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Stop Calling Them Liberals

By Stacey Lennox

One of my pet peeves is that words actually have meanings and people tend to misuse them all the time. The Progressive Left are masters of this, actually changing the meaning of words to fit their narrative. For example, Planned Parenthood provides “women’s healthcare”. No, they don’t. They perform abortions.

Now for a truly maddening misuse of language. When folks on the political right call Democrats and their grassroots activists “liberals”. It is even worse when Democrats refer to themselves using that term. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. It needs to stop.

The political left has evolved into a completely illiberal movement. Liberalism throughout European and American history was defined by the hallmarks of free markets, individual property rights, free expression, individual freedom and freedom from unwarranted government intrusion. According to Encyclopedia Britannica:

Liberalism, the political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others, but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty. As the revolutionary American pamphleteer Thomas Paine expressed it in “Common Sense” (1776), government is at best “a necessary evil.” Laws, judges, and police are needed to secure the individual’s life and liberty, but their coercive power may also be turned against him. The problem, then, is to devise a system that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also prevents those who govern from abusing that power.Hmmmm. The party of disarming everyone, dumping the Electoral College and tax the rich are the liberals? Of course, they aren’t. What the current iteration of the Democratic party actually espouse are Progressive values and Fabian Socialist principles. Progressives truly see the Constitution as a fluid document and are responsible for genius reforms such as the popular election of Senators and the 16th Amendment which allowed for unbridled Federal taxation.

These moves paved the way for the Fabian dream of crippling the federal system in the United States, centralizing power to a group of folks who are supposedly smarter than you in the central government, and an expansive welfare state. If you have never heard of Fabian Socialism the best description I have seen comes from Jerry Bowyer in his article for Forbes Barack Obama, Fabian Socialist in 2008 (emphasis mine):

Fabians believed in gradual nationalization of the economy through manipulation of the democratic process. Breaking away from the violent revolutionary socialists of their day, they thought that the only real way to effect “fundamental change” and “social justice” was through a mass movement of the working classes presided over by intellectual and cultural elites.

Manipulation of the Democratic process? Do you mean like Stacey Abrams and Andrew Gillum still bellyaching about having their election stolen? Maybe ballot harvesting in California? How about the lunacy of having hormone riddled teenagers vote? Or you could just look at the entirety of HR-1.

They wish to shut down dissent and implement their big government reforms by any means necessary. So just stop referring to the Democrats and their far left grassroots organizations liberals. Look at all the positive connotations associated with the word liberal:

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Video: Tucker Carlson Addresses Attempts To Kill His Show: "We Will Never Bow To The Mob"

Media Matters for America recently published a compilation of Tucker Carlson interviews. According to SFGate, the interview show the host making disparaging comments towards women. During “Tucker Carlson Tonight” the conservative commentator said Fox News supports him. Carlson said: “Toughness is a rare quality at a TV network, and we are grateful for that.” The host said he would “never bow to the mob” and he’d only apologize if he thought he was in the wrong.


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Video: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is a Puppet: The Brains Behind AOC

YouTuber Mr. Reagan explains that with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez aka AOC, the people of New York did not elect a Puerto Rican girl from the Bronx. They actually elected an Indian guy from Texas, Saikat Chakrabarti, a white guy from Tennessee, Corbin Trent.

In 2016, AOC was working as a bartender in New York City. She’d never dreamed of running for Congress. It was her brother who entered her into a contest being held by a group called the Justice Democrats, headed by the above-named people. It was quite literally a casting call. Out of 10,000 entries, AOC won the role to play the Congresswoman from New York’s 14th District. They make no secret of this.

AOC indisputably has star power. The film featuring her at the Sundance Film Festival was such a hit, that the producers were immediately able to sell the non-theatrical distribution rights to Netflix for a lofty $10 million, which is almost unheard-of for an independent documentary film in today’s market.

From the Justice Democrats’ own promotional film, it appears that at least going in, AOC doesn’t plan on being the Bronx’ Representative for very long. As she says, in the promo, “If you’re a one-term Congressmember, so what? You can make ten years’ worth of change in one term.” Disposable candidates actually appears to be part of the Justice Democrats’ business model.

The Justice Democrats have created a very data-driven, organized, Silicon Valley approach to politics and the Democrat Party. They have a business plan and a platform, which includes the Green New Deal, which they admit was written over the course of a weekend last December (obvious to anyone who’s read it). Their lack of qualifications notwithstanding, they want nothing less than to 1. replace the Democrat Party with the young Social Democrats who they control, 2. take control of Congress and then 3. take over the United States. It’s all about control.

They identify vulnerable districts they think they can win and they “primary them”. They have a very effective social media marketing plan for collecting new candidates who will run on their platform. They audition, groom and train their candidates in their talking points, they raise the campaign funds and expertly do their intensive social media.

AOC’s Chief-of-Staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, a 33-year-old self-made millionaire tech entrepreneur came under fire last week when it was discovered that he’d diverted over $1 million of AOC’s campaign funds into a series of shell corporations that appear to have been deliberately set up to obscure the destination of the funds, in a total contradiction to AOC’s pledges to increase transparency and to reduce the influence of “dark money” in politics. Both he and AOC have been named in a complaint filed with the Federal Elections Committee (FEC) to investigate their shady PACs. If convicted, they could technically do a few years in prison.

It’s been determined that the mastermind behind Chakrabarti is Zack Exley, a Saul Alinksy-ite, Radical Leftist who’s been a political operative for some time, working on campaigns for John Kerry, the UK’s Labour Party, Bernie Sanders, as the Chief Revenue Officer of the Wikimedia Foundation and an associate of George Soros’ Open Borders Foundation.

Don’t miss this scary, excellent report from Mr. Reagan.



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Video: Asian Americans Should #WalkAway - Why I'm EXHAUSTED With the Left

I'm liberal, but I no longer consider myself a liberal in today's sense. A lot of my frustration with the left is summarized by the following quote by economist Thomas Sowell: "It's the idea that you don't have to check a good sounding idea against what actually happens." I find that it's a sense of moral self-righteousness that has allowed liberals to not challenge their own ideas and remain complacent in their beliefs; it's pure intellectual laziness, and I'm tired of it. Sorry about the camera quality - I do want to make more videos potentially about current events and some personal stories, and if I decide to I'll definitely upload in higher quality. Thanks for tuning in.


Note: Two other Asian Americans have posted great videos which inspired me to share my own experience. Their names and channels are below.

Zach Hing: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKzr...
Andrew An: https://www.youtube.com/user/andrewof...




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Liberals See Truth as Subservient to Doctrine, Feelings

By Dennis Prager

Truth is not a left-wing value.

I first discovered this as a graduate student studying the Soviet Union and left-wing ideologies at the Russian Institute of Columbia University School of International Affairs. Everything I have learned since has confirmed this view.

Individuals on both the left and right lie. Individuals on both the left and right tell the truth. And liberalism, unlike leftism, does value truth. But the further left one goes, the more one enters the world of the lie.

Why does the left lie?

The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more >>

There are two main reasons.

One is that leftists deem their goals more important than telling the truth. For example, every honest economist knows women do not earn 20 percent less money than men for the same work done for the same amount of hours under the same conditions. Yet leftists repeat the lie that women earn 78 cents for every dollar men earn.

Why any employers would hire men when they could hire women and get the same amount of work done at the same level of excellence for the same number of hours while saving 20 cents on the dollar is a question only God or the sphinx could answer.

So, when New York Times columnists write this nonsense, do they believe it? The answer is they don’t ask themselves, “Is it true?” They ask themselves, “Does the claim help promote the left-wing doctrine that women are oppressed?”

 Whatever serves that end is morally justified.

The second reason is leftism is rooted in feelings, not reason or truth. From Karl Marx to Bernie Sanders, left-wing preference for socialism over capitalism is entirely rooted in emotion. Only capitalism creates wealth. Socialism merely spends what capitalism creates.

Do leftists not know this? Even if they know it, the emotional pull of socialism prevails.

Do leftists believe there are more than two sexes? Of course not. That’s why they renamed “sex” “gender”—and then redefined “gender” to mean whatever one wants it to mean.

So then, on the left, truth is subservient to two higher values: doctrine and emotion.

This leads to the question of this column: Do those on the left believe their lies?

Do leftists believe global warming will destroy the world as we know it in 12 years, as recently suggested by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.? I don’t know. They seem to talk themselves into believing their hysterias. But they don’t act on them.

Here’s a simple proof that the left is lying about the imminent threat of global warming to civilization: Leftists don’t support nuclear power. It is simply not possible to believe fossil fuel emissions will destroy the world and, at the same time, oppose nuclear power. Nuclear power is clean and safe. Sweden, a model country for leftists, meets 40 percent of its energy needs with nuclear power.

If you were certain you were terminally ill yet decline a medicine that is guaranteed to cure you, the rest of us would have every reason to assume you didn’t really believe you were terminally ill.

Here’s more evidence the left doesn’t believe its global warming hysteria: How many leftists with beachfront property anywhere in the world have sold it? If leftists really believe global warming will cause the oceans to rise and soon inundate the world’s coastal areas, why would any leftist not sell his beachfront home while he could not only make all his money back but make a profit as well?

Another example of left-wing rhetoric leftists don’t act on: The left tells us that colleges are permeated by a “rape culture,” yet virtually all left-wing parents send their daughters to college. If you were to believe any place has a culture of rape, where 1 in 4 or 5 women is raped or otherwise sexually assaulted, would you send your 18-year-old daughter there? Of course not.

So how do any left-wing mothers or fathers send their daughters to college? The answer would seem to be they know it’s a lie—but that doesn’t matter, since the left views telling the truth as incomparably less significant than combating sexism, sexual assault, misogyny, toxic masculinity, and patriarchy.

One more example: “Walls don’t work.”

It is inconceivable that people who say this—especially those with walls around their home—believe it. Yet leftists say it with the same degree of ease Stalin labeled Trotsky a fascist, even though Trotsky and Lenin were the fathers of the Bolshevik Revolution.

The question is not whether truth is a left-wing value. The only question is whether leftists believe their lies. And, believe it or not, I still don’t know.

So, conduct the following tests and decide for yourself:

Ask anyone you know who says global warming will destroy most life on Earth in 12 years why they don’t advocate nuclear power. If they tell you it’s too dangerous, you know they are hysterics, not followers of science.

Ask anyone you know who believes the global warming threat is an existential one and owns beachfront property why they aren’t selling their beachfront property.

Ask anyone who believes colleges have rape culture why they sent (or are sending) their daughter to college.

It is possible to love truth and be liberal, conservative, libertarian, an atheist, a believer, a Jew, a Christian, a Muslim, or a Hindu. But you cannot be a leftist.

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Video: Rep. Jim Jordan: Michael Cohen Is Delusional

Ohio Republican Rep. Jordan on his takeaways from convicted liar and recently disbarred Michael Cohen's testimony in front of the House Oversight Committee Circus to embarrass President Trump.


Jim Jordan's Opening Statement

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Elizabeth Warren Claimed NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE On State Bar of Texas Card

HOLY SH*T! THIS IS REAL! FRAUDSTER CAUGHT!  SIGNED AND DATED!  Can't wait to see how she's going to try and explain this one away.


By Christin Laila


Democrat elites take Elizabeth Warren out at the knees!  THIS WAS A BRUTAL HIT AGAINST A SERIAL LIAR!

The Washington Post reported this tonight!

Using an open records request during a general inquiry, The Washington Post obtained Elizabeth Warren’s registration card for the State Bar of Texas, revealing Warren identified as an “American Indian.”

Elizabeth Warren apologized for claiming to be Native American for nearly two decades as she struggles to put the scandal behind her as she prepares to announce her 2020 Presidential bid.

“I can’t go back,” Warren said in an interview with The Washington Post. “But I am sorry for furthering confusion on tribal sovereignty and tribal citizenship and harm that resulted.”

Warren apologized to the chief of the Cherokee Nation last week marking the first time she has ever apologized for falsely claiming Native American heritage.

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Video: Heather MacDonald Warns US Colleges Are Breeding Hate

Scholar: US Colleges Are ‘Breeding Grounds For Civil War’
Students taught to hate Western civilization, each other


American colleges have become ‘breeding grounds for civil war,’ warns author and political commentator Heather Mac Donald.

Mac Donald, regarded by many as a leading conservative intellectual and researcher, asserts that students are being trained to “hate” and obsess upon identity politics by predatory cultural Marxists in faculty and administration.

“Come the 80s, students were given a license for ignorance,” Mac Donald told Fox News host Mark Levin. “They were taught the only thing they needed to know about a book were the race and gender of the author to know whether it was thoroughly dismissable, without being read, and they could go on to instead wallow in their own delusional oppression.”

“It has only gotten worse since then, and what we are doing is breeding the grounds for, I fear, civil war,” she warned. “Because students are being taught to hate — to hate the greatest works of Western civilization, and frankly, to hate each other.”

“From the moment a student steps on college campus today as a freshman — or as a ‘freshperson’ I should probably say — the bureaucracy is determined to drum into that student’s head, identity politics, which says he’s either a victim or an oppressor,” she continued.

Mac Donald contends that this extreme manipulation of young minds is creating hordes of damaged collectivists who carry a “chip on their shoulders,” preventing them from “seizing the magnificent opportunities” and vast knowledge made available to them by modern society and technology.

“They carry this chip, this delusional victimology, into the world at large, and they are going around blaming American institutions of endemic racism and sexism when that no longer is true,” Mac Donald said.

Mac Donald’s comments echo sentiments she expressed in a recent article in the American Mind.

“The core sickness of the academy is not relativism but hatred,” Mac Donald wrote. “Students are taught to hate the greatest works of Western civilization, and to hate each other, based on the tribal trivialities of gonads and melanin.”

Mac Donald, a Fellow of the Manhattan Institute, made waves in 2016 with her bombshell PragerU presentation “Are the Police Racist?” analyzing police shootings and challenging the Black Lives Matter narrative.



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Candace Owens - Blexit: In My Own Words


By Candace Owens

When I uploaded my first video onto YouTube one year ago, I entitled it “Mom, Dad, I’m a Conservative.”

It was a two-minute satirical stab at the social exiling that many Americans face when they announce their conservatism to friends and family.

Soon thereafter I would discover that for black Americans, the punishment that awaits is far worse than any social exile: it is a full-court social lynching.

Search the name of any prominent black conservative and peruse the words written by liberal journalists:

Dr. Ben Carson is a “porch monkey”

Larry Elder is but an “Uncle Tom”

Kanye West is “in the sunken place”

Clarence Thomas is “a womanizer”

I have been branded a self-hating black, Nazi-sympathizer and rather astonishingly — a white supremacist.

The underlying sentiments are clear; black people are meant to think and act within the confines of what white liberals deem acceptable.

But while in the past the threat of slander has worked to lag the spreading of black conservatism, over this last year, I have observed something of the opposite effect.

In fact, what many have misdiagnosed as political tension between two ideologically disparate groups is actually something far greater, far more deep-rooted, and much more likely to alter the trajectory of this country as we know it.

Across America, black people are beginning to question political orthodoxy. We have been quietly building an ecosystem of free thinkers and at long last, the intellectual dam is breaking.

This unique moment will come to be known as BLEXIT: the black exit from the Democrat party.

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