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Video: New Astounding Phenomenon Detected on the Shroud of Turin

For the first time projective geometry and photogrammetric survey, operating for many decades in the field of archeology, have been used to study the Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo. The Shroud reveals a new phenomenon, a shocking reality. The fabric features distinct and sequential images released from parts of the body and moving objects.

The phenomenon is similar to the result of stroboscopic photography. A single frame is impressed by the light reflected by a moving body, when a flash emits a series of flashes at very short intervals of time. The right hand is clenched into a fist in pulling an object, identified in the long belt of a tefillà tied around the left arm. This shows the voluntary movement of a man in full physical form. The same right hand in another position, the lower one, shows instead that in that instant the body was already considerably detached from the horizontal plane on which it had been placed. Even the left foot, the left hand, the nails, the tefillins, are surveied in dozens of distinct positions in sequence.

The results of the last few years confirm several times that a pulsating source of energy, distant within the body, a source of penetrating energy, radiated in the two opposite directions all the atoms of the body in movement and of objects in movement. The projective scheme of it has been identified. The strength of these results lies in the objectivity of the data and in the repeatability of the photogrammetric restitution.

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Video: Study on Shroud of Turin Examination Shows Unimagined Images, Asserts Clear Conclusion on Relic


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The Shroud of Turin, a centuries-old linen cloth that many believe was used to wrap Jesus’ body after crucifixion, is unlikely to be from Biblical times, hi-tech new research asserts.

“I think the possibility of this having happened is very remote,” said Cicero Moraes, a Brazilian graphics expert, who created a virtual simulation of the shroud to place over an image of a body to see whether impressions on the fabric were a match.

The shroud’s origin can only be traced to the mid-14th century, which has prompted some skeptics to dismiss the cloth as a medieval forgery.

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In an Open Letter, Archbishop Viganò Strongly Urges Catholics to Vote for President Trump



Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has issued an open letter to American Catholics urging them to vote to re-elect President Trump as a moral imperative. “In this election you must choose between two radically opposed ways of conceiving the government of your Nation: you are called to choose between democracy and dictatorship, between freedom and slavery,” the Archbishop wrote.

Catholics still are “the largest single religious denomination in America,” with an especially big presence in the large industrial states including Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio. Even more important the majority of Catholics tend to vote for the winner in presidential elections. At the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Dinner in New York City (named for Al Smith, the first Catholic president) last Thursday, Trump asserted that he was “leading big” among Catholics.

He characterized Trump as a protector of faith: “In Donald Trump’s America, every Catholic can practice their Faith and educate their children in it without interference from the State.” In contrast, Archbishop Viganò cautioned that Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party have become hostile to the Catholic Church:

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Italian Scientist GUARANTEES: Shroud of Turin Is REAL



From the distant past, comes a 14 feet by 5 inches piece of linen cloth marked with a faint image of the front and back of a man that – Christian believe – depicts the tortured and crucified body of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

For centuries, millions have gone to the Italian city of Turin to personally experience its famous shroud.

Many times was it described as a ‘hoax’ by flawed and incomplete scientific studies – but the faithful have never wavered.

Now, after new state-of-the art scientific studies, a scientist is now convinced that the shroud really did cover Jesus’ body – and he says there’s an ‘enormous quantity of evidence’ to back his claim up.

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Video: Commie Pope Francis Tells 60 Minutes that Conservativism Is “A Suicidal Attitude”


During his homily, Red Francis preached that “sharing ownership is not communism but is pure Christianity.”

Of course, that was complete nonsense Sharing ownership is exactly the definition of communism.

In January 2022 Pope Francis lectured to tax authorities that taxation is “a necessary tool for wealth redistribution.”

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The Alleged Discovery Of ‘Mass Graves’ of Indigenous Canadian Children Was Actually a Massive Hoax

Three years after reports of indigenous mass graves triggered the torching
or vandalism of 85-plus churches, no graves have been found.



Three years ago, a major story broke in Canada that seemed to confirm every left-wing prejudice against Christians imaginable: A mass grave containing the remains of indigenous children was supposedly discovered on the grounds of what had once been a government boarding school run by the Catholic Church.

It turns out the whole thing was a hoax, a modern-day blood libel against Christians that ended with at least 85 Catholic churches across Canada destroyed by arson, vandalized, or desecrated. Canadian political and civil society leaders cheered on this destruction — and then doled out hundreds of millions of dollars to investigate the mass graves and create a “support fund” for indigenous people.

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  • Dr. John Campbell - Shroud  of Turin Studies
    In this video Dr. John Campbell presents an interesting look into what has been discovered about the Shroud of Turin.
  • New Astounding Phenomenon Detected on the Shroud of Turin
    For the first time projective geometry and photogrammetric survey, operating for many decades in the field of archeology, have been used to study the Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo. The Shroud reveals a new phenomenon, a shocking reality. The fabric features distinct and sequential images released from parts of the body and moving objects.
  •   Study on Shroud of Turin Examination Shows Unimagined Images, Asserts Clear Conclusion on Relic
    The Shroud of Turin, a centuries-old linen cloth that many believe was used to wrap Jesus’ body after crucifixion, is unlikely to be from Biblical times, hi-tech new research asserts.“I think the possibility of this having happened is very remote,” said Cicero Moraes, a Brazilian graphics expert, who created a virtual simulation of the shroud to place over an image of a body to see whether impressions on the fabric were a match.
  • Why the Jews Are NOT God's Chosen People
    In an age where rhetoric and emotions determine people’s beliefs, one of the most counter-cultural things you can do is to objectively look at the evidence regardless of how it makes you feel. It is also important to remember that things are often not what they seem, that history is not what you’ve been told and that the truth will always be hated by the world.  With the advent of bloody conflict in the Middle East, many are beginning to question the paradigm they have been told by the media and their pastors. Many more have yet to begin this questioning process. Today you will learn the truth about God’s chosen people — who they are and who they aren’t — with scripture and history as your guide on an adventure through time.
  •   Speaker Mike Johnson's Response to CNBC Separation of Church and State Canard
    This short clip is one of the best explanations by House Speaker Mike Johnson of the so-called separation of church and state political football used to criticize anyone who holds traditional Christian values in government.
  •   Zeitgeist Part I - The Greatest Story Ever Told
    This is Part 1 of the documentary Zeitgeist.  Zeitgeist means "the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as defined by the ideas and beliefs of the time."   Part one delves into how the Christian religion and the stories believers are told can be found to be repeated over and over throughout the eons.  It also discusses how religion is one of the most powerful means of controlling huge numbers of people.
  •   Alan Watts on Religion
    Alan Watts opens up about Jesus and the true religion. The image of Jesus is owned by the church traditions and authorities. He has been molded to fit the interests of the church patriarchs for centuries, so much so that the prevailing image of Jesus is now so far removed from what he truly represented. Namely an energy from the future that came to earth to bring illumination and knowledge to humanity. The reason why the Jesus/Jeshua personality came to earth was to create an opening or doorway to a different state of consciousness. He wanted to set an example of the possibilities that are available to each human being. He wanted to hold up a mirror to human beings and remind them of their own divine origin and the dormant potentials they carried within. The potential for peace, freedom and mastership over oneself.


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‘Devout Catholic’ Joe Biden Bans Christian-Themed Designs From White House Easter Art Contest



The supposedly “devout Catholic” Joe Biden has banned any Christian-themed designs from being submitted to the White House’s Easter-themed art contest.

The contest, which is for children of members of the National Guard, is part of the White House’s annual Easter celebrations.

However, a flyer for the contest states that submissions “must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or partisan political statements,” despite the fact that Easter is an explicitly Christian festival.

Children are also warned not to submit any material containing “bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age.”

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C. S. Lewis: “A Christmas Sermon for Pagans”


In December of 1946, Strand Magazine published “A Christmas Sermon for Pagans” by C. S. Lewis. Anyone who has read Lewis extensively will recognize many of the themes within this short essay, primarily that the journey to Christianity for a post-Christian may quite possibly include a short passage through paganism (paganism as it really is, not as we sometimes foolishly imagine it). From the essay: “If the modern post-Christian view is wrong—and every day I find it harder to think it right—then there are three kinds of people in the world. (1) Those who are sick and don’t know it (the post-Christians). (2) Those who are sick and know it (Pagans). (3) Those who have found the cure. And if you start in the first class you must go through the second to reach the third. For (in a sense) all that Christianity adds to Paganism is the cure. It confirms the old belief that in this universe we are up against Living Power: that there is a real Right and that we have failed to obey it: that existence is beautiful and terrifying. It adds a wonder of which Paganism had not distinctly heard—that the Mighty One has come down to help us, to remove our guilt, to reconcile us”

To date, this piece has not been included in any published collection of Lewis essays. It was only discovered several years ago. I have a copy and thought all Lewisians would enjoy seeing the essay and reading a transcription (included below).

Merry Christmas to all. Thanks be to God that because of King Jesus, we need never lament that it is always winter and never Christmas. Rather, it is always Christmas, always Immanuel, always God-with-us, no matter what the weather.

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