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Medical Murder is a Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. By Design

“Medical malpractice” is the third leading cause of death at
400,000 annual deaths per year.
All these deaths can’t be malpractice. What’s behind the curtain?



Think about it.  People are too expensive; the planet doesn’t have enough resources.  If Satan is successful at selling these lies, what we see happening in real time fits like a glove.

Long before COVID, even the CDC recognized that “medical malpractice” was the third leading cause of death—heart disease 700,000; cancer 600,000; medical malpractice 400,000 annual deaths.  There is legitimate malpractice—negligence due to human error.  What’s behind the curtain?

The murder of my disabled daughter during COVID woke me up.  1,200,000 hospital murders in 39 months!  America was #1 in hospital deaths during the COVID era, with India (with 4X the population) a distant #2, with 530,000 deaths.  All these deaths can’t be malpractice.

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Video: Club Of Rome Unveils Plan To Cull Billions From The World Population

This globalist cult wants every last human dead to reduce that pesky CO2 so they can have the planet all to themselves.

The Club of Rome is the psychotic brain behind the net zero cult phenomenon and book that started it all, The Limits To Growth.

Except this cult wants every last human dead to reduce that pesky CO2 that the globalists that want the planet all to themselves keep complaining about. Problem is, even they need it to survive.




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Fertility Rate to Fall Below Replacement Level in Almost Every World Region by 2040



Fertility rates are expected to fall below the replacement rate in every region of the world except Sub-Saharan Africa by 2040, a new report reveals. 

The comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study was published in the peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet on March 20. Based on research led by the University of Washington, the report analyzes global fertility in over 200 countries between 1950 and 2021 and provides forecasts on future fertility rates to the year 2100.

The statistics in the report, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, were compiled by multiple authors. 

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Scientists Warn Global Fertility Crisis Threatens 97% of World Population, Scientists Warn

By 2050, it is projected that 75 percent of the world's fertility rates will be insufficient to maintain population levels



Global fertility is declining, with over half of all countries and territories experiencing rates below replacement levels in 2021. By 2050, it is projected that 75 percent of the world's fertility rates will be insufficient to maintain population levels.
Scientists from the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) have warned of a looming global fertility crisis that could reshape population dynamics by the end of the century.
The findings, published in The Lancet on Wednesday, suggest that fertility rates are plummeting in almost all countries below the levels required to sustain current population numbers.

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Video: Four Out of Five Americans Test Positive for Chemical Chlormequat Found in Popular Cereal Brands


A new report claims that federal officials need to take a closer look at a chemical that is increasingly prevalent in oat-based products.

The Environmental Working Group published research in the Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology that said 80 percent of the people tested in the group’s research tested positive for the chemical, according to the New York Post.

The study said that the chemical known as chlormequat is “an emerging contaminant with documented evidence of low-dose adverse health effects in animal studies.”

Noting that no human research has been done on the drug, the study said that in animals, the drug is linked to reduced fertility, altered fetal growth and delayed puberty.

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Video: Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt - Spike Protein Replacing Sperm!

The manufactured COVID plandemic and associated mRNA jabs have been biological warfare waged against the population of our planet the likes of which we have never seen before.  One of the primary goals of the psychopathic globalist control freaks has always been to reduce the global population, to literally murder BILLIONS and sterilize as many as possible.  New evidence reveals how this goal has been advanced via the COVID mRNA jabs which flood bodies with spike proteins that we now know resulted in the sterilization of God-knows how many otherwise healthy men.



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Heavily CENSORED Pfizer Documents Show COVID Began Five-Year MASS DEPOPULATION Agenda that Will Reach Completion by 2025



A startling prediction about what will soon come upon the world in the form of genocide is backed by the infamous Pfizer documents, which outline the five-year plan starting in 2020 to massively depopulate the world by the year 2025.

In the confidential documents that Pfizer submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the forecast by Deagel, a global intelligence and consulting firm, is mentioned. It points to 2025 as the year when mass genocide from Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccination” becomes apparent.

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Video: Dr. Rima Laibow Explains the Depopulation Plan and Who's Behind It

Dr. Rima Laibow has been fighting against the sick depopulation agendas of the globalists for many decades.  The psychopathic overloads that control most of the wealth and resources of this planet want the majority of us DEAD and GONE.  Their plans are always thinly veiled as utopian ideals they claim to wish for all mankind.  Truth is . . . they only want this for themselves.  The rest of us are nothing but, "useless eaters" in their eyes.



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Video: New “RNA Interference” Crop Technology

WEAPONIZES food into the ultimate eugenics weapon … could target Blacks for covert sterilization

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By Mike Adams

A devastating new food weaponization technology has been developed called “RNA interference.” This technology, initially rolled out to destroy the fertility of pests, could easily be expanded into a genocidal food-based weapon that targets African-Americans to destroy their fertility. The same technology could also be fine-tuned to target Whites, Latinos, Asians or other races with various “biological payloads” that could include shutting off their fertility, neurological function or ability to build new blood vessels, eventually leading to death.

A New York Times article from 1969, shown below, quotes top science advisors openly calling for placing sterilization chemicals into the food supply to eliminate Blacks. President Nixon’s chief science advisor endorsed the plan and added that perhaps a lottery system could allow certain lucky people to “win” an antidote that would restore their fertility (keep reading for the NYT article source, below). Depopulation advocates at the time said that the United States population should be limited to 150 million people, and that new science breakthroughs should be pursued to find ways to eliminate excess population.

“RNA interference” is a well-known phenomenon in the world of biology and medicine. It describes a process where RNA molecules inhibit gene expression, effectively blocking an organism’s genes from synthesizing proteins or other molecules that are crucial for sustaining life. RNA interference technology is well known in the cancer industry, for example, where such treatments are touted as ways to disable cancer stem cells without using toxic chemotherapy drugs. It’s also known as a type of “gene silencing” therapy.

Medical discovery turns into biological weapon

In 2008, research conducted at the University of Kentucky found that gene silencing therapies could have unexpected harmful side effects. As explained by Science Daily: (emphasis added)

A dramatic new study published in the most recent issue of Nature questions some of the mechanisms underlying a new class of drugs based on Nobel Prize-winning work designed to fight diseases ranging from macular degeneration to diabetes. …[T]he findings made by Ambati’s lab show the mechanisms behind it are not as scientists once believed. In fact, Ambati’s work imparts the need for caution in current clinical trials using the technology, as it may have potentially harmful effects on subjects.

In short, researchers in 1998 discovered a class of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) that possessed powerful gene-silencing capabilities, or the ability to “turn off” disease-causing genes in the body. Ambati… and his colleagues have made a critical discovery that challenges the view that siRNA’s therapeutic effects are imparted solely through RNA interference. Ambati and collaborators argue that siRNA functions generically rather than specifically, thus the new class of drugs being formulated may actually adversely affect blood vessel growth in a variety of organs.

Suddenly, the world of science and medicine had stumbled upon a way to turn food into a genetically-targeted weapon for eugenics or depopulation.

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Bill Gates Unveils His Preferred National Digital ID Program

Editor's Note: Funny how suddenly it's so important to be able to identify yourself for services when the same people pushing this pitch a fit if you even suggest people be able to prove their identity to access the services of ELECTIONS!


Depopulationist Fiend Bill Gates Unveils His Digital ID Global Slavery System for Humanity


Bill Gates is now pushing the digital ID slavery system for humanity, and the billionaire globalist recommended which platform he prefers.

“850 million people lack ID that proves their identity. As a result, they’re shut out of a lot of services that could change their lives,” Gates said Monday.

“That’s why I’m so excited about MOSIP, an open-source technology that could dismantle barriers worldwide.”


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