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“Collusion Against Trump” Timeline

Sharyl Attkisson

It’s easy to find timelines that detail Trump-Russia collusion developments. Here are links to two of them I recommend:

Politifact Russia-Trump timeline

Washington Post Russia-Trump timeline

On the other side, evidence has emerged in the past year that makes it clear there were organized efforts to collude against candidate Donald Trump–and then President Trump. For example:

  • Anti-Russian Ukrainians allegedly helped coordinate and execute a campaign against Trump in partnership with the Democratic National Committee and news reporters.
  • A Yemen-born ex-British spy reportedly delivered political opposition research against Trump to reporters, Sen. John McCain, and the FBI; the latter of which used the material–in part–to obtain wiretaps against one or more Trump-related associates.
  • There were orchestrated leaks of anti-Trump information and allegations to the press, including by ex-FBI Director James Comey.
  • The U.S. intel community allegedly engaged in questionable surveillance practices and politially-motivated “unmaskings” of U.S. citizens, including Trump officials.
  • Alleged conflicts of interests have surfaced regarding FBI officials who cleared Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information and who investigated Trump’s alleged Russia ties.

But it’s not so easy to find a timeline pertinent to the investigations into these events.

Here’s a work in progress.

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Video: Trey Gowder and Jim Jordan Confront Rosenstein - Why Are You Hiding Documents and Finish It The Hell Up!

Republican lawmaker tells Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray that America is being 'torn apart' by the investigation during a House hearing on anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok.  Tells Rosenstein to "Finish It The Hell Up!!


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Republican accuses the deputy attorney general of 'hiding' documents related to the Russia investigation during a House hearing on the oversight of the FBI and DOJ during the 2016 election.



House approves resolution demanding docs on Russia probe

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Special Report: Mueller Has Strozk Out!

The only thing Trump obstructed was a partisan railroading.

The American Spectator

The other night MSNBC ran a fawning documentary about James Comey. It was full of howlers about the unfathomable depths of his “integrity.” None of the clips age well, but one in particular captured the utter lunacy of Comey serving as Mueller’s presumed chief witness — a clip in which Comey accuses Trump of “lies, plain and simple” for describing the FBI as “poorly led” and in “disarray.” Here is a former FBI director categorizing Trump’s opinion, and a manifestly correct one at that, as “lies.”

That’s the fatuous, un-rigorous level on which Mueller’s probe is proceeding. His forthcoming report will consist largely of his close friend’s hyperventilating grievances against Trump, as if the wounded ego of one of the worst FBI directors in American history, an FBI director the Justice Department’s Inspector General has found to be unprofessional and reckless, counts as a “constitutional crisis.”

The Mueller probe is like a Soviet show trial revolving around the hurt feelings of a pampered commissar. Comey was practically in tears as he recalled those “lies, plain and simple.” But Mueller has an even bigger problem than just the silliness of Comey’s complaints, which is Comey’s utter lack of credibility: How do you build an obstruction-of-justice case on a witness who is himself under Department of Justice investigation for improprieties?

That came out in the Congressional hearings this week with Inspector General Michael Horowitz. On Monday, Horowitz informed the senators that he is looking at Comey’s mishandling of classified information — a subject Comey with his inimitable presumption had dismissed as too “frivolous” for anyone to investigate.

The roots of Mueller’s tree are hopelessly poisoned — from a former FBI director whose word and behavior no one can seriously trust (yet it was his complaint that led to Mueller’s appointment) to a staff, both past and present, shot through with anti-Trump bias. How can anyone take the conclusion of a probe seriously if that probe should never have been started in the first place? Were this a real trial rather than a show trial, the judge would have ended it a long time ago.

Mueller, according to his mandate, is supposed to be completing a counterintelligence investigation launched by Peter Strzok, the most abominably anti-Trump partisan FBI official imaginable. That fact alone discredits it. Imagine a judge telling a jury to decide the fate of the accused based on an investigation started by one of his fiercest enemies. In Mueller’s case, the circumstances are even worse than that: he not only inherited Strzok’s poisoned work but added Strzok to his team and would have kept him on it until the end of the probe had Horowitz not revealed Strzok’s anti-Trump texts. Strzok, as he explained to his mistress, had joined the team in the hopes of inducing the impeachment of Trump. Strzok described the Mueller probe as “unfinished business.”

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Video: Rep. Trey Gowdy On The DOJ Inspector General's Findings

The DOJ inspector general issues a report critical of how the FBI conducted the Clinton email investigation; House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy responds on 'Fox News Sunday.' Chris Wallace.


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HERE IT IS: The Top 10 Different Reasons The IG’s Report On the Clinton Email ‘Matter’ Is Flawed

Obama’s Deep State Runs Deep


by Joe Hoft

We reported in January that “DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz Has the Potential to Be the Greatest Inspector in US History – He Also Could Be Deep State Hack”. 

We received the answer this Thursday and our verdict – Although the IG’s report includes some obvious and already released information about the criminal actions of Hillary Clinton and Obama’s DOJ and FBI, it overall fails in many respects to share an accurate story.  Therefore, based on the report, our assessment is that the DOJ’s IG is just another Deep State Hack!

We reported in January –

Many in the media are getting excited about the upcoming release of the IG’s report into his investigation of abuses at the DOJ. But if it turns out that Horowitz is part of the deep state, the report may be disappointing.

Is IG Horowitz a Good Guy?

There’s reason to believe that Horowitz is a good guy. Last week Horowitz announced that he located the text messages after the FBI said they were lost –

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