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Ben Garrison's Guide To The Deep State Swamp

Trump’s election confirmed one thing for certain: The Deep State is real.

By Ben Garrison

The Deep State's dedication to removing our president from power is relentless
. They will continue to work against him and if Trump backs off from any of his campaign promises, they’ll use that against him and claim victory. This is currently being done with his ambivalence on the ‘dreamers,’ which is a lefty name designed to garner sympathy for illegal aliens.

My cartoon shows some of the central players involved in the Deep State. Prominently featured is George Soros. He wants to break America and Europe and see western civilization replaced by a feudal, collectivist, globalist system.

The source of the swamp is evil itself. We know that many at the top are Satanic pedophiles. It’s sickening that we’re forced to cough up tax dollars as tribute for these monsters. We are forced to endure complicated tax forms and cough up our hard-earned money because the Deep State wants us kept poor, fearful and compliant. The tyrants know most people don’t want to lose their stuff and be hassled by the IRS. We go along and don’t push back enough. That attitude puts us on a slippery slope.

We slide into the swamp and the Deep State wins.

Currently they’re pushing for more taxes and control by means of their ‘climate change’ con, led by Al Gore. Those who question it are ridiculed, marginalized, or even threatened. Slippery slopes are created to keep people going along with the Deep State program when we should be rounding up people such as Soros. Hillary should have been locked up by now. The central bankers should be broken up and their Federal Reserve needs to be ended.

There are many good people on the Internet who are exposing the Deep State and its legion of lies, but can it lead to real change?

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Video: Milton Friedman On Universal Health Care

Milton Friedman and his take on the idea of socialized medicine also known as universal health care. He is no fan of the idea. Citing it will detract from both quality of care and increases overall cost. Universal health care is still a issue that is strongly debated today. Milton Friedman was an American economist who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.


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Video: Catherine Herridge Uncovers State Dept. Cover-Up of Benghazi Terror Attack

The US State Department hired a UK company with no experience in hostile climates who operated without weapons in Benghazi. A US security firm was told to be silent about it or risk losing future contracts. This is the Swamp Squared.


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CONFIRMED: Comey Decided He Wasn't Going to Refer Hillary For Prosecution Long Before FBI Investigation Was Over

By Katie Pavlich

According to new transcripts released by the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday afternoon, former FBI Director James Comey made the decision not to refer then Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for prosecution long before ever interviewing key witnesses. Members of the Committee allege Comey made the decision months before FBI agents were finished with the criminal investigation into her mishandling of classified information during her time as Secretary of State. 

The transcripts were revealed in a letter sent to current FBI Director Christopher Wray, in which lawmakers are demanding an explanation and more documents surrounding the case. 

"According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton.  That was long before FBI agents finished their work.  Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership.  The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts," the letter, signed by Chairman Chuck Grassley and Committee member Lindsey Graham states. "Conclusion first, fact-gathering second—that’s no way to run an investigation.  The FBI should be held to a higher standard than that, especially in a matter of such great public interest and controversy."

"It is unclear whether the FBI agents actually investigating the case were aware that Mr. Comey had already decided on the investigation’s outcome while their work was ongoing. However, it appears that the answer to that question may be underneath some of the extensive redactions that the Department made to the transcripts," the letter continues.
According to the letter and an ongoing investigation into the matter, Comey started drafting a statement exonerating Clinton in April or May of 2016. At this point, he had not interviewed Clinton herself or her closest aides. This included Bryan Pagliano, who set up the personal server where Clinton hosted and shared top secret information, and Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, who was granted immunity. On July 5, 2016, Comey made his public statement that the FBI would not be referring Clinton to the Department of Justice for prosecution. 

You can read the letter, which contains excerpts from the transcripts, here


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Video: Judge Napalitano Asks Serious Questions

Asking questions as Judge Andrew Napolitano did in a recent broadcast on his now cancelled daily show may very well be the reason behind his recent dismissal from Fox. Though specific details are hard to come by because the Judge has yet to give any interviews on the matter, it's believed that his refusal to bow to commonly manufactured media narratives is among one of several key reasons he is no longer with the network.

The following 5-Minute Speech that Got Napolitano Fired from Fox News is one that should not only be forwarded and shared with every single man, woman and child in this country, but taught and expounded upon in every social studies, civics and government class from first grade through college.


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Video: Our Leaders Are Psychopaths

They walk among us. On the outside. they’re just like you and me, but on the inside they are unfeeling automatons who care only for themselves. They are the psychopaths, and they are in control of our governments, our corporations, our military and all of the positions of power. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we delve into Political Ponerology, a diagnosis of our politicians and a brief look at the bigger picture.


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20 Declassified Files that Prove Governmental Crime and Conspiracy

Part 1

By Makia Freeman
Activist Post


Declassified files are useful in a world where truthtellers and open-minded investigators are shut down, censored and accused of being “conspiracy theorists.” Our world is fast becoming a digital censorship grid, where corporate technological behemoths like Google (who own YouTube) and Facebook rig algorithms (which control search engine results and news feeds) to elevate the information they want you to see and bury the information they don’t want you to see. Amazon too is part of this emerging multinational corporate technological oligarchy, and you may remember they have been caught censoring books in the past by forbidding them to be sold on their platform. The handy thing about declassified docs is that they are genuine pieces of evidence that prove governmental criminality. It’s hard for naysayers and censors to deny the authenticity of governmental declassified files which show that our history is full of conspiracy fact, not conspiracy theory.

With that in mind, here is part 1 of a list of 20 declassified files (most from the US Government) proving the very real crimes it has been engaged in, spanning a variety of areas including forced sterilization, mind control, weather modification, false flag operations and igniting war. The documents speak for themselves.

Declassified Files: Operation Paperclip

Think that World War II ended with the defeat of the Nazis? Think again. They didn’t get defeated; they just went south (Argentina) and joined the ranks of their conquerors (US, UK, Russia) in a dirty deal of legal immunity for inside information. The German scientists, technicians and engineers had made brilliant and groundbreaking advances in many fields in the lead-up to and during the war, and the victors didn’t have a moral problem with the Nazi weapons of destruction … the only problem was that the brilliant scientists were on the wrong side. The US got a sizeable portion of these Nazi scientists (around 1500) and smuggled them into NASA and the CIA, where some of them such as Wernher von Braun went on to make a name for themselves. Thus, the US willingly allowed its military and intelligence agencies to be infected with Nazi ideology, which continues to this day. You can read the declassified docs relating to Project Paperclip or Operation Paperclip here.

The Nazi scientists from Project or Operation Paperclip that were brought into the US.


Declassified Files: The Escape of Hitler and Other Nazis to Argentina

The mainstream narrative is that at the end of WWII, Hitler committed suicide in Berlin in a bunker. It’s a nice story, but apparently, that’s all it is – a story. In his book Hitler in Argentina: The Documented Truth of Hitler’s Escape from Berlin, author Harry Cooper produced a slew of astounding evidence that Hitler and other top Nazis such as Martin Bormann traveled in German submarines all the way to Argentina. Some of the evidence that this astonishing claim is true are these FBI declassified docs.

The article “FBI Quietly Declassified Secret Files Attesting Hitler Fled to Argentina in 1945” contains further information:

Along with the FBI documents detailing an eye witness account of Hitler’s whereabouts in Argentina, more evidence is coming to light to help prove that Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun did not die in that bunker. In 1945, the Naval Attaché in Buenos Aires informed Washington there was a high probability that Hitler and Eva Braun had just arrived in Argentina. This coincides with the sightings of the submarine U-530. Added proof comes in the form of newspaper articles detailing the construction of a Bavarian styled mansion in the foothills of the Andes Mountains. Further proof comes in the form of architect Alejandro Bustillo who wrote about his design and construction of Hitler’s new home which was financed by earlier wealthy German immigrants.

… [an] archeologist from Connecticut State, Nicholas Bellatoni was allowed to perform DNA testing on one of the skull fragments recovered. What he discovered set off a reaction through the intelligence and scholarly communities. Not only did the DNA not match any recorded samples thought to be Hitler’s, they did not match Eva Braun’s familiar DNA either.

Declassified Files: Operation Northwoods

This is a great one for all those who think that the government would never hurt its own citizens. Operation Northwoods was the outrageous plan for the US military to attack its own people and cities (Washington DC and Miami) as a false flag operation to frame Cuba. It was a pretext to invade Cuba. The 1962 declassified US Joint Cheifs of Staff Memo was entitled “Operation Northwoods – Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba.” In its own words, the document states that a “series of well coordinated incidents will be planned to take place in and around Guantanamo to give genuine appearance of being done by hostile Cuban forces.” Luckily JFK had the nous to reject the plan; by 1962 he had discerned the insidious influence of Military Intelligence Complex upon his presidency. You can find some of the declassified docs for Operation Northwoods here.

An Operation Northwoods cartoon by Mack White.

Declassified Files: CoIntelPro

CoIntelPro has become a famous word of its own, derived from the full operational name Counter Intelligence Program. This was a program run by the FBI under Hoover which started in 1956. CoIntelPro was a series of undercover operations that targeted people and groups the US Government deemed were a problem, such as the communist party, other far left groups, civil rights groups, far right groups (e.g. the KKK) and individuals activists such as Martin Luther King. The scope of CoIntelPro was broad: it involved monitoring, surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting and disrupting. Although then Attorney General Robert Kennedy authorized some spying, the FBI was given an inch and took a mile (much like today’s spy agencies), clearly overstepping the bounds of legality. It became a way for the government to intimidate and stifle dissidents. You can read declassified docs on CoIntelPro here.

Operation Mockingbird declassified files expose the control of the mainstream media by the CIA.

Declassified Files: Operation Mockingbird

Operation Mockingbird was a CIA project to infiltrate and covertly control the media. It began in the 1950s under then CIA director Allen Dulles. The declassified files (most are classified and secret, but a tiny fraction here) show how the CIA infiltrated the mainstream media and had its pieces inserted into TV, newspapers and journals everywhere as “news” when they were nothing more than lies and propaganda. Richard Salant, former President of CBS News, once said that “our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.” Mockingbird was famously exposed in the 1975 Church Committee hearings (see an video excerpt here). Nothing much has changed today. Journalists worldwide are still on the payroll, and some were brave enough to talk about it, such as the late Udo Ulfkotte.

Declassified Files: Operation MK Ultra

Operation MK Ultra has become so infamous that the term is basically synonymous with mind control. The “MK” of MK Ultra stands for mind kontrolle (German spelling of control), with a nod to the German Nazi scientists who developed it for the CIA who were brought in under Paperclip. In 1953, CIA agent Richard Helms (later CIA director in 1966) chose Dr. Sidney Gottlieb to run the TSS (Technical Service Staff) to develop truth serum drugs, hypnotic techniques and mind control techniques, with the purpose of creating spies, couriers and assassins. Eisenhower approved using Nazi scientists and Jewish victims as guinea pigs. MK Ultra was so large it had 149 sub-projects. By 1953, the emphasis of MK Ultra was LSD (see below), but by the 1960s, this had changed into biological radio communications. Helms later destroyed much of the MK Ultra archive when he left in 1972, but some declassified files remain.

Declassified Files: Operation Midnight Climax

Operation Midnight Climax, one of many MK Ultra sub-projects, used paid prostitutes to lure people into CIA safe houses in San Francisco, Marin and New York. There, they were surreptitiously given a wide range of substances, including LSD, and monitored behind one-way glass. This was not the first time, nor the last, that the US Government used drugs and other substances to experimented with upon unsuspecting individuals. The point was to study the effects of LSD and gain research on the potential military and intelligence uses of sexual blackmail, surveillance technology and mind-altering drugs. Some of the declassified files are here.

Declassified files also show evidence of CIA drug smuggling.


Declassified Files: CIA Drug Smuggling

The CIA has long used illegal drugs to fund its illegal operations. Drugs are often one of the secret motivation behind wars. Vietnam is part of the Golden Triangle of heroin-producing opium poppies, Afghanistan is also home to huge swathes of opium poppies and after the US invaded many Central and South American countries, it took control of the cocaine production there. In 1996, journalist Gary Webb exposed the connection between the CIA, cocaine and the Nicaraguan Contras. In the early 1980s the CIA pushed the sale of cocaine in Los Angeles to help finance their covert war against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. You can read some of the declassified files on this here, including excerpts from Oliver North’s notebook obtained under the FOIA. North writes that Air Force General Richard Secord told him (North) that “14 M to finance [the arms in the warehouse] came from drugs.”

Declassified Files: Operation Gladio

Operation Gladio, which still continues to this day, is the codename for a clandestine NATO “stay-behind” operation in Italy during the Cold War. The CIA spearheaded Gladio under the pretext of preventing the spread of Soviet communism in Europe. The name gladio is the Italian form of gladius, a type of Roman shortsword. Gladio came to refer to a whole range of stay-behind cells and groups in Europe, although originally, Operation Gladio was the Italian branch. Gladio became famous when then Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti talked about it. Gladio involved the Freemasons, Mafia members and the Vatican, who all united with the CIA and NATO in a holy war against communism. Operation Gladio was responsible for some horrible atrocities and false flag attacks in Italy, such as the bombing of Bologna train station in 1980. Today, even the Western-backed fighters in Nazi Ukraine and Syria are basically Gladio fighters. Declassified files on Gladio can be found here.

Stay tuned for part 2.


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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com, where this article first appeared, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.


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Video: What It Will Finally Take to Put Hillary Clinton Behind Bars

Wall Street financial analyst par excellence and investor Charles Ortel has applied the same expert research skills he employs to determine if a prospective investment follows sound solvent accounting to the Clinton criminal charity conspiracy and fraud machine. Ortel has called the Clintons the “Bonnie and Clyde” of charity fraud who make Bernie Madoff look like a piker.

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