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Identity Politics Is Destroying Us

How diversity mania is poisoning politics, culture, education and science

By Lisette Bassett-Brody

“Identity Politics” – a sacred cause for today’s Democratic Party – is reshaping American life, law, politics, culture and virtually every major institution. Yet most people have little or no idea what it really is – or how dangerous.

Though the term has changed meanings over the years, “identity politics” today has morphed into something so perverse and destructive as to literally promote hatred, conflict and mental illness on the individual level, and on a societal level widespread mistrust, tribalization and ultimate disintegration of the greatest nation in history.

All this is dramatically explored in the October 2018 issue of WND’s acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, “IDENTITY POLITICS IS DESTROYING US: How diversity mania is poisoning politics, culture, education and science.

Not long ago, America was almost universally recognized as not just the world’s most powerful and successful nation, but amazingly enough, also the freest, most optimistic and unified, despite its being the most multi-ethnic country in history. That’s why America has long been the No. 1 destination for refugees and other immigrants the world over.

But today – thanks to this mysterious factor called “identity politics” – America’s treasured unity has been replaced by a bizarre national obsession with “systemic racism,” “implicit bias,” “discrimination,” “structural inequality,” “misogyny,” “Islamophobia,” “xenophobia,” “homophobia,” “transphobia” and a never-ending stream of new sins and phobias.

Indeed, it’s all today’s left can talk about, having successfully propagated the myth that the ranks of Republicans and Christian conservatives are full of racists, fascists, Klansmen and Nazis. Meanwhile, college students are drowning in a culture of fear and guilt, pathologically fixated on mysterious new phantom sins like “white privilege,” “toxic masculinity,” “micro-aggressions” and “cultural appropriation.

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Video: Trump @War

Trump @ War provides a detailed accounting of the revolution between liberal and conservative ideologies that took place in the months leading up to the 2016 elections. Most people who followed mainstream liberal media outlets never saw the depth of the actual force and violence exacted against Trump supporters during demonstrations and rallies. This film is a display of the no-holds-barred attacks against his supporters, and a truthful exposition of the efforts to diminish Trump’s message and stop him from winning the election in November of 2016.

The movie shows why it’s critical for every American who voted for him in 2016 to continue supporting him in upcoming midterms by voting out every RINO you can and supporting him since he's most likely going to be the nominee once again in 2024.


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Video: Mark Levin Spots 3 Remarkable Similarities Among the Kavanaugh Allegations

Three question marks
Mark Levin addresses the latest sexual assault allegations raised against Judge Brett Kavanaugh and pointed out a pattern.  “No witnesses, no corroboration, no evidence. That’s the pattern,” Levin said.

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Video: Democrats Are Desperate For The Black Vote

Millie Weaver scouts out an Obama rally in East Cleveland, Ohio to get an idea of how the Democrats are going to perform in the midterms.

Millie Weaver scouts out an Obama rally in East Cleveland, Ohio to get an idea of how the Democrats are going to perform in the midterms. Upon observation Weaver finds the rally demographic turnout was predominantly white middle class attendees that don’t appear to be East Cleveland residents.

East Cleveland is a historically poor area consisting of a 90% African American population. Many articles cite the residents frustration with their government representatives neglecting the crisis of condemned buildings, crime, and poverty that inflict the city.

It appears that the Democrats intentionally planned Obama’s speaking event in this city in a desperate attempt to real in black voters this midterm election that the Democrats failed to capture in the 2016 presidential election. Citing video footage of Obama’s rally attendees Weaver concurs that the Democrats may still be unsuccessful in capturing the black vote this midterm election.


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Five Clues Don Jr.’s Trump Tower Meeting Was Set Up as Dem Dirty Trick

Editor's Note: Just like the fake Steele dossier, the Trump Tower meeting was a setup to be exploited should Trump be elected (part of the now infamous "insurance policy" talked about by FBI agent Peter Strzok). Hillary Clinton and the Deep State play as dirty as dirty gets. And they keep milking "this one single lame non-event" to try and keep the fake Russia Trump collusion narrative on life-support.


NEW YORK — Amid renewed news media attention focusing on the infamous brief meeting at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016 between individuals tied to Russia, Donald Trump Jr. and other campaign officials, it is instructive to review the largely unreported details surrounding the get-together that point to the increasing likelihood of the confab being set up as a dirty trick against Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

By Aaron Klien

Below, in no particular order, are five key details drawn from Breitbart News investigative reporting that raise immediate questions about the possibility of anti-Trump shady business at play in arranging the infamous meeting.

1 – Rob Goldstone, the English publicist and music manager, admitted that when he wrote Donald Trump Jr. to set up the meeting with a Russian attorney at Trump Tower he used deliberately hyperbolic language to ensure that the meeting took place. In testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee reviewed in full by Breitbart News, Goldstone further said that he believes the meeting was a “bait and switch” by a Russian lobbyist seeking a meeting on another matter by misleadingly claiming to be bringing the Trump campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton.

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Video: Ingraham: Pride, Bitterness, Refusal To Give Peace A Chance

While the left's audience shrinks and tunes them out, the people see through the media manipulation – and Trump, both at home and abroad – is undeterred by their static. He's too busy winning.


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Video: He’s Leaving The Democratic Party And Starting A Serious Movement

He has forged a path to help others wake up and leave the Democratic Party.

A young man stands on his principles and convictions to leave a political party he supported and his video announcement should be shared.

I’ve watched many people rise and leave the Democratic Party but in this video below, this young man is the epitome of “waking up.” But he doesn’t stop there, he’s put his thoughts in a video with a new movement called #WalkAway.

This is awesome.


Additionally, over the past few months, I’ve watched conservatives engaged in victimhood and identity politics led by inexperience voices with no solutions. These voices think that they can tweet a revolution without proof.

This young man is different. He has forged a path to help others wake up and leave the Democratic Party. I’ve said on many occasions that anyone can be a voice to win over voters from the other side and this young man is doing it.

Source: The Unsilent Majority Facebook Page

Today I’m kicking off the #WalkAway campaign by releasing my video about why I am walking away from liberalism and the Democratic Party. It is my sincere hope that you will join me in this campaign and that we may start a movement in this country- which not only encourages others to walk away from the divisive left, but also takes back the narrative from the liberal media about what it means to be a conservative in America. It is up to all of us to make our voices heard and reclaim the truth.

The Democratic Party has taken for granted that it owns racial, sexual, and religious minorities in America. It has encouraged groupthink, hypocrisy, division, stereotyping, resentment, and the acceptance of victimhood mentality. And all the while, they have discouraged minorities from having independent thought, open dialogue, measured and informed opinion, and a motivation to succeed.

Please like and share my video, and please post your own #WalkAway video!! If you are a former liberal who has walked away from the left, please share your story, or your message, or your thoughts in a video on the WalkAway Campaign Facebook Page.

If you are a lifelong conservative or non-Democrat, please share your story, message, or thoughts on what it truly means to be a conservative. Right now, the liberal media continues to perpetuate a false narrative about the “hateful” and “bigoted” right. Use your voice to let people know who conservatives really are. Be sure to use the hashtag #WalkAway.

I am so proud of this video and the specific points he has made. I hope that you find a spot on your timeline for this message as it is clear-cut ready to help others leave that evil political establishment.


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