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Video: Seamus Bruner: Comey-Mueller ‘Cash in Through the Revolving Door’ of the Swamp

Editor's Note:
 It is absolutely astounding how much detailed information is out now on just how deeply corrupt these people are BUT because they still control the media narrative that half the country still trusts, they continue to strut around like they are beacons of undeniable integrity and virtue.


By Robert Kraychik

Seamus Bruner, Government Accountability Institute (GAI) researcher and author of Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption, explained how former FBI Directors James Comey and Robert Mueller leveraged their government positions to enrich themselves. He joined Peter Schweizer, GAI president and Breitbart News senior editor-at-large, for a Wednesday interview with Sean Hannity.

“This is a familiar story [about] the revolving door; turning public service into self service,” said Bruner. “We followed the money. We followed it to the top, and we found that these choir boys or boy scouts — as the media likes to depict them — James Comey and Robert Mueller, they’re really no better than anyone else in the swamp. They use their public service [and] their contacts and they cash in through the revolving door.”

Bruner described Lockheed Martin’s — the country’s largest national defense and security contractor — hiring of James Comey in 2005 to the dual position of general counsel and senior vice president as unusual. Comey was 44 at the time and without requisite corporate experience.

Listen to the discussions below:



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Whistleblower Makes Shocking IRS Insider Trading Allegations

By John Crudele

A whistleblower made this shocking allegation to me last week: the IRS was tipping off members of Congress to corporate takeovers so the elected officials could profit from insider trading.

My snitch also charged that higher-level employees of the IRS also used that information to enrich themselves.

This may sound crazy but remember: Up until a few years ago members of Congress were allowed to trade stock based on information they got while performing their public duties.

It wasn’t until 2012, during President Obama’s tenure, that the practice was banned.

But the difference between what had been going on legally until 2012 and what my whistleblower is contending is enormous.

Everyone assumed that members of Congress were just profiting from things they happened to learn while working on their committees — that a drug was going to get turned down by the FDA, for instance, or that a company was sniffing around to see how regulators would feel about a merger.

That was bad enough!

What the whistleblower alleges goes well beyond that and is, quite frankly, freakin’ mind-boggling.

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Blue States Drowning In Irretrievable Debt Thanks To ‘Grotesque’ Public Sector Pensions. You’re About To Get Stuck With The Bill

A number of blue states are drowning in “irretrievable” debt, and taxpayers are likely to be on the hook for a looming bailout.

That’s the opinion of Mitch Daniels, the former governor of Indiana, who appeared on Fox Business Network to discuss his recent op-ed published in the Washington Post that highlighted the debt crisis facing Connecticut.

“They’re just one of a number of states, including some of the biggest states, that are in deep water,” Daniels told host Stuart Varney. “I think it is irretrievable. Pensions is the core of it. It’s not the only fiscal recklessness that they have practiced, but in some of those cases, the bill are genuinely unpayable.”

Public pensions “of sometimes grotesque levels,” the Republican wrote in the editorial — which explains the co-dependent relationship that exists between the Democratic Party and public sector unions responsible for these unsustainable pensions.

How grotesque?

“In California, some retired lifeguards are receiving more than $90,000 per year. A retired university president in Oregon received $76,000 per month — and no, that’s not a typo,” Daniels wrote.

Connecticut isn’t alone in state struggling with this burden, with California, Illinois, New Jersey and New York unable to make pension payments to retired government workers, according to Fox Business Network.

In Illinois, for instance, vendors wait months to be paid by a government that’s $30 billion in debt, and one whose bonds are just one notch above junk bond status, according to Daniels. New York’s more than $356 billion in debt; New Jersey more than $104 billion; and California more than $428 billion.

Adding to the problem in many states, Daniels explained to Varney, is that wily pro-union Democrats have encoded pension protections in state constitutions.

“There may be a way in some states to have a reset of the pension obligations,” he said, “although in some places, they’ve actually been constitutionally protected.”

And some folks continue to be surprised why so many Americans voted for Donald Trump, the only non-politician running in 2016?

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Video: Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan Introduce Articles of Impeachment Against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

Reps. Mark Meadows (R-NC), Jim Jordan (R-OH), and other House Republicans introduced articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday.


By Sean Moran

Meadows and Jordan argued that the Department of Justice (DOJ) had problematic decision-making during the 2016 presidential campaign and failed to comply with House oversight requests. The House conservatives also chastised the DOJ and Rosenstein for withholding “embarrassing documents,” knowingly hiding information from Congress, abusing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) process, and “failure to comply with Congressional subpoenas.”

The Constitution empowers the House to impeach any officer of the executive or judicial branches. However, that only occurs in rare instances. The House only requires a simple majority of of the legislative chamber, or roughly 218 votes, to impeach a member of the executive or judicial branch. If the House were to impeach Rosenstein, then the Senate will require a two-thirds majority to remove him from office.

Jordan said in a statement on Wednesday, “The DOJ is keeping information from Congress. Enough is enough. It’s time to hold Mr. Rosenstein accountable for blocking Congress’s constitutional oversight role.”

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The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Is The Most Corrupt Committee In Congress

Indicted Senate Staffer James Wolfe Leaked a 2017 Copy of Full FISA Warrant Against Carter Page to Reporter Ali Watkins

Oh My, This is Either A Sting -OR- The Most Corrupt U.S. Dept of Justice in History…


Posted By Sundance

I don’t believe in coincidences, especially not when they are THIS STARK.   Consider:

From June 8th – The indictment of former senior senate intelligence committee staffer James Wolfe is filled with information to highlight a much bigger picture. [Indictment pdf here] CTH has continually stated the SSCI is one of the most corrupt committees in congress.  It did not come as a surprise to see the staff from this specific committee leaking secret and top-secret classified information.  The committee rots from the head down.

From Page #6 of the Wolfe indictment:

Notice how the document is described.

Now Look at the Date of the COPY of the FISA application against Carter Page as released:


Back to the Wolfe indictment:

The document described above in the indictment of James Wolfe is the FISA application of Carter Page, released to the public yesterday.

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Vanished! Government Records Faced 'Wholesale Destruction' Under Obama

Evasion 'to suit current politics rather than serve scholars'

World Net Daily

The Obama administration, motivated by politics, engaged in the “wholesale destruction” and “loss” of tens of thousands of government records that should have been preserved by law, according to an investigative reporter.

Thomas Lipscomb, founding publisher of Times Books, explained at Real Clear Politics that National Archivist David Ferriero discovered in the process of transferring Obama administration records in the National Archives that many key records are missing.

He explained that Ferriero, a “first-rate librarian,” has been leading a much-needed digital overhaul and expansion of the National Archives over the nine years of his appointment that will greatly improve access to the files.

“To support this effort, in 2014 President Obama signed the Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments. For the first time electronic government records were placed under the 1950 Federal Records Act. The new law also included updates clarifying ‘the responsibilities of federal government officials when using non-government email systems’ and empowering ‘the National Archives to safeguard original and classified records from unauthorized removal.’ Additionally, it gives the archivist of the United States the final authority in determining just what is a government record,” he said.

However, the “accumulation of recent congressional testimony has made it clear that the Obama administration itself engaged in the wholesale destruction and ‘loss’ of tens of thousands of government records covered under the act as well as the intentional evasion of the government records recording system by engaging in private email exchanges.”

So far, Lipscomb said, Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Lynch and several EPA officials have been named as offenders.

The IRS suffered record “losses” as well, he wrote.

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy called it “an unauthorized private communications system for official business for the patent purpose of defeating federal record-keeping and disclosure laws.”

Lipscomb wondered, “What good is the National Archives administering a presidential library, like the planned Obama library in Chicago, if it is missing critical records of interest to scholars?”

He asked, “What’s to prevent evasion of the entire federal records system by subsequent administrations to suit current politics rather than serve scholars for centuries to come?”

One of the biggest archive issues during the Obama administration was Clinton’s use of a personal, unsecure email server, which prevented the government from having a full record of her communication while also compromising national security.

Her husband’s former national security adviser Sandy Berger infamously removed documents from the National Archives, stuffing them in his clothing.

The Clintons had other records issues as well.

In 1994, the Rose Law Firm records that had been subpoenaed in one of the their many scandal investigations disappeared from the private White House quarters then suddenly reappeared in 1996.

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Video: EXPOSED: Britain's Soviet Style Hate Crime Laws

This podcast explains how the police investigate so-called ‘hate crimes’ and how these investigations are totally subjective and based on feelings, not facts. But worse still, the British police are now building a database of people who have been accused of ‘hate incidents’ – non-criminal incidents where individuals are accused of being motivated by hate and the accused is considered guilty without their accuser having to present any-evidence what-so-ever! Please share this podcast and help draw attention to this insane legislation.


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