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The Smoking Gun: Where is the Coronavirus? The CDC Says It Isn’t Available.

by Jon Rappoport

The CDC document is titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It is dated July 13, 2020.

Buried deep in the document, on page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”

The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…”

Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. The use of the term “quantified” in that phrase means: the CDC has no measurable amount of the virus, because it is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS.

A further tip-off is the use of the word ‘isolates.” This means NO ISOLATED VIRUS IS AVAILABLE.




As if this were not enough of a revelation to shock the world, the CDC goes on to say they are presenting a diagnostic PCR test to detect the virus-that-hasn’t-been-isolated…and the test is looking for RNA which is PRESUMED to come from the virus that hasn’t been proved to exist.

And using this test, the CDC and every other public health agency in the world are counting COVID cases and deaths…and governments have instituted lockdowns and economic devastation using those case and death numbers as justification.

If people believe “you have the virus but it is not available,” and you have the virus except it is buried within other material and hasn’t been extracted and purified and isolated, these people believe the moon is made of green cheese.

This is like saying. “We have the 20 trillion dollars, they are contained somewhere in our myriad accounts, we just don’t know where.” If you don’t know where, you don’t know you have the money.

“The car keys are somewhere in the house. We just don’t where.” Really? If you don’t know where, you don’t know the keys are in the house.

“The missing cruise missile is somewhere in the arsenal, we just don’t where.” No. If you don’t know where, you don’t know the missile is in the arsenal.

“The COVID-19 virus is somewhere in the material we have—we just haven’t removed it from that material. But we know what it is and we’ve identified it and we know its structure.” NO YOU DON’T. YOU ASSUME THAT.

Science is not assumptions.

“But…but…there is a study which says a few researchers in a lab isolated the virus…”

They say they did. But in July, the CDC is saying no virus is available. I guess that means trucks were not available to bring the virus from that lab to the CDC. The trucks were out of gas. It was raining. The bridge was washed out. The trucks were in the shop. Joe, the driver, couldn’t find his mask, and he didn’t want to leave home without it…

Science is not assumptions.

The pandemic is a fraud, down to the root of the poisonous tree.

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Video: Dr. Scott Atlas Corrects Deliberate Misleading Statements Made By CDC Director Redfield

FINALLY! Trump has put an honest doctor on the podium! Unlike Fauci, Birx and the likes of Redfield, Dr. Atlas is a doctor that's "actually" interested in providing honest information about the so-called pandemic.

This is a clip from a briefing given by Dr. Scott Atlas in which he corrects one of the many deliberately misleading statements made by the totally corrupt Director of the CDC Robert Redfield. Redfield deliberately cited OLD DATA to falsely claim that 90% of people are still susceptible to getting sick from COVID-19 in order to keep the false narratives going, to keep the fear-mongering going.

One of the most striking things about this briefing is the fact that you can hardly find it anywhere. It's been mostly scrubbed from YouTube. No media coverage. BUT, you can find a TON of articles attacking Dr. Atlas with all the usual smears because he's not perpetuating the "official false narratives" needed to keep the mindless hysteria and fear going.




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To Trump Aides: You Have No Idea How Deep the CDC Scandals Go

The Trump administration’s wrestling match with the CDC — behind the smoke and lies

By Jon Rappoport

Trump aides and CDC loyalists are at war over the CDC’s handling of COVID reports. Charges; counter-charges. [1]

A core issue is the veracity of CDC weekly updates on case and death numbers.

These are included in the “Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR).” [2] This is a long-standing, highly regarded, and widely referenced CDC publication.

Medical professionals (who aren’t known for their ability to think straight) rely on these CDC numbers.

Now that Trump aides are taking issue with the MMWR, defenders are circling the wagons. One such defender called the MMWR “the holy of holies.” [3]

So I had to write this article.

I had to revisit the 2009 Swine Flu case-counting fiasco.

You see, that summer, while the CDC was reporting thousands of Swine Flu cases in the US, they had secretly…

Stopped counting the numbers of cases. [4]

The person who discovered this was Sharyl Attkisson, the star investigative reporter for CBS News.

And Attkisson found out what was going on.

The overwhelming number of test samples, routinely gathered from the most likely Swine Flu patients in the US, were coming back from labs with…

No sign of Swine Flu or any other kind of flu.

My, my.

Attkisson published a piece about this massive scandal on the CBS News website. At that point, her investigation was…

Shut down.

No other major news outlet in the world picked up on her story and ran with it into the rabbit hole. The blackout was universal.

I eventually interviewed Attkisson. Here is a key excerpt:

Rappoport: In 2009, you spearheaded coverage of the so-called Swine Flu pandemic. You discovered that, in the summer of 2009, the Centers for Disease Control, ignoring their federal mandate, [secretly] stopped counting Swine Flu cases in America. Yet they continued to stir up fear about the “pandemic,” [through their MMWR reports] without having any real measure of its impact. Wasn’t that another investigation of yours that was shut down? Wasn’t there more to find out?

Attkisson: The implications of the story were even worse than that. We discovered through our FOI efforts that before the CDC mysteriously stopped counting Swine Flu cases, they had learned that almost none of the cases they had counted as Swine Flu was, in fact, Swine Flu or any sort of flu at all! The interest in the story from one [CBS] executive was very enthusiastic. He said it was “the most original story” he’d seen on the whole Swine Flu epidemic. But others pushed to stop it [after it was published on the CBS News website [4]] and, in the end, no [CBS television news] broadcast wanted to touch it. We aired numerous stories pumping up the idea of an epidemic, but not the one that would shed original, new light on all the hype. It was fair, accurate, legally approved and a heck of a story. With the CDC keeping the true Swine Flu stats secret, it meant that many in the public took and gave their children an experimental vaccine that may not have been necessary.

—end of interview excerpt—

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Video: UCLA, Stanford Study Finds for Average 50-64 Year Old, Chances of Dying From COVID-19 are 1 in 19.1M

A new study from medical researchers at UCLA and Stanford University found the chances of contracting or dying from coronavirus are much lower than previously thought. One America's Pearson Sharp has the details.


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Video: A Brief History of CDC Corruption

This is a segment from the film PLANDemic II which details a bit of the totally corrupt operations of the CDC. Nothing has changed. They are doing it again with the FAKE COVID-19 PANDEMIC!  This agency has been a menace to socieity from its inception!  YOU CANNOT TRUST ANYTHING COMING OUT OF THE CDC.




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Video: CDC Director Admits Doctors & Hospitals Are Being Financially Incentivized To Inflate COVID Death Numbers

While downplaying the significance, Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of the Centers for Disease Control actually admits that doctors and hospitals are being financially incentivized to inflate COVID death numbers.


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CDC: Here's the Shockingly Small Number of People Who Died From Only the Coronavirus

Editor's Note:  How much more evidence do we need to fully realize WE CANNOT TRUST THE CDC!?  It is a totally corrupt institution, joined at the hip with Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the globalist, etc., etc.   While they publish info like this, they deliberately fail to cover anything like this in the media choosing instead to perpetuate totally false narratives and fear mongering to keep the COVID-19 FRAUD GOING with the end goal of destroying our economy and making BILLIONS FOR THE VACCINE INDUSTRY AND COMPANIES MAKING TESTING KITS. 
Bronson Stocking

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website disclosed the shockingly small number of people who died from only the Wuhan coronavirus, with no other cause of death mentioned. Hold on to your hat because here it is: out of the 161,392 deaths in the CDC data, just six percent, about 9,700 deaths, were attributed to the coronavirus alone. According to the CDC, the other 94 percent had an average of 2.6 additional conditions or causes of deaths, such as heart disease, diabetes, and sepsis. 



Instead of protecting the vulnerable – the elderly in nursing homes and those with comorbidities – health "experts" recommended locking everyone up and prescribing for Americans a wide range of ailments such as depression, suicide, missed early cancer screenings, unemployment, substance abuse, and poverty.

Something is driving the liberal media's morbid obsession with the U.S. death toll. The media is doing everything it can to blame the virus on President Trump, a virus that originated in China and is killing people all over the world. It's been widely known for months that people with comorbidities and the elderly are at higher risk for severe illness due to COVID-19, so why is the media clamoring for prolonged shutdowns and keeping schools closed? Is it because they see a connection between prolonged shutdowns, a weakened economy and the Democrats' electoral chances in November? 

Everyone with eyes should see how the Democrats and the media have weaponized the coronavirus against the president. Nothing made this more clear when the media and "public health experts" green lighting left-wing protests over the past few months. They know the virus poses little risk to young people healthy enough to go out and loot, tear down statues and vandalize property. 

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CDC Pushes the Latest False Narrative About “Controlling” COVID-19


You are the frog, and they are slowly boiling you. – In March, the CDC, along with doctors Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, assured President Trump that we could control the viral gift from China if we just had everyone stay at home for two weeks. “Two weeks to flatten the curve,” they said. Remember that? I do.

Then, when that didn’t work, the CDC, along with doctors Fauci and Birx, assured us all that we could control the Wuhan virus if we all stayed home for another month, washed our hands 32 times a day and practiced something called “social distancing” whenever we went out to the grocery store. Remember that? I do.

When that didn’t work either, the CDC and doctors Fauci and Birx, after having spent two months telling us all that masks don’t really do a damn thing to stop the spread of this Chinese plague, suddenly did an about face and began assuring us that, hey, all data and science to the contrary, we really can slow the spread of the virus if we would just practice social distancing, wash our hands 32 times a day, and wear a mask. Dr. Birx even told us that we should turn the masks into a fun thing, a fashion statement like her omni-present scarves. Remember that? I do.

We’ve since been put through another dozen or two story changes by the CDC and doctors Fauci and Birx, and today the story from the CDC is changing again, and they’re putting it in multiple choice terms. From a story at CNBC:

The U.S. could get the coronavirus pandemic under control if most Americans wear masks, embrace social distancing and practice good hand hygiene for up to three months, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday.

“It’s in our hands, within our grasp,” CDC Director Robert Redfield told reporters on a conference call. “But it is going to require all of us to embrace these mitigation steps. And we’re going to need to do that four, six, eight, 10, 12 weeks and then we will see this outbreak under control.”


Get that? We can “control” the coronavirus in either 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 weeks, according to CDC Director Redfield.

What does this tell us? Well, pardon my language, but it tells us that Dr. Redfield doesn’t have a god damn clue whether or not he and his worthless agency can ever “control” this virus. Which is not at all surprising, given that, since its founding 76 years ago, the CDC has never been able to “control” any of the common, seasonal flu viruses that preceded COVID-19.

Oh, and guess what else? Despite all the assurances we have received from Redfield, Birx and especially Fauci over the past 5 months that what we really need is a “vaccine,” that story is now shifting as well. Early this week, Fauci admitted that any “vaccine” will probably not be more than 50% effective, i.e., just like the “vaccines” we’re supposed to take every year for the seasonal flu.

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CDC Admits To Remarkably Low Coronavirus Death Rate


The ever-fear-mongering CDC has been forced to admit that the true figures regarding deaths from coronavirus are extremely LOW. Of course, the mainstream media and most politicians (from both parties) will ignore this reality, but that doesn’t change the truth of it one iota.

Most people are more likely to wind up six feet under because of almost anything else under the sun other than COVID-19.

The CDC just came out with a report that should be earth-shattering to the narrative of the political class, yet it will go into the thick pile of vital data and information about the virus that is not getting out to the public. For the first time, the CDC has attempted to offer a real estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26%. Officials estimate a 0.4% fatality rate among those who are symptomatic and project a 35% rate of asymptomatic cases among those infected, which drops the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) to just 0.26% — almost exactly where Stanford researchers pegged it a month ago.

Until now, we have been ridiculed for thinking the death rate was that low, as opposed to the 3.4% estimate of the World Health Organization, which helped drive the panic and the lockdowns. Now the CDC is agreeing to the lower rate in plain ink.

Plus, ultimately we might find out that the IFR is even lower because numerous studies and hard counts of confined populations have shown a much higher percentage of asymptomatic cases. Simply adjusting for a 50% asymptomatic rate would drop their fatality rate to 0.2% – exactly the rate of fatality Dr. John Ionnidis of Stanford University projected.

More importantly, as I mentioned before, the overall death rate is meaningless because the numbers are so lopsided. Given that at least half of the deaths were in nursing homes, a back-of-the-envelope estimate would show that the infection fatality rate for non-nursing home residents would only be 0.1% or 1 in 1,000. And that includes people of all ages and all health statuses outside of nursing homes. Since nearly all of the deaths are those with comorbidities.

The CDC estimates the death rate from COVID-19 for those under 50 is 1 in 5,000 for those with symptoms, which would be 1 in 6,725 overall, but again, almost all those who die have specific comorbidities or underlying conditions. Those without them are more likely to die in a car accident. And schoolchildren, whose lives, mental health, and education we are destroying, are more likely to get struck by lightning.  (Source)

And slowly but surely, medical professionals are beginning to awaken to the gross hyperbole (and even deception) of the mainstream narrative regarding corona. At this point, I would suggest that any medical professional who isn’t willing to acknowledge the hyperbolic nature of the corona narrative is doing so out of the blatant fear and intimidation that is being waged against them by the medical establishment—a medical establishment that is being bribed with millions and even billions of dollars from the federal government to go along with this charade.

A 30-year registered nurse I know, whose credentials include an RN, BSN and ACN, said this:

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Video: You Are Under House Arrest as a Result of a Crime Committed by the CDC

Dr. David E. Martin presents a highly detailed account of exactly what the CDC (Center of Disease Control) did to orchestrated this alleged pandemic and what they did to make sure nobody could expose the fraud they have perpetrated against the entire population of the planet! 

According to Dr. Martin, from April 2003 until September 2018, the CDC owned SARS-CoV, its ability to be detected and the ability to manufacture kits for its assessment. During this 15-year period, the effect of the grant of this right (ruled unconstitutional in 2013 by the United States Supreme Court in the case of Association for Molecular Pathology et al. v. Myriad Genetics) meant that the commercial exploitation of any research or commercial activity in the United States involving SARS-CoV would constitute an infringement of CDC’s illegal patent.  This fact made it impossible for anyone to investigate what exactly the CDC was up to and effectively prevented anyone from being able to validate/verify the claims made by the CDC about the virus.


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