NY State GOP Chairman Ed Cox is a Progressive Green New Deal DOUBLE AGENT
Who Hand Picks Bad Republican Candidates to LOSE to his Commie Pals! — We have the Receipts!
Ed Cox must resign.
He is a donkey in Elephant’s clothing.
It has been discovered that Cox, chairman of the New York Republican State Committee, sits on the board of “League of Conservation Voters” (“LCV”) — which controls a network of at least five PACs, all registered as liberal and attached to a broader national network of far left Super PACs, including the “Beat Trump Climate Unity Fund.”
The mission of these PACs is twofold: support Democratic and far-left politicians, such as “Squad” members Rashida Talib and Ayanna Pressley, and even Letitia James, Tom Suozzi, and Kirsten Gillibrand, who received thousands of dollars and were all endorsed by the Cox-backed PAC.