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Video: Dr. Richard Bartlett Discovers "Existing" Treatment for COVID - Budesonide

Texas Doctor Claims Covid Cure as Big Pharma Backed Media Attempts to Cancel Him.  Dr. Richard Bartlett’s findings on his experience treating COVID-19 patients with the inhaled steroid budesonide, a drug commonly used to treat asthma.


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Video: Dr. Brian Procter Exposes Effective and Inexpensive COVID with Outpatient Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Regimen

Editor's Note: THERE IS NO REASON TO BE SO FRIGGIN AFRAID OF THIS. They (Faucci, CDC, WHO, Gates) are not telling you the truth about existing, affordable and effective treatment for this illness. They have been deliberately censoring, LYING about these treatments because they want you to believe you need to chomp at the bit for a GD untested, dangerous vaccine from psychos Dr. Faucci and Billy Gates.


In this video Dr. Brian Procter explains the truth about treating this current virus that's been going around with inexpensive and effective early-stage outpatient care with a hydroxychloroquine regimen.


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Video: Senator Dr. Scott Jenson Blows the Whistle on COVID-19 Frauds and Intimidation of Doctors

More and more good, courageous Doctors, Nurses, and healthcare professionals are speaking out about the TRUTH about what has been going on with the manufactured COVID-19 Scam.


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Video: Ron Paul: The Media is Lying About the ‘Second Wave’

Moving the goal posts…

For months, the Washington Post and the rest of the mainstream media kept a morbid Covid-19 “death count” on their front pages and at the top of their news broadcasts. The coronavirus outbreak was all about the number of dead. The narrative was intended to boost governors like Cuomo in New York and Whitmer in Michigan, who turned their states authoritarian under the false notion that destroying people’s jobs, freedom, and lives would somehow keep a virus from doing what viruses always do: spread through a population until eventually losing strength and dying out.

The “death count” was always the headline.

But then all of a sudden early in June the mainstream media did a George Orwell and lectured us that it is all about “cases” and has always been all about “cases.” Death, and especially infection fatality rate, were irrelevant. Why? Because from the peak in April, deaths had decreased by 90 percent and were continuing to crash. That was not terrifying enough so the media pretended this good news did not exist.

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Video: Opioids, Inc. (full film) | FRONTLINE

Pushing opioids. Bribing doctors. Making millions. FRONTLINE and the Financial Times investigate how Insys Therapeutics profited from a fentanyl-based painkiller up to 100 times stronger than morphine — and how some Wall Street investors looked the other way.


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Video: Dr. Reads Heartbreaking Letter From A Man Whose Son Recently Committed Suicide

You've got to listen to this!! The insanity HAS TO END NOW!!

I have linked to a part in this video where this doctor reads a letter she got, but please also go back to the beginning and listen to the whole thing. It is totally heartbreaking and tragic what she conveys, what we're letting happen to our society, justified by nothing but mindless MANUFACTURED HYSTERIA AND FEAR over something that has proven to be no worse than seasonal flu!


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Video: Contact Tracing Scarier Than You Could Possibly Imagine

This is all about DEHUMANIZING US, making us mindlessly afraid of each other! It's not science, it's CONTROL FREAK (globalist/collectivist/communist) INSANITY! It's total absolute mindless insanity. Remember, this is all being justified by a virus that has been proven to be no more dangerous than the usual seasonal flu strains for coronavirus.


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Science Bought and Sold to the Highest Bidder

By Ben Garrison

Many centuries ago the Catholic Church controlled science. Theirs was the final word. Those who questioned their scientific dogma (Galileo for example) where threatened with torture and imprisonment in some dank dungeon. Science was combined with fear.

More recently the Soviet Union controlled their own version of science. The Soviet state was infallible. They cut corners to save money and in the case of Chernobyl and no one was allowed to question it or raise flags of alarm. Doing so could lead to a gulag or a bullet in the back of the head. Science was politicized and combined with fear. It ended in disaster.

Those who constructed the nuclear power plants at Fukushima should have known their design would prove disastrously faulty in the event of a major earthquake and tsunami. The location was convenient and a lot of money was saved. They should have feared the inevitable, but big money influenced science.

Science is supposed to be about logic, reason, and possessing the freedom to pursue truth—no matter what the consequences. Yet even know science is corrupted. It has been politicized by the Deep State globalists to serve their agenda. Bill Gates knows little about medical science and yet he has used his billions to fund and influence medical organizations to serve his dark agenda. Big Pharma influences media, the medical institutions, and politicians to cover their tracks and increase their profits. Money and politics have ruined science no matter how hard the media attempts to spread the ‘official’ science dictates.

There are honorable scientists such as Judy Mikovits who speak the truth about vaccines, and as a result the corrupt medical establishment ruined her career, drained her of her life savings, and destroyed her reputation. Many scientists tow the party line in fear of losing their career and reputations. Science is still combined with fear as well as politics and money.

Bill Gates and Big Pharma want mandatory vaccines not only to pad their wallets, but in the case of ‘Kill’ Gates, he also wants the world population tagged, tracked, and controlled. They hold up science as the penultimate in truth. We are not allowed to question it—we are urged to worship it as if the people wearing the lab coats are high priests of truth.

Unfortunately science has been purchased and politicized by such globalists. Their vaccines can destroy DNA and cause far great complications that Covid-19 ever could. It has been very difficult to create a vaccine for Coronaviruses, and so if one is rushed out we should become even more suspicious. Covid-19 has a very low mortality rate. Vaccination is unnecessary and dangerous. If they make such a vaccination ‘mandatory,’ we must resist it even more. Will we then be threatened with imprisonment in some FEMA camp? When the people fear their government, we have tyranny. Welcome to the police state.

It’s time to open up our country again. Forget what the dictator governors and petty dictator mayors are ordering. We The People have the final say—especially when it comes to control over our own health.

—Ben Garrison

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Listening to the Coronavirus ‘Experts’ Has Led to Death and Despair

Americans should pause and reflect on the lies they are being told


On April 21st the Washington Post savaged Georgia governor Brian Kemp’s decision to begin opening his state after locking down for weeks. “Georgia leads the race to become America’s No. 1 Death Destination,” sneered the headline.

The author, liberal pundit Dana Milbank, actually found the possibility of Georgians dying to be hilarious, suggesting that, “as a promotion, Georgia could offer ventilators to the first 100 hotel guests to register.”

Milbank, who is obviously still getting paid while millions are out of work, sees his job as pushing the mainstream narrative that we must remain in fear and never question what “experts” like Dr. Fauci tell us.

Well it’s been three weeks since Milbank’s attack on Georgia and its governor, predicting widespread death which he found humorous. His predictions are about as worthless as his character. Not only has Georgia not seen “coronavirus…burn through Georgia like nothing has since William Tecumseh Sherman,” as Milbank laughed, but Covid cases, hospitalizations, and deaths have seen a steep decline since the governor began opening the state.

Maybe getting out in the fresh air and sunshine should not have been prohibited in the first place!

In fact, as we now have much more data, it is becoming increasingly clear that the US states and the countries that locked down the tightest also suffered the highest death rates. Ultra locked-down Italy suffered 495 Covid deaths per million while relatively non-locked down South Korea suffered only five deaths per million. The same is true in the US, where non lockdown states like South Dakota were relatively untouched by the virus while authoritarian-led Michigan, New York, and California have been hardest hit.

In those hardest hit states, we are now seeing that most of the deaths occurred in senior care facilities – after the governors ordered patients sick with Covid to leave the hospitals and return to their facilities. There, they infected their fellow residents who were most likely to have the multiple co-morbidities and advanced age that turned the virus into a death sentence. Will these governors be made to answer for this callous disregard for life?

Yesterday, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar admitted the obvious: “We are seeing that in places that are opening, we’re not seeing this spike in cases.” So why not open everything? Because these petty tyrants cannot stand the idea of losing the ability to push people around.

Shutting down the entire United States over a virus that looks to be less deadly than an average flu virus – particularly among those under 80 who are not already sick – has resulted in mass unemployment and economic destruction. More Americans may die from the wrong-headed efforts to fight the virus than from the virus itself.

Americans should pause and reflect on the lies they are being sold. Masks are just a form of psychological manipulation. Many reputable physicians and scientists have said they are worthless and potentially harmful. Lockdowns are meant to condition people to obey without question. A nation of people who just do what they are told by the “experts” without question is a nation ripe for a descent into total tyranny. This is no empty warning – it’s backed up by history. Time to stand up to all the petty tyrants from our hometowns to Washington DC. It is time to reclaim our freedom.


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