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Video: "The Biggest Shell Game In Town"

The Shocking Revelation of Government Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports

"The Biggest Game in Town" video was produced on January 8th 2000 and then was distributed only by VHS tapes. About 8,000 originals were distributed internationally and copy/distribution rights were given whereby about 140,000 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation copies were circulated. The documentary published to Google video is not the best film quality but it gets the valid information out there and was annotated on the lower script line with 2008 information. This was the first CAFR1 video that got the ball rolling for international disclosure of the CAFR of which has become the biggest shell game played in government finance.

Government promotes annual "Budget Reports" and at the
same time virtually not a peep as to their Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Do a Google search on CAFR The shell game in simple analogy that has been played out by government per the CAFR vs. The Budget is as follows: If you have a basket of 40 apples (the budget) and a basket of 200 oranges (the CAFR), if you audit the basket of apples you will find 40 apples and then government implies "an audit of the fruit basket shows 40 apples, look no oranges!" A complete AUDIT of international holdings and trading activity is URGENTLY needed to see the "NET" results of the market manipulations that took place since September 2001 to present...... Will this happen? Not as long as the foxes maintain regulation over the hen house!

SEE: http://TaxRetirement.com Learn quickly... have no doubts about it, final ownership of our country by the corporate government syndicate or by the people is at stake here. The BLACK-OUT continues from our government, the syndicated media, controlled education, and both primary political
parties.. DUE TO THE MONEY AND CONTROL INVOLVED! Merry Christmas - Happy Holidays - and a Great New Year! Walter J. Burien, Jr. Producer of The Biggest Game in Town - January 8th 2000 Support CAFR1 -

PS: I just got my hard copy edition of: "Don't Start the Revolution Without Me" by Jesse
Ventura the ex-governor of Minnesota. I think I will enjoy greatly reading the book of a straight shooter who doesn't pull his punches..


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Video: $21 Trillion Missing – U.S. Government A Criminal Enterprise

Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says you can add $21 trillion of missing federal money on top of the $20 trillion U.S. deficit. It’s all in a new explosive report on Solari.com.  Fitts explains, “This is $65,000 for every man, woman and child resident in America.  In addition, it is now more than the outstanding official debt on the U.S. balance sheet. . . . We know that the U.S. government has been run like a criminal enterprise from a financial standpoint.”

The new report was put together by Dr. Mark Skidmore at Michigan State University, and it is a detailed year-by-year study of DOD and HUD budgets between 1998 and 2015. The missing money is called “undocumentable adjustments,” but that may just be a polite name for theft, fraud and crime against “We the People.”  Fitts contends, “Here’s the critical issue because technology is leading us through tremendous change, and the people who get their hands on this technology and are able to subsidize the cost of capital are the ones that are going to win.  They have done that by basically hijacking the federal credit and using it to help centralize power under them.  So, we have to reverse that, and the Constitution is the tool to hold them accountable.  All their arguments just fall down when you realize they have just stolen an enormous amount of money from the federal government outside the law. . . . The U.S. Federal government doesn’t have information sovereignty, and it doesn’t have financial sovereignty.  So, we have to return it to that, and we have to keep that mechanism open long enough to get this money back.”

Fitts contends the Deep State swamp creatures do not want to give the money back and want to tear up the U.S. Constitution in order to keep all those trillions of stolen dollars. Fitts explains, “You want to preserve the Constitution because you want to have individual sovereignty, and you want your taxes to only go into things that have financial and national sovereignty.  So, that has to be restored.  The reason they want to tear up the Constitution is they don’t want to give the money back.  That’s a legal mechanism that requires us and gives us the power to reverse this. . . . They say we have $20 trillion in debt, and there is no money.  It’s a very different policy discussion if I can say, wait a minute, there’s $20 trillion in debt, but you stole $21 trillion . . . and we’re putting that back on the table for purposes of this policy discussion.”

In other words, “We the People” could pay off the entire federal deficit with the money that was stolen and still have $1 trillion left over.

Fitts also says, “Here’s the magic trick. You don’t need everybody to change this.  It only takes 5% to 10% of the population to completely turn this around.  It doesn’t take everybody, and that is one of the things that has got them so scared. . . . We don’t need to implode the federal government.  We need to take it back, clean it up and get it to run according to the law.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with the President of Solari.com, Catherine Austin Fitts, Publisher of “The Solari Report.”


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