You can talk all you want about this or that politician taking a bold step, but this is the boldest move I can even think of in the last 4 years, much less the last 12 months.
Iowa’s governor Kim Reynolds is lifting the Covid restrictions locking her law-abiding constituents in their homes. And that’s not all. She’s freeing bars and restaurants, freeing people from masks, and stopping the limits on gatherings.
In other words, Reynolds is ending Covid restrictions on businesses in the state. ALL restrictions.
KCRG-TV9 news anchor Beth Malicki first broke the news.
Here’s more from the Cedar Rapids station.
Effective at 12:01 A.M. on Sunday, the proclamation removes mask requirements, gathering limits, and restrictions on businesses.
“The proclamation strongly encourages Iowans, businesses and organizations to take reasonable public health measures consistent with guidance from the Iowa Department of Public Health,” said Pat Garrett, a spokesperson for the Governor’s Office.
It “urges” businesses and people to do measures like social distances, but only URGES. In other words, she tells the people and the businesses to use their good judgment and take responsibility for themselves. Like Americans.
Wow. Seriously wow.
The proclamation states that “I strongly encourage that all businesses or other employers remaining open with in-person operations take reasonable measures under the circumstances of each establishment to ensure the health of employees, patrons, and members of the public, including social distancing practices, increased hygiene practices, and other public health measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 consistent with guidance issued by the Iowa Department of Public Health” and that “This section shall not be a basis for closing or taking enforcement action against a business or other employer absent an additional specific order or directive of the Iowa Department of Public Health.”
Here’s the full proclamation. It goes into extensive detail on every aspect, from Dentistry to bars to IN-PERSON SCHOOLING.
Just… WOW!!