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Video: Zeitgeist - Addendum

This is a followup presentation from the makers of the original Zeitgeist movie.  It's specifically focused on the banking system and is a must see for everyone.  Money is critical and central to all of our lives and yet very few of us understands anything about how our monetary and banking system really works.   YOU MUST WATCH THIS FILM if you really want to understand what is going on in our economy.  The ruthless, predatory bankers have been the scourge of the planet since the very first money lender appeared.   They are engineering the current financial crisis just as they created the great depression in order to consolidate even more wealth and power into their own selfish greedy hands.  The film also provides a vision for what the world could look like if these lunatics were removed from power and the corrupt system were replaced with one that supported weapons of mass creation rather than weapons of mass destruction.  This film presents a true picture of the world we currently find ourselves in and makes it very clear  that WE are responsible for supporting it thus far.  It's up to us to stop supporting it.  And it's up to us to create the kind of world we want.


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Video: The Money Masters - The Complete History of Money and Those That Control It

This amazing 3.5 hour documentary covers the entire history of money and who has control of it.  I guarantee you if you devote the time to watch this entire film, you will truly understand the way the world works and who really controls it.  You'll discover who actually orchestrated all major wars, all inflation, all boom and bust cycles and even caused the great stock market crashes and depression.  Learn how a handful of privileged few have conned everyone into letting them legally counterfeit money and through that power, they have stolen the bulk of the wealth on this planet for themselves.


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Video: Inside Job

This is a look at the film 'Inside Job' provides a comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost over $20 trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and nearly resulted in a global financial collapse. The film traces the rise of a rogue industry which has corrupted politics, regulation, and academia. It was made on location in the United States, Iceland, England, France, Singapore, and China.


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Video: Frontline - The Untouchables

FRONTLINE investigates why Wall Street’s leaders have escaped prosecution for any fraud related to the sale of bad mortgages.

Are Wall Street executives “too big to jail”? In the 2013 documentary, “The Untouchables,” producer and correspondent Martin Smith (“Money, Power, and Wall Street”) investigates why the U.S. Department of Justice failed to act on credible evidence that Wall Street knowingly packaged and sold toxic mortgage loans to investors, loans that brought the U.S. and world economies to the brink of collapse. Through interviews with top prosecutors, government officials and industry whistleblowers, FRONTLINE reports allegations that Wall Street bankers ignored pervasive fraud when buying pools of mortgage loans.


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Video: Corbett Report - Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve

What is the Federal Reserve system? How did it come into existence? Is it part of the federal government? How does it create money? Why is the public kept in the dark about these important matters? In this feature-length documentary film, The Corbett Report explores these important question and pulls back the curtain on America's central bank.


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Video: Greenspan Admits Government Has No Say Over What the Fed Does

The Federal Reserve System was set up by private bankers as a primary piece of their global banking cartel. It's primary function is to protect the interests of the large private bankers and give them total control over our currency. Once they gained that control, they can control just about everything because we've literally given them the ability to create money they don't really have. They get to legally create money whenever they need it. How long would you stay out of jail if you tried to do something like that?

The Federal Reserve System is yet another massive fraud perpetrated on the American people by those with the most wealth and power. Throughout history they have taken the most wealth and power through killing, stealing and lying, so it really should come as no surprise.

We must take away their primary source of power, the power over money or we are going to lose this country to their tyrannical ways which dictate that we all should be indebted and subservient to them.


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Sorry, Jerome Powell, the Fed Is and Has Always Been Political

By Andrew Moran

The history of the Federal Reserve is a tale of corruption, manipulation, and central planning. The U.S. central bank is the chief cause of the booms and the busts, the recessions and the depressions. For the last century, every official emanating from the Eccles Building claims that the Fed is and has always been an independent institution, without any interference from the White House and Capitol Hill. If you think that’s true, then we have a $4.5 trillion balance sheet that we want to sell to you.

Fed Chair Jerome Powell recently spoke in Stockholm, where he delivered prepared remarks stressing the importance of Fed independence. He acknowledged that public confidence in public institutions is at an all-time low, and that bodies like the Fed need to avoid taking their independence for granted.

His comments came after Kevin Warsh, a former Fed governor and President Donald Trump’s top candidate to helm the central bank, suggested that the White House does not respect Fed neutrality.

“In some sense the broader notion of an independent agency, that’s probably not an obvious feature to the president,” Warsh told Politico.

But can anyone blame President Trump if he doesn’t view the Fed as a non-partisan body? If Warsh’s assessment is correct, then the president is likely considering its 100-year history of working with Democratic and Republican administrations to steer the economy in a certain direction for political gain.

Trump Slams the Fed in 2016

Throughout the 2016 election campaign, the real estate billionaire mogul was one of the few presidential candidates to slam the Federal Reserve. Although he changed his mind a few times, whether it was low interest rates or his opinion of Janet Yellen, he routinely slammed the Fed. He even took the thunder away from Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), whose father crusaded against the Fed.

Trump’s biggest gripe about the Fed was its political nature. In September 2016, Trump told CNBC that the Fed is beholden to political interests, explaining that it kept rates too low for too long to produce a “false stock market” for then-President Barack Obama.

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In a Cashless World, You'd Better Pray the Power Never Goes Out

Editor's Note: It is sold as a convenience, like every other form of control foisted on humanity but it's NOT A GOOD IDEA. The bankers already have almost total control over us. Let them do this and game over.

By Ryan McMaken

When Hurricane Maria knocked out power in Puerto Rico, residents there realized they were going to need physical cash — and a lot of it.

Bloomberg reported yesterday that the Fed was forced to fly a planeload of cash to the Island to help avert disaster:

    William Dudley, the New York Fed president, put the word out within minutes, and ultimately a jet loaded with an undisclosed amount of cash landed on the stricken island...

    [Business executive in Puerto Rico] described corporate clients’ urgent requests for hundreds of thousands in cash to meet payrolls, and the challenge of finding enough armored cars to satisfy endless demand at ATMs. Such were the days after Maria devastated the U.S. territory last month, killing 39 people, crushing buildings and wiping out the island’s energy grid. As early as the day after the storm, the Fed began working to get money onto the island,

For a time, unless one had a hoard of cash stored up in one's home, it was impossible to get cash at all. 85 percent of Puerto Rico is still without power, as of October 9. Bloomberg continues: "When some generator-powered ATMs finally opened, lines stretched hours long, with people camping out in beach chairs and holding umbrellas against the sun."


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Wells Fargo Reveals Up To 1.4 Million More Fake Accounts

Editor's Note: Wells Fargo has admitting massive amounts of fraud but it suffers ZERO CONSEQUENCES, as is the same for all the so-called "too big to fail banks."  It's time we stopped waiting for the gubermint to do something about it because they will not.  They are bought and paid for by the banks.  The solution is very simple.  We don't need anyone else to help us.  Simply take all your money out of these banks and put it into your local community bank or credit union.  Then the big banks will crash and burn as they should have a long time ago.

By Matthew Rocco

Wells Fargo on Thursday disclosed that its fake accounts scandal affected up to 3.5 million customers in total, far more than the 2.1 million accounts it previously said were possibly opened without customers’ knowledge.

The San Francisco-based bank first acknowledged in September 2016 that employees opened scores of unauthorized accounts since 2011. It subsequently revamped its pay structure and eliminated sales goals, moving away from policies that encouraged branch employees to open multiple accounts for customers. After news reports indicated that the problem dated back to 2009, Wells Fargo launched a new review of account data.

Wells Fargo said the third-party review revealed up to 1.4 million additional fake accounts, and the total number of accounts that incurred fees and charges grew to 190,000. The bank will provide another $2.8 million in refunds and credits on top of the $3.3 million it already refunded to affected customers.

Also, Wells Fargo said 528,000 customers were enrolled in its online bill pay service without signing up for it. Those customers will receive a combined $910,000 in refunds.

“We apologize to everyone who was harmed by unacceptable sales practices that occurred in our retail bank,” Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan said in a statement.

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Standard And Customery Fraudulent Banking Practices

Editor's Note: Wells Fargo has admitting massive amounts of fraud but it suffers ZERO CONSEQUENCES, as is the same for all the so-called "too big to fail banks."  It's time we stopped waiting for the gubermint to do something about it because they will not.  They are bought and paid for by the banks.  The solution is very simple.  We don't need anyone else to help us.  Simply take all your money out of these banks and put it into your local community bank or credit union.  Then the big banks will crash and burn as they should have a long time ago.

By Neil Garfield
LivingLies Weblog

The creation of fake accounts and fake services comes as no surprise to anyone who has been involved in foreclosure defense. As usual the response from Wells Fargo was a blatant lie. It wasn't 2.1 MILLION fake accounts that were opened, it is now 3.5 MILLION fake accounts and there is more to come. Oh, and another 528,000 customers of Wells Fargo also got signed up for BillPay when they didn't ask for it.

The point of all this is that Wells Fargo figured correctly that the penalty was worth the gain. By fraudulently expanding its reported portfolio of accounts and services, Wells Fargo had falsely represented a key indicator of its growth and health, causing its stock price to rise. The end result is a few million dollars in "refunds" while the increase in the stock price was worth billions.

Most people, whether they are Judges, lawyers or consumers, want to believe that the banks run on trust. But in fact, while the smaller and mid-sized banks run on trust, the large banks have made fraud a customary industry-standard practice. Let me put it this way --- it is industry standard practice to violate banking and lending laws.

Hence my admonition to avoid "admitting" anything the banks say in litigation --- even the representation that the lawyer has a client or that the plaintiff is the plaintiff. The banks correctly anticipated that judges would come to the conclusion that foreclosure defense was a scam. In order to "move their

The banks correctly anticipated that judges would come to the conclusion that foreclosure defense was a scam. In order to "move their docket" they ruled in ways that would virtually guarantee that the bank or servicer would get the foreclosure sale. Swamped by millions of foreclosures (which despite popular belief have not stopped or even slowed down) this was considered the best way to clear out the millions of foreclosures that "had to happen."

But if we start with the correct supposition that most of the documents used in collection and foreclosures are fake, then judges would return to the old style of scrutinizing the documents proffered by the banks and send the bank's lawyer packing because the chain of title did NOT match up. THAT would have cleared the dockets much faster as banks realized they would not be able to get their "get out of jail" ticket that came in the form of an official court judgment and an official forced sale of the property. The implication is that everything that preceded the foreclosure judgment and sale was indeed legal. But as we have seen, neither the judgments nor the sales should have been allowed.

It is understandable that judges would lean toward the banks. The logic of the existence of a loan and therefore the existence of a creditor certainly is more appealing than the logic of fake transactions starting with origination and continuing right up to the time of the foreclosure sale. So judges went with the easier, more logical inference that the banks could be trusted even if some of their paperwork was dubious. It may have seemed like the right thing to do, but they got it wrong.

Had judges exercised their inherent right and duty to scrutinize the documents submitted in a foreclosure action, even if the foreclosure was unopposed, there would never have been a foreclosure crisis, even if there might have been a crisis in the bond market where the nominal value of "derivatives" far exceeded their actual value. But if we ever want to truly get over this and not just think it is over because the banks pay for articles announcing the end of the foreclosure crisis, then we must start with fundamentals.

The fundamentals are that in virtually all cases where there are transfers and originations of loans, there was no actual event in the real world. The documents represent a fictional story --- and the people who paid for it are all the investors in such derivatives (worthless) and all the millions of homeowners who were trapped by fraudulent lending practices, fake representations, and appraisals.  Secondarily the rest of society paid for it with entire neighborhoods crashing and in many tens of thousands of cases demolished after the alleged "bank" or "servicer" told the homeowner that they didn't qualify for a settlement (modification) or that the "investor" had rejected the modification.

The truth is that the investor never heard of the homeowner and the homeowner never heard of the investor. It was all in the province of intermediaries acting as though there was a person behind the curtain when the space was void. The Trusts are empty and no amount of "re-securitizing" into new trusts (whose existence is only suggested on paper with no property entrusted to the "Trustee") will change the fact that, as between the homeowner and the party named on the note and mortgage, nothing ever actually happened.

Thus the Wells Fargo practice of creating false accounts for their own reasons was merely the outgrowth of the creation of fake loan accounts, fake servicing, and fake foreclosures.


Also See: Wells Fargo Reveals Up To 1.4 Million More Fake Accounts

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