Video: Greenspan Admits Government Has No Say Over What the Fed Does
The Federal Reserve System was set up by private bankers as a primary piece of their global banking cartel. It's primary function is to protect the interests of the large private bankers and give them total control over our currency. Once they gained that control, they can control just about everything because we've literally given them the ability to create money they don't really have. They get to legally create money whenever they need it. How long would you stay out of jail if you tried to do something like that?
The Federal Reserve System is yet another massive fraud perpetrated on the American people by those with the most wealth and power. Throughout history they have taken the most wealth and power through killing, stealing and lying, so it really should come as no surprise.
We must take away their primary source of power, the power over money or we are going to lose this country to their tyrannical ways which dictate that we all should be indebted and subservient to them.