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Scientists Currently Developing Controversial “Contagious Vaccines” That Can Spread From Vaccinated to Unvaccinated


Groups of scientists are currently developing ‘self-spreading vaccines’ that could infect others from vaccinated to unvaccinated people or between vaccinated to unvaccinated animals, according to National Geographic.

“The idea is that instead of a vaccine staying in one person’s body, the vaccine itself would infect them in such a way that they could pass on vaccination to others around them, much as they would otherwise pass on a disease. Scientists could vaccinate one person or animal in a community, and the vaccination would spread to those around them,” per Newsbreak.

According to the report, scientists are currently developing ‘contagious vaccines’ for Ebola, bovine tuberculosis, and Lassa fever, a viral disease spread by rats.

The scientists are also planning to expand their studies to other zoonotic diseases including rabies, West Nile virus, Lyme disease, and the plague.

The vaccines use cytomegalovirus (CMVs), a group that belongs to the herpes family. According to Mayo Clinic, once infected with the virus, your body retains the virus for life.

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Video: Evidence of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry in the Pfizer Vaccine

This video shows electron microscopy that confirms what official documents and patents have already told us about the Trans-Humanist agenda with regards to why the unprecedented push to force these experimental COVID jabs into every arm on the planet.

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Lavishly Funded Moderna Hits Safety Problems In Bold Bid To Revolutionize Medicine

Editor's Note:  This article was originally published back in 2017 and NOTHING has changed with regards to this dangerous technology except corrupt government green-lighting it all despite the unresolved dangers.



By Damian Garde

SAN FRANCISCO — Moderna Therapeutics, the most highly valued private company in biotech, has run into troubling safety problems with its most ambitious therapy, STAT has learned — and is now banking on a mysterious new technology to keep afloat its brash promise of reinventing modern medicine.

Exactly one year ago, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel talked up his company’s “unbelievable” future before a standing-room-only crowd at the annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference here. He promised that Moderna’s treatment for a rare and debilitating disease known as Crigler-Najjar syndrome, developed alongside biotech giant Alexion Pharmaceuticals, would enter human trials in 2016.

It was to be the first therapy using audacious new technology that Bancel promised would yield dozens of drugs in the coming decade.

But the Crigler-Najjar treatment has been indefinitely delayed, an Alexion spokeswoman told STAT. It never proved safe enough to test in humans, according to several former Moderna employees and collaborators who worked closely on the project. Unable to press forward with that technology, Moderna has had to focus instead on developing a handful of vaccines, turning to a less lucrative field that might not justify the company’s nearly $5 billion valuation.

“It’s all vaccines right now, and vaccines are a loss-leader,” said one former Moderna manager. “Moderna right now is a multibillion-dollar vaccines company, and I don’t see how that holds up.”

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Video: 2005 Briefing About Using Respiratory Viruses and Vacines As Delivery Systems to Alter Our Genes

This is alleged to be a video of a briefing given to the CIA regarding the "FunVax" Proposal, a project that uses respiratory viruses and vaccines to alter genes, in the case of "funVax", to "eliminate the gene responsible for the perception of religious fundamentalism."


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Science Bought and Sold to the Highest Bidder

By Ben Garrison

Many centuries ago the Catholic Church controlled science. Theirs was the final word. Those who questioned their scientific dogma (Galileo for example) where threatened with torture and imprisonment in some dank dungeon. Science was combined with fear.

More recently the Soviet Union controlled their own version of science. The Soviet state was infallible. They cut corners to save money and in the case of Chernobyl and no one was allowed to question it or raise flags of alarm. Doing so could lead to a gulag or a bullet in the back of the head. Science was politicized and combined with fear. It ended in disaster.

Those who constructed the nuclear power plants at Fukushima should have known their design would prove disastrously faulty in the event of a major earthquake and tsunami. The location was convenient and a lot of money was saved. They should have feared the inevitable, but big money influenced science.

Science is supposed to be about logic, reason, and possessing the freedom to pursue truth—no matter what the consequences. Yet even know science is corrupted. It has been politicized by the Deep State globalists to serve their agenda. Bill Gates knows little about medical science and yet he has used his billions to fund and influence medical organizations to serve his dark agenda. Big Pharma influences media, the medical institutions, and politicians to cover their tracks and increase their profits. Money and politics have ruined science no matter how hard the media attempts to spread the ‘official’ science dictates.

There are honorable scientists such as Judy Mikovits who speak the truth about vaccines, and as a result the corrupt medical establishment ruined her career, drained her of her life savings, and destroyed her reputation. Many scientists tow the party line in fear of losing their career and reputations. Science is still combined with fear as well as politics and money.

Bill Gates and Big Pharma want mandatory vaccines not only to pad their wallets, but in the case of ‘Kill’ Gates, he also wants the world population tagged, tracked, and controlled. They hold up science as the penultimate in truth. We are not allowed to question it—we are urged to worship it as if the people wearing the lab coats are high priests of truth.

Unfortunately science has been purchased and politicized by such globalists. Their vaccines can destroy DNA and cause far great complications that Covid-19 ever could. It has been very difficult to create a vaccine for Coronaviruses, and so if one is rushed out we should become even more suspicious. Covid-19 has a very low mortality rate. Vaccination is unnecessary and dangerous. If they make such a vaccination ‘mandatory,’ we must resist it even more. Will we then be threatened with imprisonment in some FEMA camp? When the people fear their government, we have tyranny. Welcome to the police state.

It’s time to open up our country again. Forget what the dictator governors and petty dictator mayors are ordering. We The People have the final say—especially when it comes to control over our own health.

—Ben Garrison

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GMO Mosquito Experiement Goes Horribly Wrong

Insects adapt and overcome, transforming into super “mutant” mosquitoes that could cause mass death across South America

By Mike Adams

Remember the two-year experiment to release genetically modified mosquitoes into the wild to eradicate all the mosquitoes? For years, we were all lectured by scientists and GMO pushers who insisted that genetically modifying male mosquitoes to be infertile would cause the termination of nearly all offspring as females mated with the GMO males. The result, we were told, would be a mass die-off of the mosquito population at large, saving human lives by avoiding the catastrophic effects of mosquito-borne disease.

Science would save us, in other words. And if we didn’t believe the hype, we were labeled “anti-science.”

At first, the experiment seemed to work. For the initial 18 months of the experiment carried out in Brazil — in which 450,000 genetically modified male mosquitoes were released into the wild — mosquito populations plummeted. But then something happened.

As published in the journal Nature, in a study entitled, “Transgenic Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes Transfer Genes into a Natural Population,” the very same modified genes we were told would never be passed to “in the wild” mosquito populations has, in fact, done exactly that.

Powered by these new genes (and combined with some behavioral adaptation explained below), the mosquito population surged back. Even worse, now the wild populations of mosquitoes in Brazil have these “mutant” genes which were combined from Cuba and Mexican mosquito populations, meaning these new gene-enhanced mosquitoes are now a kind of “super mutant” insect that may be resistant to all sorts of insecticides.

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Our Own Government Is Quietly FUNDING the Bird Flu Research That Could End Up Killing Us All

By Dagny Taggart

Back in 2014, due to safety concerns, the government suspended dangerous research that could make the bird flu virus more easily transmitted to humans.

It was a wise decision, but unfortunately, short-lived.

In February, Science Magazine revealed a troubling discovery: Last year, a U.S. government review panel decided to let the research resume. They actually want scientists to figure out how to make the avian flu more likely to kill us all and what’s more, they’re not telling us why.

Do they want a pandemic? Because this is how you get a pandemic. Anyone who’s read a book like The Stand knows this is how you get a pandemic.

Not only did the government approve the experiments, but they are also paying for them.

Here are additional details from The New York Times:

Two research teams, in Wisconsin and the Netherlands, have been told by the Department of Health and Human Services that their work is eligible for research funding from the United States government. The Wisconsin group was notified in October, and the Dutch group in January, a spokeswoman for H.H.S. said in an email.

Despite requests from The New York Times on Thursday and Friday, officials from H.H.S. did not explain why they had not announced their decisions on the two labs at the time they were made.

Spokeswomen for H.H.S. and the National Institutes of Health said the decision to lift the moratorium had already been announced in December 2017 when N.I.H. disclosed that the studies would be allowed, but only after newly created expert panels judged each proposal to be safe and scientifically sound. (source)

Many scientists are outraged.

The lack of information about the decision and how it was reached have provoked outrage from many scientists.

They oppose the research because they say it could create mutant viruses that might cause deadly pandemics if they were unleashed by lab accidents or terrorism.

The experiments, which were conducted by teams led by Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin in Madison and the University of Tokyo and Ron Fouchier at Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, sparked worldwide fears when they were first revealed in 2011.

Here’s a bit of history on the controversial experiments, from Science Magazine’s report:

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Video: Davos Elite Reveal Orwellian Plan to Decode Your Brain and Read Your Mind

Still think we aren't living in the Matrix? Sadly, this isn't science fiction but science fact and it's coming in the next decade as part of the Internet of Things smart surveillance grid they want everyone swept up into. Technology is about to openly bring us an era where government authorities can read people's minds without their permission and use it against them including in court, pre-crime, thought police/thought crime and labeling people including children as potential criminals based on their brainwaves... and all of this was discussed casually at Davos this year like it'll be a rip roaring roller coaster of rose-colored awesome instead of the Orwellian Nightmare 2.0 we all know is coming under the technocrats in charge. Hey, why watch a horror movie when you can watch a panel at Davos instead? Philip K. Dick and George Orwell are spinning in their graves...


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A Universal Flu Vaccine: The Mad Science Solution

By Jon Rappoport

(To join Jon's email list, click here.)

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has launched efforts to create a vaccine that would protect people from most flu strains, all at once, with a single shot.

Over the years, I’ve written many articles refuting claims that vaccines are safe and effective, but we’ll put all that aside for the moment and follow the bouncing ball.

Massachusetts Senator and big spender, Ed Markey, has introduced a bill that would shovel no less than a billion dollars toward the universal flu-vaccine project. You like something, it sounds good, you know nothing about the details, throw money at it.

Here is a paragraph from an NIAID press release that mentions one of several research approaches:

“NIAID Vaccine Research Center scientists have initiated Phase 1/2 studies of a universal flu vaccine strategy that includes an investigational DNA-based vaccine (called a DNA ‘prime’)…”

This is quite troubling, if you know what the phrase “DNA vaccine” means. It refers to what the experts are touting as the next generation of immunizations.

Instead of injecting a piece of a virus into a person, in order to stimulate the immune system, synthesized genes would be shot into the body. This isn’t traditional vaccination anymore. It’s “protective gene therapy”.

In any such method, where genes are edited, deleted, added, no matter what the pros say, there are always “unintended consequences,” to use their polite phrase. The ripple effects scramble the genetic structure in numerous unknown ways.

Here is the inconvenient truth about DNA vaccines—

They will permanently alter your DNA

The reference is the New York Times, 3/9/15, “Protection Without a Vaccine.” It describes the frontier of research—the use of synthetic genes to “protect against disease,” while changing the genetic makeup of humans. This is not science fiction:

“By delivering synthetic genes into the muscles of the [experimental] monkeys, the scientists are essentially re-engineering the animals to resist disease.”

“’The sky’s the limit,’ said Michael Farzan, an immunologist at Scripps and lead author of the new study.”

“The first human trial based on this strategy — called immunoprophylaxis by gene transfer, or I.G.T. — is underway, and several new ones are planned.” [That was three years ago.]

“I.G.T. is altogether different from traditional vaccination. It is instead a form of gene therapy. Scientists isolate the genes that produce powerful antibodies against certain diseases and then synthesize artificial versions. The genes are placed into viruses and injected into human tissue, usually muscle.”

Here is the punchline: “The viruses invade human cells with their DNA payloads, and the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA. If all goes well, the new genes instruct the cells to begin manufacturing powerful antibodies.”

Read that again: “the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA.”

Alteration of the human genetic makeup.

Not just a “visit.” Permanent residence. And once a person’s DNA is changed, he will live with that change—and all the ripple effects in his genetic makeup—for the rest of his life.

The Times article taps Dr. David Baltimore for an opinion:

“Still, Dr. Baltimore says that he envisions that some people might be leery of a vaccination strategy that means altering their own DNA, even if it prevents a potentially fatal disease.”

Yes, some people might be leery. If they have two or three working brain cells.

This is genetic roulette with a loaded gun. Anyone and everyone on Earth injected with a DNA vaccine will undergo permanent and unknown genetic changes…

And the further implications are clear. Vaccines can be used as a cover for the injections of any and all genes, whose actual purpose is re-engineering humans in far-reaching ways.

If you’re going to alter humans, for example, to make many of them more docile and weak, and some of them stronger, in order to restructure society, you want everyone under the umbrella. No exceptions. No exemptions.

The emergence of this Frankenstein technology is paralleled by a shrill push to mandate vaccines, across the board, for both children and adults. The pressure and propaganda are planet-wide.

The freedom and the right to refuse vaccines has always been vital. It is more vital than ever now.

It means the right to preserve your inherent DNA.

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Video: Cloning Horror: Human Clone Fears s Euro scientists CREATE LIFE From ‘Nothing’

SCIENTISTS have created a living embryo in a laboratory without using either egg or sperm in ground-breaking but hugely controversial experiments.


By Carley Read

The experimental research combined two types of stem cells and created a viable embryo – which the team say would provide an unlimited stock for medical research.

The created embryos would also be used for medical treatment testing and help shed light on one of the biggest infertility enigmas - why embryos fail to implant in the womb.

However critics say it is a huge step towards human cloning.

The researchers believe the wonder creation could see mice being cloned in three years time, and humans two decades later.

Lead researcher, Professor Nicholas Rivron of Maastricht University, said the main use for the embryos would be to test drugs and solve the infertility riddle.

He said: “As you know, embryos are very precious, and it is impossible to use to test drugs on them as you don’t have the numbers.

“With blastocysts you can open up the numbers. This will allow screening medicines in the future.

“I do not believe in using blastocysts for human reproduction. This is ethically very questionable, this would be clones of somebody who is already alive. Human cloning is totally forbidden.”

Professor Robin Lovell-Badge of the Francis Crick Institute added while the experiment was a huge breakthrough for modern science, it may come as a relief it cannot be replicated in humans yet.

He said: “It may come as a relief to others that such a method of producing many genetically identical human embryo-like structures that might be capable of implantation is not feasible - even if it would be illegal to implant them into women, as is clearly the situation in the UK.”

Cloning continues to fascinate the science world, particularly after Dolly the Sheep made headlines across the globe in 1996.

The ewe lived for six years after being the first mammal cloned by professors at the University of Edinburgh by Keith Campbell and Ian Wilmut.

The animal died five months before her seventh birthday from a progressive lung disease.

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