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Trump: Cloroquine Is An ‘Incredible’ Drug, COVID-19 Vaccine May Have ‘Horrible Impact’ If Not Fully Tested

President Trump on Sunday touted the promising results from small-scale studies of hydroxycloroquine and warned that a coronavirus vaccine may have a “horrible impact” if not properly tested.

“If we have a vaccine, we have to make sure it doesn’t have a horrible impact, that it doesn’t destroy anyone, with the other one [hydroxycloroquine] we don’t have to,” Trump said.



From The Hill, “Trump promotes use of drug for coronavirus: ‘I’m not a doctor. But I have common sense'”:

“What do you have to lose?” he said. “I’m not looking at it one way or another. But we want to get out of this. If [hydroxycloroquine] does work, it would be a shame if we didn’t do it early.”

“What do I know? I’m not a doctor,” he added. “But I have common sense.”

The president has for days opined on the potential efficacy of hydroxychloroquine when taken with azithromycin.

[…] “I want people to live, and I’m seeing people dying,” he said. “And you know the expression when that’s happening. You should do it. What really do we have to lose?”

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CDC Cooking the Number!

From CDC Website: Hospitals to List COVID-19 as Cause of Death Even if It's "Assumed to Have Caused Or Contributed to Death" - Lab Tests Not Required

By By Cristina Laila

Governors are forcing small businesses to shut down and threatening to jail anyone who violates their authoritarian social distancing orders.

The media hysteria is based on a Bill Gates-funded IHME Coronavirus model that has been proven to be way off.

It gets worse…

The amount of Americans who are reported to have died from the Coronavirus is based on a CDC coding system that will “result in COVID-19 being the underlying cause more often than not.”

A new ICD code was established to keep track of Coronavirus deaths.

The U07.1 code will be used for death by Coronavirus infection.

However, there’s another secondary code, U07.2, “for clinical or epidemiological diagnosis of COVID-19 where a laboratory confirmation is inconclusive or not available,” the CDC guidelines read.

“Because laboratory test results are not typically reported on death certificates in the U.S., NCHS is not planning to implement U07.2 for mortality statistics.”

This is a huge problem.

“The underlying cause depends upon what and where conditions are reported on the death certificate. However, the rules for coding and selection of the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID- 19 being the underlying cause more often than not,” the guidelines read.

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death,” CDC guidelines issued March 24 read. “Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.

“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”

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Video: Vodaphone Senior Whistle-Blower Connects the 5G & Covid-19 Dots...

An industry expert who was the head of UK business videophone in Newbury here in the UK. If anyone knows about CV and 5G it is this guy. What he has to say is both frightening and disturbing but the truth of the matter.


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Video: Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D., Lecturing on Relationship between Pandemics and New Technology

Wuhan is the first city to be fully under 5G

Dr. Thomas Cowan, M. D. says that the alleged SARS Cov2 pandemic maybe history repeating itself caused by the rollout of new techoloby like 5G microwave networks.  Cowan said pandemics are the result of our bodies being POISONED by these new techonologies and viruses are an excretion of a toxic cells, they are pieces of DNA or RNA with a few of other proteins they bolt out of our cells to mitigate the damage being done to us by these new environmental influences.


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Vodaphone Senior Whistle-Blower Connects the 5G & Covid-19 Dots
An industry expert who was the head of UK business videophone in Newbury here in the UK. If anyone knows about CV and 5G it is this guy.  What he has to say is both frightening and disturbing but the truth of the matter.
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Video: Project Veritas: National Guard At COVID-19 Test Site Say “It’s The Flu!”

Officials say mainstream media overhyping pandemic


Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe filmed his experience at the Glen Island Park COVID-19 drive-thru testing facility in New Rochelle, New York.

A New York National Guardsman and a medical professional both told O’Keefe the media is making the virus out to be worse than it actually is.




In the first encounter, O’Keefe asked, “What about the situation itself. Is it as bad as–the media is saying? The whole pandemic?”

“Oh no. It’s just, it’s the flu!” he responded.

“So, it’s not as bad as the media’s saying?” O’Keefe reiterated.

“No. I’m in the tents with them. I’m doing all this shit and I’m not getting sick, I’m good,” the National Guardsman answered.

O’Keefe also asked a medical professional at the testing site if the media is accurately reporting on the situation.

“Is it as bad as people are saying?” he asked.

“No,” the medical worker replied, waving his hands back and forth and adding, “We just wanna be precautious.”

O’Keefe did emphasize that these were not his words, but the words of a New York National Guardsman, who was presumably briefed on the situation by his chain of command.

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Chinese Biological Experiments To Infect Humans With Coronavirus Exposed In 2015 By Italian State Media

The video, which was broadcast in November, 2015, showed how Chinese scientists were doing biological experiments on a SARS connected virus believed to be Coronavirus derived from bats and mice

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FDA Approves Hydroxychloroquine: Democrats, Media Hardest Hit


What are the Democrat governors in Nevada and Michigan going to do now? – The Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency use authorization on Sunday, approving hydroxycholoroquine and chloroquine for use in treating the Wuhan Virus, COVID-19, after numerous successful studies and test cases emerged over the past three weeks.

Democrat politicians and corrupt media outlets who are hoping this crisis lasts as long as possible in order to damage President Trump have been despicably down-playing the use of this safe, well-known, inexpensive and plentiful malaria treatment for the past two weeks. Two Democrat hack governors – Steve Sisolak in Nevada and the Soros stooge Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan – are so depraved that they actually issued orders last week to prevent the use of this effective treatment for their own citizens, in what can fairly be described as an active effort to enhance the body count.

UPDATE: GatewayPundit is reporting this morning that the Nevada Chief Medical Officer who recommended the ban to Sisolak doesn’t even have a license to practice medicine. Unreal:

Governor Sisolak’s Chief Medical Officer of Nevada is named Ihsan Azzam and he is the one who advised Gov. Sisolak to make it illegal to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19 victims.

Ihsan Azzam oversees public health surveillance, epidemiology and disease control activities in the state of Nevada.

But as reported in the Washington Times in 2018 — Ihsan Azzam does not have a license to practice medicine in the United States and yet he is dictating public health policy in Nevada!


The corrupt Democrat activists at Politico were so upset with the FDA action that the first paragraph of the story they ran on it Sunday night read as follows:

The Food and Drug Administration on Sunday issued an emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, decades-old malaria drugs championed by President Donald Trump for coronavirus treatment despite scant evidence.

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"We're Going To Be Fine" - Nobel-Winning Biophysicist Predicts Quicker COVID-19 Recovery


Michael Levitt, a Stanford biophysicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2013, has made a bold statement that the end of COVID-19 pandemic could be near and has cited China's curve flattening to support his hypothesis, reported the Los Angeles Times

Levitt is now predicting a curve flattening in infections could be around the corner for the US as strict social distancing measures are being implemented across major metro areas. 

"What we need is to control the panic," he said. In the grand scheme, "we're going to be fine."

Levitt accurately forecasted the deceleration in confirmed cases and deaths in early February in China. He said the initial infection rate in China's Hubei province was 30% per day, but on February 7, something changed:

"The number of new infections started to drop linearly and did not stop," Levitt said. "A week later, the same happened with the number of deaths. This dramatic change in the curve marked the median point and enabled better prediction of when the pandemic will end. Based on that, I concluded that the situation in all of China would improve within two weeks. And, indeed, now there are very few new infection cases."

Levitt reviewed data from 78 countries that reported more than 50 new confirmed cases of the virus per day and said he notices deceleration in many of these countries. He said he's not focused on overall cases or deaths but rather on growth rates: 

"Numbers are still noisy, but there are clear signs of slowed growth."

He said in South Korea, confirmed cases are still being reported daily, though, in recent weeks, new cases per day have inched below 200, suggesting the outbreak is slowing. 

Levitt said recent trends in confirmed cases in Iran point to a slowdown. He said it suggests the outbreak there "is past the halfway mark."

Italy is still in an acceleration period, he noted. Cases and deaths have been exponential in the last several weeks. However, 15 days since the countrywide lockdown began, it appears the halfway point could be nearing, as per the chart shown below by Nordea: 

Levitt has gone on the record to say that the virus outbreak could disappear from China by the end of March.

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President Trump, Congress Agree on $2 Trillion Coronavirus Emergency Relief Bill

‘Unemployment Compensation on Steroids’


By Joel B. Pollak

President Donald Trump and Congress reached a deal on the terms for a $2 trillion emergency relief bill to address the economic impact of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, early in the morning on Wednesday.

Politico reported:

Lawmakers and the Trump administration reached an agreement on a nearly $2 trillion coronavirus emergency rescue package, a move intended to assist businesses and millions of Americans amid an unprecedented halt in the economy.

The announcement caps five days of tense negotiations between senators and the White House. Both the Senate and House still need to approve the bill before sending it to President Donald Trump for his signature.

The president had sounded an optimistic tone in his briefing for reporters at the White House on Tuesday evening, though Republicans had been scathing in their criticism of Democrats for blocking Senate passage of a relief bill that had been agreed to by the two parties on Sunday.

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