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The Humanitarian Hoax of Globalism


By Linda Goudsmit

The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

The humanitarian hoax of globalism requires clarification. Globalism is the internationalizing of sovereign nations into a federation of one-world government ruled by the globalist elite themselves. Globalism is internationalized collectivism.

Globalism is NOT to be confused with global trade. Global trade is the import and export of goods and services across international boundaries.

Collectivism, whether it is called socialism, communism, Islamism, or globalism, denies freedom of speech and the ownership of personal property

Why is understanding the distinction between globalism and global trade so important? Because the globalist humanitarian hucksters are busy conning the American public with promises of cheaper goods through global trade deals to disguise their sinister underlying motive of collapsing the American economy. Globalism requires a collapsed America to internationalize it into the globalist New World Order that the humanitarian hucksters intend to rule.

The humanitarian hoax of globalism is based on asymmetric information - Joseph Stiglitz’s theory of economics where one party to an economic transaction possesses greater material knowledge than the other party. The globalist humanitarian huckster relies on asymmetric information to sell global collectivism to an unsuspecting public.

Wiki explains the differences between two asymmetric information models. “In adverse selection models, the ignorant party lacks information while negotiating an agreed understanding of or contract to the transaction, whereas in moral hazard [models] the ignorant party lacks information about performance of the agreed-upon transaction or lacks ability to retaliate for a breach of the agreement.”

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Hungary Outlines 'Stop Soros' Legislation Against Immigration

FILE PHOTO: A man rides his moped past a government billboard displaying George Soros in monochrome
next to a message urging Hungarians to take part in a national consultation about what it calls a plan by the Hungarian-born financier
to settle a million migrants in Europe per year, in Szolnok, Hungary, October 2, 2017. REUTERS/Bernadett Szabo


BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary’s nationalist government outlined legislation on Wednesday to tackle illegal immigration that it says is undermining European stability and has been stoked in part by U.S. financier George Soros.

Right-wing Prime Minister Viktor Orban is embroiled in an escalating feud with Soros, who has rejected an extended Hungarian government campaign against him as “distortions and lies” meant to create a false external enemy.

Orban is expected to secure a third straight term in a general election due on April 8.

The legislative package, dubbed “Stop Soros” by government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs, includes mandatory registration of some non-government organizations that “support illegal immigration”, according to an emailed government position paper.

Kovacs told a news conference that a 25 percent tax would be imposed on foreign donations that such NGOs collect, and activists could face restraining orders that preclude them from approaching the EU’s external borders in Hungary. Those borders have been fortified since a migrant influx in 2015.

Kovacs added that third-country nationals could also be subject to a restraining order anywhere in the country.

Details were not immediately clear as the bills will only be published and submitted for public debate on Thursday.

But pro-government media reported that the bills could lead to a ban on Soros, who has U.S. and Hungarian citizenship, entering the country.

Soros, 87, is a Hungarian-born Jew whose longtime support for liberal and open-border values in eastern Europe have put him at odds with right-wing nationalists, especially in Hungary.

Orban’s government said in its position paper that it opposed migration through “every means possible.”

“Illegal mass immigration is a problem that affects Europe as a whole, posing serious security risks,” it said.

Asked about implications for Soros himself, Kovacs said: “If Soros is found to have engaged in such activity, meaning he organizes illegal immigration, then the rules will apply to him.” An aide for Kovacs declined to elaborate.

Last year, the Orban government introduced a measure requiring NGOs that get money from abroad to register with the state, raising alarm in the European Union and United States.

The European Commission said late last year it was taking Budapest to the EU’s top court over its NGO laws as well as a higher education law that targets Central European University in Budapest founded by Soros.

Orban is locked in a series of running battles with the EU, where Western member states and the Brussels-based executive Commission decry what they see as his authoritarian leanings, the squeezing of the opposition and the free media.


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Diversity Is a Joke

By Soren Dreier

The manufactured and architected call for diversity that rides the western hemisphere like a madman on performance enhancing drugs is a self-contradictive mind game, of which the purpose is nothing but to divide and conquer. They do not want diversity – they want us all to think alike.

The focus seems to be on skin color and sex, and that in itself shows how shallow the call is. We are so much more than the bloody color of our skin and what we have under the belt.

They tolerate no diversity of thought, no diversity of feeling, no diversity in free speech and no diversity in understanding and deciphering collective events.

That is what makes this call for diversity a dangerous, misplaced joke that’s tired of laughing; since the promotors of the Diversity War want a single-minded society that pushes people to feel guilty about themselves for being white, for being hetero, for being Christian, and what have we, into a state of: Repressive Tolerance. We see good people now excusing their skin color in public (white), their gender (men), and their spirituality (Christian), since the Diversity War Party has none.

The Diversity War Party is pushing people with mainstream political ideas to the far right, since it’s the only place they find resonance by not having to plug into Repressive Tolerance. I’m taking about opinions and perspectives that were considered normal before they decided to move the goal posts all of a sudden. It causes further polarization, and that’s exactly what they want.

The Diversity War Party is pushing people to promote their gender or blur it out, and that’s exactly what they want.

Their call is for a loss of pride in the fundamental building blocks of your identity so that you become rootless.

No favors should be granted JUST because the color of your skin or the shape of your genitals — that would be in itself both racist and sexist.

No shortcuts were given because you decided to leave Africa, took a boat to cross the Mediterranean and walked ashore looking for an outlet to charge your iPhone. All of it done under the disguise of being a victim of NATO’s lust for war in the Middle East. You’re pretty far from the Serengeti, don’t you think?

Racists, which I understand we all are now, judge people by the color of their skin. That’s exactly what they would like to mold us into: Reverse Racists, who are supposed to feel sorry by default for people based on their gender, color, and origin. Repressive racism.

The Diversity War Party wants a war with people like us that have nothing against diversity, but who prefer to draw the boundary themselves and not have it dictated to them.

The Diversity War Party doesn’t understand we have no problem with differences.

The Diversity War Party wants to stuff it down our throats, revealing their true agenda – they want you scared of your own opinions, your own better judgement and of your own ethics.

I will not give them the war they crave. I will not excuse my gender because I’m still so proud of being hetero, and I won’t excuse the color of my skin, since I don’t give it any particular thought.

I like men to be masculine and I like women to be feminine, since I learn from the beautiful friction in that.

Boiled monkey I understand is a delicacy in parts of Asia.
Until you’re ready to stuff that down your diverse throat, how about we have some diversity of thought — or is that just too deep for you?

Now, Eat that ‘monkey’, then we are game.

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Flags, Symbols, and Statues Resurgent As Globalism Declines

By Wayne Madsen

As the forces of globalism retreat after numerous defeats in the United States, the United Kingdom, Turkey, and other nations, there is a resurgent popularity in national, historical, and cultural symbols. These include flags, statues of forbearers, place names, language, and, in fact, anything that distinguishes one national or sub-national group from others. The negative reactions to cultural and religious threats brought about by the manifestations of globalism – mass movement of refugees, dictates from supranational organizations like the European Union and the United Nations, and the loss of financial independence – should have been expected by the globalists. Caught up in their own self-importance and hubris, the globalists are now debasing the forces of national, religious, and cultural identity as threats to the “world order.”

The most egregious examples of globalist pushback against aspirant nationhood and the symbols of national identity are Catalonia and Kurdistan. Two plebiscites on independence, a September 25, 2017 referendum on the Kurdistan Regional Government declaring independence from Iraq and an October 1 referendum on Catalonia beginning the process of breaking away from the Kingdom of Spain, are expected to achieve “yes” votes. Neither plebiscite in binding, a fact that will result in both votes being ignored by the mother countries.

Iraq, the United States, Turkey, and Iran have warned Kurdish Iraq against holding the independence referendum. The United States is prepared to double-cross its erstwhile Kurdish allies for a fourth time. President Woodrow Wilson, who has been cited as the “first neoconservative or neocon, reneged on Kurdish independence during the post-World War I Versailles peace conference. Henry Kissinger double-crossed Kurdish leader Mustafa Barzani in 1975 with the Algiers Accord between Iraq and Iran, a perfidious act that forced 100,000 of Barzani’s Kurdish forces into exile in Iran. George H. W. Bush promised the Kurds help after Operation Desert Storm in 1991 if they revolted against Saddam Hussein’s government. US military aid was not forthcoming and the Kurds were forced into a small sliver of northern Iraq, over which a US “no-fly zone” was imposed. Now, Donald Trump’s administration has warned the Kurds not to even think about independence, even though the Kurdish peshmerga forces helped the US and its allies to drive the Islamic State out of Kirkuk and the rest of northern Iraq.

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Video: ENDGAME: Battle For The Republic

Battle for the Republic is an extra short feature of the film End Game and  examines the globalist plan to balkanize the United States and other Western nations by flooding it with immigrant  populations, who are in turn exploited by their corrupt leaders and globalist policies like NAFTA and CAFTA.

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Video: LOST - Our National Soverignty - We Must Stop The Law of the Sea Treaty!

It is no coincidence that this treaty's acronym is LOST.  That's exactly what will happen to this nation and our sovereignty if we allow the authors to succeed with it.

 The global elite are about to seize control over our country and this planet through the worst treaty they've ever devised. If allowed to be ratified, the UN will have sovereignty over our country and have the power to directly tax us, which would give the UN an unbelievable revenue stream and power. If we ever hope to stop the transformation of this planet into one controlled by a global elite through all their devious little world government organizations like, the World Bank, the U.N., Council on Foreign Relations, etc, we are going to have to eliminate their control of our Congress.  The global elite have used treaties and international organizations for quite some time to circumvent accountability.  WE MUST STOP THIS IN IT'S TRACKS!


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Video: Global Governance - How The Elite Are Taking Over The World

In 1966, a Georgetown University professor published a big book about the elite Network which he said controls America. His book approved  ... all » of their plan for global, or world, control to supersede our self-government by "We the people." The professor had a profound effect on one of his students.

In 1992, that student became President of the United States and Bill Clinton credited Professor Carroll Quigley with forming his vision for the future. In the next several years, he pushed for several United Nations treaties (including some rejected by Presidents Reagan and Bush) which are designed to control human behavior, energy consumption, private property, and natural resources. The President issued a secret order (PDD 25) to place American armed forces under foreign command and in foreign uniform, and he began using U.S. troops as global cops and social workers. His Administration is steadily putting American trade and property under the control of international organizations.

"Global Governance: The Quiet War Against American Independence" contains exclusive interviews with national news makers on the front lines of the quiet war. This compelling program documents the treaties and UN conferences that are undermining American independence and paving the way for global control.

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Video: Powerful Interview with Aaron Russo About Nick Rockefeller and The Plans of the Global Elite

This powerful interview, the last video interview Aaron gave before his recent death, is a major wake up call to all citizens of this country and the world.  It highlights his personal relationship with Nick Rockefeller and what Nick told him about the plans of the global elite to take over the entire planet through a chain of lies and deceit, the primary tactics they have perfected over the centuries.  Hear from someone who got it from the horses mouth that there is in fact a ruling class and they will swallow up this entire planet into their tyrannical vision if we don't wise up, wake up and stop cooperating with them.  We have to stop buying into their massive lies.

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Video: Zeitgeist Parts 3 and 4

Zeitgeist means "the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as defined by the ideas and beliefs of the time." This documentary highlights our zeitgeist, a world of wars, terror, massive world debt, poverty, pollution, and reveals exactly who is behind the deliberate social conditioning that has conned us all into accepting their version of reality.

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