hate hoax involving Georgia State Representative Erica Thomas, who claimed a Hispanic man told her to go back where she came from – only to later backtrack and retract those claims.

“[T]he last straw was Erica Thomas and her hate hoax, and the way the leftist media and virtue-signaling politicians accepted and repeated the lie without doing the least bit of research into the claim,” she says, comparing the media debacle to the Covington catholic student controversy.

“That was a sign to me that it’s finally time to let go. Time to stop making excuses for a movement that stirs up racial strife and feeds on knee-jerk reactions, raw emotion, and mob mentality over examining the facts.”

Read the rest of Andrews’ post, where she credits Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson with correctly assessing the right’s new role as the new counterculture.

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Video: Bill Warner PhD: The Left and Islam

Why are the Left and Islam such allies? The Left and Islam have much in common and work as a team, but the Left is more harmful to us. The Left sees the world through the lens of oppressor and victim. Muslims are always the victim, never wrong. For instance, they claim Muslims were the true victims in the jihad against the World Trade Towers on 9/11. For the Left, the ends justify the means. For Islam if the action advances Islam then it is good. Both the Left or Islam are never at fault. Both hate Christians and Israel. Both want to annihilate our civilization and establish a utopia. Both are totalitarian. But there is a fault line between them. The Left wants women’s rights, gay rights and separation of church and state. In the end, Islam will destroy the Left.


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Video: Socialism Appeals To Human Nature


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Hey Democrats: Here's The Price I Paid For Your Socialist Dream

By Enrique Padron

American Democrats are pining ever more loudly for socialism these days, for “free” education, “free” health care and much else.

Let me tell you about socialism as I lived it under the Fidel Castro regime.

The house where I was born in Communist Cuba had a dirt floor, a bathroom hole-in-the-ground, which we shared with six other families, and a zinc roof that left us unbearably hot in the summer and shivering in the winter.

We had no running water, no refrigerator and no door in the back of the house. We cooked with charcoal. My mother raised four boys by herself in that “house,” working 12 hours a day to earn 160 Cuban pesos, or approximately $6, a month.

Why didn’t we fix it? In addition to the meager income, we had no access to hardware stores to buy nails or cement to fix our humble house. In fact, the local member of the ­National Assembly was the only person authorized to approve whether we could buy a bag of cement or a roll of roof paper — if they were available.

We couldn’t buy these simple materials without that precious piece of paper. Can you imagine going to your congressional representative to ask for permission to buy a box of nails? Or roof tiles? Or roof paper? It seems unthinkable in the United States. But in Cuba, where we lacked the ­necessities of life, we had to. And when we complained, the authorities scolded us to be grateful for free education and free health care.

In Cuba, it is illegal to speak against the government or complain about living conditions. We were prohibited from speaking with local media, but the journalists were state employees and wouldn’t publish our stories anyway. We couldn’t ­express our unmet needs and were reminded that we shouldn’t complain anyway, ­because we were promised — you guessed it — free education and free health care.

In Cuba, doctors make the equivalent of 25 cents an hour and teachers 21 cents an hour. Pharmacists earn eight cents an hour.

In Cuba, there is no right to free speech and virtually no ­independent media.

There are no free, fair, multiparty elections. In fact, there is just one political party (Communist), and only members of the Communist Party may run as candidates for any ­office. But we were told we couldn’t object to this system, lest we lose our free education and free health care.

Two of my brothers were sent to fight in Angola when I was a boy. After years of risking their lives for a strange cause, they came back to Cuba to find out that their mother and little brother were living under worse conditions than before they left. They learned that the promise of going to another country to fight for the “big, beautiful future of socialism” was just a big lie.

In Cuba, if you dare to yell something true — like “Fidel and Raul are dictators!” — you could spend many years in prison. Dictatorship is another price we had to pay for free education and free health care.

I desperately needed something more than the promises of free education and free health care. I knew that I needed freedom — freedom to speak my mind and vote my conscience. It was worth the risk of being eaten by sharks than to continue living a life with no purpose and no freedom.

On August 16, 1994, I decided to get into a boat with 20 other Cubans in search of a future.

One of my two brothers followed me to the United States, also in a raft, nearly dying of thirst and hunger during the journey. My other brother is still awaiting the visa I filed for him.

Throughout their ordeals, my brothers have been promised free education and free health care.

After arriving in the United States, I worked as an international sales manager, owned a restaurant, hosted a radio program and authored two books. Today, I work for a member of Congress. None of those opportunities would have been possible for me in socialist Cuba.

I wish that one day I might have a conversation with some of these young American socialists, who have no experience with actually existing socialism. They like to think they can have democracy and a socialist economy. But everywhere it’s been implemented, public ownership of the means of production has led to political repression.

Not least in my native Cuba, with its promises of “free” cradle-to-grave services.

I chose so much more than the promise of “free.” I chose freedom.

Enrique Padron is the southwest Florida director for Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart.

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You Can’t Have Socialism Without State Tyranny

By Joshua Philipp

When people talk about socialized health care, free education, and other programs, they often believe these things are meant to care for society.

Yet these programs can’t exist without a system to enforce it—and it’s in the enforcement of these policies that socialism can’t exist without tyranny.

Supporting socialist policies is often veiled as a consideration for the health and well-being of others. Yet what it replaces is the traditional value of generosity and its complement, gratitude.

In place of the “old values” and “old institutions,” socialism seeks a centralized power with absolute control over society, one that’s empowered to plunder the wealth of select groups of people and trickle down this plunder through a vast state bureaucracy.

Many socialists believe this bureaucratic tyranny should be allowed to direct the basic life choices of each person, including their health, education, finances, property, and even speech.

Socialism is a political system based on tyranny and plunder, since its systems can’t function without threat and use of force.

After all, what happens if people simply refuse to pay for the services forced on them by a socialist state? Well, the socialist tyrants, who ironically advocate against firearms, will send their police force equipped with firearms to compel that person to pay. And if that person still refuses, he or she will be imprisoned.

As French economist and author Frédéric Bastiat wrote in his book “The Law” in 1850: “You would oppose law to socialism. But it is the law that socialism evokes. It aspires to legal, not extralegal plunder.

“It is of the law itself, like monopolists of all kinds that it wants to make an instrument; and when once it has the law on its side, how will you be able to turn against it?”

Bastiat raised the questions of what happens when systems of government that were once formed to prevent plunder then become tools for plunder, and what happens to law when government itself becomes the source of plunder.

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Video: Democrats & Revolutionary Communists No Difference - Don't Forget History

It is so evident now that we have an extreme conflict going on in our government. The truth is, for yeas now, Socialists (an uppity word for Communists) have been infiltrating the Democratic Party. The Democrats who are not Communist have been bought off, or prefer a one-world government to our United States of America. I can’t believe life-long Democrats would give up our freedom with a God-inspired Constitution to guide us.


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Video: David Horowitz Unveils The Left's Dark Agenda

Freedom Center founder reveals progressives' war to destroy Christian America.

In the video and transcript below, David Horowitz discusses his new book, Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America. The talk was given at the Freedom Center's Wednesday Morning Club on March 8, 2019. Don't miss it! [Order Dark Agenda: HERE.]


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Video: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is a Puppet: The Brains Behind AOC

YouTuber Mr. Reagan explains that with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez aka AOC, the people of New York did not elect a Puerto Rican girl from the Bronx. They actually elected an Indian guy from Texas, Saikat Chakrabarti, a white guy from Tennessee, Corbin Trent.

In 2016, AOC was working as a bartender in New York City. She’d never dreamed of running for Congress. It was her brother who entered her into a contest being held by a group called the Justice Democrats, headed by the above-named people. It was quite literally a casting call. Out of 10,000 entries, AOC won the role to play the Congresswoman from New York’s 14th District. They make no secret of this.

AOC indisputably has star power. The film featuring her at the Sundance Film Festival was such a hit, that the producers were immediately able to sell the non-theatrical distribution rights to Netflix for a lofty $10 million, which is almost unheard-of for an independent documentary film in today’s market.

From the Justice Democrats’ own promotional film, it appears that at least going in, AOC doesn’t plan on being the Bronx’ Representative for very long. As she says, in the promo, “If you’re a one-term Congressmember, so what? You can make ten years’ worth of change in one term.” Disposable candidates actually appears to be part of the Justice Democrats’ business model.

The Justice Democrats have created a very data-driven, organized, Silicon Valley approach to politics and the Democrat Party. They have a business plan and a platform, which includes the Green New Deal, which they admit was written over the course of a weekend last December (obvious to anyone who’s read it). Their lack of qualifications notwithstanding, they want nothing less than to 1. replace the Democrat Party with the young Social Democrats who they control, 2. take control of Congress and then 3. take over the United States. It’s all about control.

They identify vulnerable districts they think they can win and they “primary them”. They have a very effective social media marketing plan for collecting new candidates who will run on their platform. They audition, groom and train their candidates in their talking points, they raise the campaign funds and expertly do their intensive social media.

AOC’s Chief-of-Staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, a 33-year-old self-made millionaire tech entrepreneur came under fire last week when it was discovered that he’d diverted over $1 million of AOC’s campaign funds into a series of shell corporations that appear to have been deliberately set up to obscure the destination of the funds, in a total contradiction to AOC’s pledges to increase transparency and to reduce the influence of “dark money” in politics. Both he and AOC have been named in a complaint filed with the Federal Elections Committee (FEC) to investigate their shady PACs. If convicted, they could technically do a few years in prison.

It’s been determined that the mastermind behind Chakrabarti is Zack Exley, a Saul Alinksy-ite, Radical Leftist who’s been a political operative for some time, working on campaigns for John Kerry, the UK’s Labour Party, Bernie Sanders, as the Chief Revenue Officer of the Wikimedia Foundation and an associate of George Soros’ Open Borders Foundation.

Don’t miss this scary, excellent report from Mr. Reagan.



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