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Continental Gaslighting: EU Releases Alarming Report - Europe Is Too 'White' and 'European'

You just can't make this stuff up!



The European populist movement and its recent successes, combined with the increasing intransigence and outright hostility of the Central Eastern European block (CEE) countries to dictates and threats from Brussels, must have really struck a nerve with the overlords of the European Union.


Scrambling for an explanation of what, to them, seemed to be a sudden rebellion in the formerly malleable peasant ranks, the ruling class decided to task the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) with the production of a document explaining the unwelcome phenomena.


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Race, Ethnicity, Heritage and Immigration Among U.S. Jews

Race, ethnicity, heritage and immigration among U.S. Jews


The majority of U.S. Jews identify as White. But in recent years, journalists, scholars and Jewish community leaders have wondered about the percentage of U.S. Jews who are “Jews of color,” “people of color” or “BIPOC” (an acronym for Black, Indigenous and people of color), and who should be included in these groups.33 The new Pew Research Center survey did not contain questions using those terms, and therefore cannot determine how many U.S. Jews consider themselves to be people of color. However, the survey included several other questions that can be used to explore the overlapping connections between race, ethnicity, heritage and geographic origin among Jewish Americans.

The current survey, like most Center surveys in the United States, measures race and ethnicity using categories that mirror the way the U.S. Census Bureau asks about these identities, which is necessary for statistical reasons in order to ensure that surveys are representative of U.S. adults overall.34 When given these choices, 92% of U.S. Jews describe themselves as White and non-Hispanic, while 8% say they belong to another racial or ethnic group. This includes 1% who identify as Black and non-Hispanic; 4% who identify as Hispanic; and 3% who identify with another race or ethnicity – such as Asian, American Indian or Hawaiian/Pacific Islander – or with more than one race.

The survey also asked respondents about their Jewish heritage: whether they are Askhenazi (which the survey defined as following the Jewish customs of Central and Eastern Europe), Sephardic (following the Jewish customs of Spain) or Mizrahi (following the Jewish customs of the Middle East and North Africa).35

Two-thirds of U.S. Jews say they are Ashkenazi; 3% describe themselves as Sephardic and 1% as Mizrahi, although an additional 6% identify with some mixture of these or other categories. (However, some of the 6% identify with unclear categories or do not specify their mixture. A total of 7% of the Jewish adults in the survey clearly identify as Sephardic or Mizrahi, either alone or in combination with other categories.) In addition, 17% say these labels either do not apply to them or that they are just Jewish, while 8% say they follow some other set of Jewish customs, indicate that they are unsure (5%) or otherwise did not answer the question (2%).

Jews by religion are much more likely than Jews of no religion to trace their Jewish customs to Central and Eastern Europe (72% vs. 52%). And most Orthodox (87%), Conservative (73%) and Reform (71%) Jews identify as Ashkenazi, as do half of Jews who don’t affiliate with any organized branch or stream of Judaism (52%).

Separately, the survey also asked about the country of birth of all respondents and their parents.36 Nine-in-ten Jewish adults report that they were born in the United States (90%), including 21% who are adult children of at least one immigrant and 68% whose families have been in the U.S. for three generations or longer. One-in-ten Jewish adults (10%) are immigrants, including 1% who were born in Israel.

Looked at another way, roughly three-in-ten Jewish adults are first- or second-generation immigrants, meaning they were born in another country or they were born in the U.S. but at least one of their parents was born elsewhere (31%). One-in-ten each trace their recent origins to Europe (11%) or the former Soviet Union (10%), and 3% either were born in Israel themselves or have Israeli-born parents.

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Are Jews a Race?

Jews include individuals of enormously diverse origins and physical appearances,
making the idea that Jews could easily be designated a race implausible.



The short answer is no — Jews are not a race. People who identify as Jewish include individuals of enormously diverse geographic origins and physical appearances, making the idea that Jews could easily be designated a race in the sense of shared physical or biological characteristics implausible.

Jews historically have defined themselves as a people, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Converts are also considered descendants of these patriarchal ancestors. Colloquially, Jews also sometimes describe themselves as a tribe.

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Video: Historian Reveals the TRUTH About Slavery

Eminent historian Nigel Biggar delves into the historical roots of slavery as a universal institution spanning throughout human history. Join him as he explores Britain's leading role in the abolition and eradication of slavery worldwide. Gain insightful knowledge about the trans-Atlantic slave trade's place within the broader context of this pervasive institution. Prepare to broaden your understanding of history and challenge preconceived notions.

Nigel Biggar CBE was Emeritus Regius Professor of Moral Theology at the University of Oxford and Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Pusey House, Oxford. He holds a BA in Modern History from Oxford and a PhD in Christian Theology & Ethics from the University of Chicago. His most recent book 'Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning' was initially accepted by Bloomsbury, who later changed their mind claiming "public feeling on the subject does not currently support the publication of the book". The book was ultimately published by William Collins and has become a Sunday Times Bestseller.


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Video: What is White Culture?

The radical Left is engaged in a ruthless assault on white people often claiming outrageous things such as "there is no such thing as White Culture."  That's as stupid as saying white people don't exist.  You will never hear such nonsense said about Blacks, Asians, Jews or any non-European groups.



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Video: There Is Systemic Racism in the United States . . . AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE

Everyone knows it. Nobody says it. How come?

In his latest episode, Uncensored: Systemic Racism Against White Americans, Tucker Carlson asks, “There is systemic racism in the United States against whites. Everyone knows it. Nobody says it. How come?” Jeremy Carl, author of The Unprotected Class, How anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart joined him to discuss the issue.

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Video: Tucker Carlson Wonders What Bathhouse Barry Is Doing These Days

In this Tucker Carlson Uncensored clip Tucker highlights the fact that Barrack (Barry) Obama and his wife Michelle have always been a King and Queen of race-baiting royalty.  They have never done one thing to ease racial tensions despite being a crowning example of the fact that they managed to achieve great wealth, power, and influence despite being "black" all the while pissing and moaning about how oppressed they are.



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Video: Sharika Soal: Black People Can Be Racist And It’s Time For Democrats To Face The Truth

What is it going to take for liberals to come to terms with how racism works?

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority of New York City reported that two teenage girls visiting the United States were stabbed while seated with their parents inside Grand Central Terminal on Monday.

Arrest details identified Steven Hutcherson as the attacker, and he now faces charges of attempted murder, assault, criminal possession of a weapon, and misdemeanor endangering the welfare of a child, all of which are considered hate crimes.

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Video: The Fall of Minneapolis

Learn how the left exploited George Floyd's death to stoke racial and cultural division in America.

Fall of Minneapolis is a crowdfunded documentary by Alpha News that exposes how the left’s used the death of George Floyd to launch a color revolution in the United States.

The documentary shows interviews of dozens of officers, witnesses, and experts who were there during the 2020 riots and the aftermath following the arrest and death of George Floyd.


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