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Video: Commie Pope Francis Tells 60 Minutes that Conservativism Is “A Suicidal Attitude”


During his homily, Red Francis preached that “sharing ownership is not communism but is pure Christianity.”

Of course, that was complete nonsense Sharing ownership is exactly the definition of communism.

In January 2022 Pope Francis lectured to tax authorities that taxation is “a necessary tool for wealth redistribution.”

Rush Limbaugh was right way back in 2013 when called this pope a Marxist.

Pope Francis has worked tirelessly to isolate and other conservative Catholics during his reign as leader of the Catholic Church.

Francis continues to push Marxist initiatives like global warming legislation. He condemns borders and attacked President Trump for defending the US border from invasion.

In his latest interview with 60 Minutes Pope Francis openly attacked conservatives.

Francis told leftist reporter Norah O’Donnell that conservatism is “a suicidal attitude.”

What does that even mean?

Norah O’Donnell: “There are conservative bishops in the United States that oppose your new efforts to revisit teachings and traditions. How do you address their criticism?”

Pope Francis: “You use an adjective – “conservative.” That is conservative is one who clings to something and does not want to see beyond that. It is a suicidal attitude. Because one thing is to take tradition into account. To consider situations from the past. But quite another to be closed up inside a dogmatic box.”

Right when the world needs a strong faith leader – we got this guy.

What a dangerous man.

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