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Video: Media Malfeasance: The Ivermectin Poisoning Hoax Exposed

Kristi Leigh Report: IVERMECTIN POISONING HOAX.  Just like they did with Hydroxychloroquine to scare everyone away from it.  Rolling Stone Issues "Correction" After Horse De-wormer Hit Piece Debunked.  Just another example of the death of mainstream media.  As the propaganda puppets clamored to get control of the narrative - due diligence was lost.  The story was a mess, to begin with.  After blasting Joe Rogan for using Ivermectin and daring to get well, nearly every legacy media outlet described the drug as a horse medicine.  It wasn't!  It was the human pill that's been prescribed to billions over decades.  Then they doubled down with this story.  "People Overdosing on the Horse Paste and Clogging Up Hospitals."  KFOR ran this even after running a story dated August 26 saying 11 people had called for poison and drugs since May.  Eleven people?  Over the course of 3-4 months?  Does that sound like it would clog up hospitals?  Were any admitted to ICU?  Did anyone die?


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Study: Natural Immunity 27 Times More Effective Against Delta Variant Than Vaccines

By Leah Anaya

A recently published study has found that natural immunity is, in fact, more effective against COVID-19 delta variant than a vaccine.

The study showed that people who are vaccinated are 27 times more likely to get a COVID infection that is symptomatic than someone who has developed natural immunity.

Harvard Medical School biostatistician and epidemiologist professor Martin Kulldorff said that this information points to vaccine passports being unscientific as well as discriminatory.

“Prior COVID disease (many working class),” Kulldorff said on Twitter, “provides better immunity than vaccines (many professionals), so vaccine mandates are not only scientific nonsense, they are also discriminatory and unethical.”

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Video: Dr. Christina Park - Michigan Doctor Slams Workforce Vaccine Mandates

I uploaded this video to FaceBook and it was immediately deleted and I am banned from posting anything for 24 hours. This is an outstanding presentation by "an honest expert," Dr. Christina Park to the Michigan House. Dr. Parks holds a PhD in cellular and molecular biology. Testifying before the Michigan House last week, Dr. Christina Parks delivered powerful expert analysis explaining it’s unethical for the government to mandate vaccines which, not only don’t prevent transmission, but actually appear to be weakening the human immune system.


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Japan Halts 2.6m Moderna Doses After Additional Vials Found to Contain 'Foreign Substances,' 2 Men Die

Two men with no preexisting condition, in their 30s, died last week after receiving covid shots from Moderna that officials discovered contained "foreign matter" that "reacts to magnets.



Chris Menahan

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Video: March 2020: Chris Sky Predicted It All!

Canadian Chris Sky has been out front fighting against the tyranny justified by the manufactured COVID pandemic from the very beginning. Here he is back in March 2020 predicting precisely what these control freak psychopaths were going to do to everyone. How did he know? Not rocket science. He knows history. The psychopaths behind all of this have done the same things for centuries. The only difference now is they have the technology they have always dreamed of to make all their evil wet dreams a reality if we let them.


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‘Ultra-Vaxxed’ Israel Sees Huge Surge in Covid as ‘Experts’ Avoid the Only Logical Conclusion

What you won’t hear anyone in government, mainstream media, academia, or Big Tech tell us is the only logical conclusion: The “vaccines” aren’t working.


By JD Ruker

Israel is one of the most vaccinated nations in the world. 80% of their eligible population is vaccinated, far beyond what was once being touted as a “herd immunity” level necessary for life to return to normal. Despite their success in getting their population to have experimental drugs injected into their bodies, the country is suffering through a huge spike in cases. Tuesday had nearly the highest new case total the nation has seen since the pandemic began.

There have been plenty of reasons given for this. Some point to Israel opening up and letting people take off their masks for a short time. Others say it’s normal for there to be occasional spikes following mass vaccinations, ignoring literally every successful vaccine in world history. Then, there are those who are trying to move the goalpost, blaming the Delta Variant for forcing us to accept that the vaccine are more of a deterrent than protection.

One particularly clueless news anchor compared the vaccines to watches, saying “Some watches are waterproof while others are water-resistant.” She seemed to feel smart after revealing her analogy.

What you won’t hear anyone in government, mainstream media, academia, or Big Tech tell us is the only logical conclusion: The “vaccines” aren’t working.

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FDA ‘Approval’ Letter for Pfizer Vaccine Had Several Key Future Dates of 2024 to Complete Studies

Then Threw Them All In the Garbage and Approved it Now

By Joe Hoft

The FDA claimed last year their ‘rigorous testing means final vaccine approval in 2024!’  Then it was approved yesterday.

The FDA’s Pfizer vaccine approval letter contains the dates of when studies were to be completed.

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Video: COVID Jabs Causing Horrific New Disease in Children - Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome

This is a segment of an interview with Dr. Ryan Ardis in which he exposes A KNOWN Horrific disease caused by the COVID Jabs on Children called Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome.  There is ZERO legitimate reason for children to be injected with a totally experimental and dangerous cocktail when it is well known they have virtually ZERO risk of dying from COVID or any of the alleged variants.


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See the full interview with Ryan Ardis where he also exposes the truth about how they manufactured the perception that a pandemic was occurring by employing deliberate misdiagnosing and deadly treat protocols. https://kickthemallout.com/article.php/V-Dr_Bryan_Ardis-The_Pandemic_of_Deliberate_Misdiagnosing_and_Deadly_Treatment_Protocols.

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Video: Tucker - No Masks For Rich Democrats

Surprise: American politicians who make mask mandates don’t bother following mask mandates. Tucker Carlson discusses how elitist Democrats want you to shut up and obey! He highlights a recent fundraising event where the only people forced to wear face masks are THE SERVANTS. THIS IS THE KIND OF WORLD THESE LUNATICS ARE HELL-BENT ON IMPOSING ON US ALL!


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Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Ordinary Viral Load

They Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers

A preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.

A groundbreaking preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, includes alarming findings devastating to the COVID vaccine rollout. 

The study found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.

While moderating the symptoms of infection, the jab allows vaccinated individuals to carry unusually high viral loads without becoming ill at first, potentially transforming them into presymptomatic superspreaders. 

This phenomenon may be the source of the shocking post-vaccination surges in heavily vaccinated populations globally. 

The paper’s authors, Chau et al, demonstrated widespread vaccine failure and transmission under tightly controlled circumstances in a hospital lockdown in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.

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