By Louis Seagray
The US has some bills that get renewed every so often, and they are monsters. I’m sure you’ve seen me write about the Patriot Act (passed less than one week after introduction with almost no debate) and the Farm Bills when they come up for renewal.
These are some seriously scary bills.
They are ugly not only because of their price tags (which can defy all forms of logic), and some of the ridiculous provisions within, but because of all the little things buried in them. Any time someone speaks out against them, they are at once admonished and shouted down for being unpatriotic/anti-this or that..
Let’s talk-for example-about any one of the numerous “Farm” bills, slated to help the working man in America’s breadbasket.
But let’s not forget that these same people look down their noses at people in that region of the US-check out the comments in this recent election (deplorables, rubes, rednecks, hicks) if you need proof. They call them “flyover states” because that’s the space between New York and Los Angeles or San Francisco (You know, the “civilized” areas at the extreme ends of the great unwashed.)
It’s used pejoratively to infer those areas are less sophisticated, often seen as homespun, ignorant, barefoot, and shirtless under their overalls. But boy, do they EVER care when it’s time to vote! (You think a single politician cares about Iowa? They care about Iowa during presidential elections. That’s it.)
Actually, that’s not entirely accurate; they suddenly care when it’s time to spend, too.
The current Farm Bill is one of those bills where people (read: you plebeian schmucks with the checkbooks) need to “care about America’s farmers.”
The term “flyover” is marvelously replaced with “heartland.”
And the infrastructure bill is now up for renewal. This happens every presidential term:
- Bush had a $286.4 billion infrastructure bill.
- Obama’s was $305 billion.
- Trump passed a $1.5 trillion one last July.
(It should be noted that no one and I mean no one-is raising Cain about border children in cages that are reportedly now at 700% of capacity. It’s almost as if they never really cared…)
This is what our parasitic overloads do-and after all that spending, they are not even bothering to change the pre-printed rhetoric.