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Scientists STUNNED As First-of-its-Kind Study Reveals Strong Link Between Fluoridated Water and ADHD


There are many reasons to oppose fluoridated water. Not only is it a form of government-dictated mass medication, research has consistently shown that fluoride consumption has a host of ill effects on human health. Recent research has once again confirmed that fluoride is a neurotoxin — with developing fetuses and young children being the most susceptible to its deleterious effects.

Scientists from the University of Toronto recently confirmed that exposure to high levels of fluoride in the womb increases ADHD-like symptoms in school-aged children. Dr. Morteza Bashash, the study’s lead author and researcher at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, commented on the findings and stated, “Our findings are consistent with a growing body of evidence suggesting that the growing fetal nervous system may be negatively affected by higher levels of fluoride exposure.”


Fluoride and ADHD

Dr. Bahash and his team studied 213 pregnant women and their children to see how fluoride affected the children as they reached school-age. All were part of the Early Life Exposures in Mexico to Environmental Toxicants (ELEMENT) project, which saw recruitment between the years of 1994 and 2005 and featured continued follow-up.

The team of experts analyzed urine samples that were taken from the mothers during pregnancy, as well as samples taken from the children while they were between six and 12 years old. The goal was to “reconstruct personal measures of fluoride exposure for both mother and child.”

Then, the scientists looked at how fluoride levels related to the children’s performance on a battery of tests and surveys which measured inattention, hyperactivity and conducted overall ADHD scoring.

“Our findings show that children with elevated prenatal exposure to fluoride were more likely to show symptoms of ADHD as reported by parents. Prenatal fluoride exposure was more strongly associated with inattentive behaviours and cognitive problems, but not with hyperactivity,” Dr. Bahash stated.

The team was sure to adjust for other confounding factors, like lead exposure and smoking history. Previous research by Dr. Bahash’s team came to a similar conclusion, with the team finding that high levels of fluoride in the urine during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ and cognition test scores in children. Several other recent studies have also made a connection between fluoride and ADHD.

Water fluoridation may be commonplace, but that doesn’t mean it is actually safe.

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Video: Extemely Clear and Urgent Anti-Fluoride Statement - Dr. J. William Hirzy

This is a chilling and extremely clear statement by Dr. J. Willima Hirzy, EPA Headquarters Union, on the true dangers of fluoridation of our water supply.  This statement was given to the Subcommittee on Wildlife, Fisheries and Drinking Water, United States Senate, June 29,2000.

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Video: Professional Perspective On The Fact That Fluoride Is POISONOUS!

There are so many dangerous frauds being perpetrated against the people on this planet that it makes your head spin.  The massive fraud of fluoridation is one of the most deadly we face.  There is literally a mountain of evidence that proves it's one of the most toxic substances known and it does absolutely NOTHING to prevent tooth decay. 

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Video: Medical Hotseat - Water Fluoridation

This video is of a forum, hosted by Discovery Health, on the risks/benefits of water fluoridation - featuring Dr Euan Swan of the Canadian Dental Association, Dr. David Locker of the University of Toronto, and Dr. Paul Connett of St Lawrence University/Fluoride Action Network.  This is one of the best presentations of both pro and against views on fluoridation.

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Video: The Great Culling - Flouride In Our Water

Our Water
'The Great Culling' of the human population has quietly begun. Covertly, insidiously, mercilessly, a global depopulation agenda has been launched. As this plays out, the vast majority of the human race will be removed from the gene pool. Genetically annihilated. Will you and your genetic lineage survive? Film-makers Paul Wittenberger (What In The World Are They Spraying?) and Chris Maple explore WHAT are the real threats to your life, your offspring and your genetic integrity? HOW can you protect yourself from those threats? WHY is a global depopulation agenda being pursued? The more you understand these answers, the greater your odds of surviving 'The Great Culling'.

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