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Listening to the Coronavirus ‘Experts’ Has Led to Death and Despair

Americans should pause and reflect on the lies they are being told


On April 21st the Washington Post savaged Georgia governor Brian Kemp’s decision to begin opening his state after locking down for weeks. “Georgia leads the race to become America’s No. 1 Death Destination,” sneered the headline.

The author, liberal pundit Dana Milbank, actually found the possibility of Georgians dying to be hilarious, suggesting that, “as a promotion, Georgia could offer ventilators to the first 100 hotel guests to register.”

Milbank, who is obviously still getting paid while millions are out of work, sees his job as pushing the mainstream narrative that we must remain in fear and never question what “experts” like Dr. Fauci tell us.

Well it’s been three weeks since Milbank’s attack on Georgia and its governor, predicting widespread death which he found humorous. His predictions are about as worthless as his character. Not only has Georgia not seen “coronavirus…burn through Georgia like nothing has since William Tecumseh Sherman,” as Milbank laughed, but Covid cases, hospitalizations, and deaths have seen a steep decline since the governor began opening the state.

Maybe getting out in the fresh air and sunshine should not have been prohibited in the first place!

In fact, as we now have much more data, it is becoming increasingly clear that the US states and the countries that locked down the tightest also suffered the highest death rates. Ultra locked-down Italy suffered 495 Covid deaths per million while relatively non-locked down South Korea suffered only five deaths per million. The same is true in the US, where non lockdown states like South Dakota were relatively untouched by the virus while authoritarian-led Michigan, New York, and California have been hardest hit.

In those hardest hit states, we are now seeing that most of the deaths occurred in senior care facilities – after the governors ordered patients sick with Covid to leave the hospitals and return to their facilities. There, they infected their fellow residents who were most likely to have the multiple co-morbidities and advanced age that turned the virus into a death sentence. Will these governors be made to answer for this callous disregard for life?

Yesterday, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar admitted the obvious: “We are seeing that in places that are opening, we’re not seeing this spike in cases.” So why not open everything? Because these petty tyrants cannot stand the idea of losing the ability to push people around.

Shutting down the entire United States over a virus that looks to be less deadly than an average flu virus – particularly among those under 80 who are not already sick – has resulted in mass unemployment and economic destruction. More Americans may die from the wrong-headed efforts to fight the virus than from the virus itself.

Americans should pause and reflect on the lies they are being sold. Masks are just a form of psychological manipulation. Many reputable physicians and scientists have said they are worthless and potentially harmful. Lockdowns are meant to condition people to obey without question. A nation of people who just do what they are told by the “experts” without question is a nation ripe for a descent into total tyranny. This is no empty warning – it’s backed up by history. Time to stand up to all the petty tyrants from our hometowns to Washington DC. It is time to reclaim our freedom.


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Video: New Rule: Immunity Booster | Real Time with Bill Maher

Every now and then, Bill Maher’s words ring out like a giant church bell made of stone cold truth.

And on Friday…dong!!

As part of his “New Rule” segment, the Real Time host waxed on the coronavirus clampdown that’s got some people going through life without having one.

Here he goes, folks:

“New rule: The next time we have a worldwide pandemic, we have to come up with a better solution than everyone becomes Howie Mandel.”


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Video: YouTube Censors Epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski for Opposing Lockdown

By Jon Levine

Big Tech companies are aggressively tamping down on COVID-19 “misinformation” — opinions and ideas contrary to official pronouncements.

Dr. Knut M. Wittkowski, former head of biostatistics, epidemiology and research design at Rockefeller University, says YouTube removed a video of him talking about the virus which had racked up more than 1.3 million views.

Wittkowski, 65, is a ferocious critic of the nation’s current steps to fight the coronavirus. He has derided social distancing, saying it only prolongs the virus’ existence and has attacked the current lockdown as mostly unnecessary.

Wittkowski, who holds two doctorates in computer science and medical biometry, believes the coronavirus should be allowed to achieve “herd immunity,” and that short of a vaccine the pandemic will only end after it has sufficiently spread through the population.

“With all respiratory diseases, the only thing that stops the disease is herd immunity. About 80% of the people need to have had contact with the virus, and the majority of them won’t even have recognized that they were infected,” he says in the now-deleted video.

“I was just explaining what we had,” Wittkowski told The Post of the video, saying he had no idea why it was removed. The footage was produced by the British film company Journeyman Pictures.

“They don’t tell you. They just say it violates our community standards. There’s no explanation for what those standards are or what standards it violated.”

In articles and interviews across the web, he has likened COVID-19 to a “bad flu.” That likely made him a target for YouTube, which said in April it would be “removing information that is problematic” about the pandemic.“Anything that goes against [World Health Organization] recommendations would be a violation of our policy and so removal is another really important part of our policy,” CEO Susan Wojcicki told CNN.

Wittkowski’s argument is a minority opinion among his colleagues, but still well within mainstream thought and currently is the basis for Sweden’s non-lockdown approach to the pandemic.

The embattled WHO, however, is not a fan, with the group’s executive director of health emergencies, Mike Ryan, this week calling it “a really dangerous, dangerous calculation.”

Rockefeller University — Wittkowski’s employer for 20 years — also released a statement sharply distancing themselves from him last month.

While the doctor might have been too hot for YouTube, he has found a home at the American Institute for Economic Research, which is currently hosting the video online.

Across social media, censors have been racing to limit the flow of verboten information.

“We have broadened our definition of harm to address content that goes directly against guidance from authoritative sources of global and local public health information,” Twitter said in April shortly after removing two tweets by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

That same month Facebook conceded they had been working with state governments in California, New Jersey and Nebraska to remove pages for anti-quarantine events.

“It’s the kind of totalitarian thinking and conduct that has cost millions of lives in recent world history. The fact that it’s being done by private companies and not government doesn’t change that,” Ron Coleman, a prominent First Amendment lawyer, told The Post.

Wittkowski, however, says history has already vindicated his earlier position that the old and immunocompromised alone should have been strictly isolated, which The Post reported in March.

Roughly one-third of all US COVID-19 deaths have been among nursing-home patients and staff, a problem which Wittkowski says was deeply exacerbated in New York by Gov. Cuomo’s March 25 executive order requiring nursing homes to accept individuals with the virus.

He dismissed a new order from the governor this week requiring regular COVID testing for staff as a farce.

“Cuomo can’t undo his mistake of forcing nursing homes to take in infected people when the horse is out of the barn,” he said.

If nothing else, Wittkowski has made a point of practicing what he preaches.

The German national flouts New York’s coronavirus restrictions, walking around his Upper East Side neighborhood maskless and eating in underground restaurants.

“We don’t have to fear anything but fear,” he said. “Wasn’t that an American who said that?”



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Video: Shutdown Orders Cause Starvation of Millions

Coronavirus isn’t going to kill millions — the Stay-At-Home Orders will!

An estimated 265 million people will be pushed into starvation due to the global economic shut down orders instituted due to COVID19.

The number of lives that will be lost due to starvation and malnutrition will be of biblical proportions. Most of the lives lost will be ‘black’ and ‘brown’ lives yet the Democrats remain silent. In fact, most Democrat politicians have been in favor of continuing the strict Stay-At-Home orders that are causing this disaster.

While the world economy shuts down for a virus that has a 99% survival rate, those with goals to depopulate the earth, like Bill Gates, are indirectly making it happen via starvation.

According to USA Today, “Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, testified to Congress in Marchthat the mortality rate may be as low as 1% when accounting for people who are infected but don’t develop symptoms severe enough to be tested.”

Although 1% of 7 Billion people can still amount to a sizable number, the millions of people that will die from starvation will be far greater. So, next time you are called selfish or guilted by some face mask-wearing lemming for wanting to engage in commerce or open your business back up, let them know that millions will starve directly related to their support for these continued shutdowns.

Many Americans will continue to experiences the disastrous effects of these Stay-At-Home Orders for years. Cars line up for miles outside food banks overrun with people in need of food and supplies. With an estimated 20+ million Americans now out of work, food banks are worried that they will not be able to meet the needs of their communities.





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Gates Foundation Funded BOTH Imperial College and IHME, Failed Model-Makers

Debunked Models Shut Down The Economy

By Patrick Howley

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently provided massive amounts of funding to both the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and Imperial College in London, which both produced wildly incorrect models for the Coronavirus outbreak that sparked worldwide panic and provided false justification for government leaders to shut down the American economy, creating mass unemployment. Bill Gates is a vaccine oligarch who recently laughed at America’s economic devastation, so committed he is to his vision of vaccinating the world’s population and keeping society locked down until that becomes possible. Gates, like his crony Dr. Anthony Fauci, has fought the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat the virus and has claimed that society will never fully return to normal until a vaccine is ready. (READ: The Dark Truth About Fauci, Birx, Bill Gates and the Globalist Elites).

White House Coronavirus task force member Dr. Deborah Birx touted the IHME’s “Chris Murray Model” in April. IHME is housed at the University of Washington and was reportedly founded by the Gates Foundation, according to a Fox 9 report. In 2017, the Gates Foundation provided a ten-year, $279 million grant to IHME. Birx, meanwhile, sits on the board of the Global Fund, which has received more than $2 billion from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The IHME model proved to be a total disaster. In Georgia, where Republican governor Brian Kemp led the charge for re-opening his state, the model previously predicted 1,783 new cases per day on June 12 and hundreds of new cases per day into August. That model, just revised, shows 367 new cases per day on June 12 and zero new cases per day by August.

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Video: Trump Indicated That COVID-19 Vaccination Won’t Be Mandatory

“I think we’re going have a vaccine in the pretty near future and if we do we’re going to really be a big step ahead, and if we don’t, it’ll be like so many other cases where you had a problem come in, it’ll go away at some point, it’ll go away,” Trump said.

He also indicated that vaccination won’t be mandatory. “Not everybody’s going to want to get it,” he said.


Related Article:
This from back in November 2018

Trump Lays Groundwork To Ban Mandatory Vaccinations Across U.S.
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Video: Tucker: America Is Splitting Into Two Before Our Eyes As Power-Drunk Leftists Impose THEIR Law

Some states are using science to guide their decisions and cautiously beginning to relax their lockdowns. But power-drunk politicians in the other half of the country are tightening their lockdowns even now.


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