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Videos: NBC 'Doctor' Who Appeared on Air With Coronavirus Never Had Coronavirus in the First Place


NBC medical expert Dr. Joseph Fair who appeared on NBC nearly a dozen times claiming he had the coronavirus, has now come out to say that he never had the virus in the first place.

"After believing he had the coronavirus in spite of getting negative tests, virologist and NBC News science contributor Dr. Joseph Fair tweeted Tuesday that he had tested negative for the antibodies and that the illness that hospitalized him in May "remains an undiagnosed mystery." Steve Krakauer reported on the developments for his Fourth Watch newsletter," reports the Free Beacon.

"My undiagnosed/suspected COVID illness from nearly 2 months ago remains an undiagnosed mystery as a recent antibody test was negative," Fair tweeted. "I had myriad COVID symptoms, was hospitalized in a COVID ward & treated for COVID-related co-morbidities, despite testing negative by nasal swab."

"I was severely ill for 2 weeks, 4 days of it in critical condition, resulting in pneumonia, diffuse lung injury & 18lbs of weight loss," he continued. "My path forward is a 2nd AB test, & follow-up with a pulmonologist & tropical medicine specialist in an effort to diagnose what made me so ill."

It now seems that Fair was attempting to fear monger the American people considering he had multiple interviews from his hospital bed and claimed that he contracted the coronavirus through his eyes.

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Video: Children DO NOT pass on Coronavirus. Not ONE case ever.

Like everything else regarding the "official narrative of COVID-19" THEY ARE LYING TO YOU. There is no evidence to support keeping the schools closed and no evidence supporting making our children wear face masks and keep six feet apart! It's CHILD ABUSE! THIS IS NOT ABOUT PROTECTING THE HEALTH OF CHILDREN!


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Video: Report from Brazil on Effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine Treatment

Editor's Note: The Medical Terrorists DO NOT want you to realize we already have effective treatment (CURES) for the virus going around. They want you to think "the only thing that will help is an untested vaccine that will be patented, contain God-knows-what and make the makers BILLIONS!


Here are the highlights of a fascinating report by journalist Claudio Lessa on the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine treatment for COVID-19. Brazil is using this treatment widely and, as you will hear in the report, it appears to be highly effective. Please be sure to also watch Lessa explain the real reason (besides TDS) why there is so much hostility towards hydroxychloroquine as a treatment.


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Video: The Truth Behind The Mask

Wearing the mask is part of an initiation ritual for the New World Order

Politicians, the media, and corporations are pushing masks on the population, insisting that they’re necessary for preventing the spread of COVID-19. But these same entities and institutions have given a pass to the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests which flouted all public health precautions like wearing masks or social distancing. So what’s really going on here?


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Audio: Top Medical Insider from Massive U.S. Health Care System Blows Roof Off the COVID-19 ‘Scamdemic’

Internal Numbers ARE ALL RIGGED For Profit, Greed, and Politics

If you yearn for more than a mere glance behind the secret curtain of how massive health care systems in the country are rigging COVID-19 numbers for profit and politics, a top medical insider blows the roof off of the rigged ‘scamdemic’ on the Thomas Paine Podcast. Listen to the eye-opening podcast below!  Portion discussing the medical insider whistleblower starts at about 35 min. in.  The first part of the Podcast goes into people who've mysteriously died that were involved in the Epstein affair which is also pretty interesting stuff.

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DVD: Truth About COVID-19 DVD


To help defray the cost of making the DVD
and to cover shipping we're asking a nominal

The DVD contains these 6 videos.

1) Dr. Kelly Victory gives the most comprehensive overview of everything COVID-19, the full spectrum that's very easy to understand.

2) Dr. Richard Bartlette who details highly effective treatment with a very safe, decades-old, and off-patent steroid Budesonide.  Those who have been lying to us DO NOT want us to know there are already inexpensive, safe and effective ways to fully treat a patient with COVID-19 like symptoms.  They want everyone to believe they have to wait and get an unproven and potentially highly dangerous.VACCINE.

3) Dr. Brian Procter who details the highly successful safe and effective treatment of COVID-19 like symptoms with a hydroxychloroquine regimen.

4) A TOTALLY SHOCKING, eye-opening interview with RN Erin Marie Olszewski.  Erin is a Nurse-turned-investigative journalist, who has spent the last few months on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, on the inside in two radically different settings. and finally,

5) A short video demonstrating that wearing face masked is dangerous and violates OSHA standards for air quality. 

6) A 5-minuite video by Jeremy Elliot - "Nothing Disrupts the System Like An Inquisitive Mind."  It's a brilliant summation of what so many of us have willingly allowed to happen to our society by obeying insane orders from totally corrupt people with massive ulterior motives.

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HORRIFYING: DEMOCRAT States Busing INFECTED Patients To Nursing Homes Account For 42% Of ALL COVID DEATHS

Despite the recent coronavirus alleged surge in southern states, three states—New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts—account for about 42 percent of COVID-19 deaths in America. Why?



In a recent article in The Atlantic, Thomas Chatterton Williams decried America’s handling of the coronavirus.

The words “utter disaster” are used, and Williams, an expatriate, contrasts America’s response to that of France, where he currently lives.

“As Donald Trump’s America continues to shatter records for daily infections, France, like most other developed nations and even some undeveloped ones, seems to have beat back the virus,” Williams writes.

To be sure, the US response to the coronavirus was far from perfect (more on that later). But the article shows one of the challenges with this pandemic: even as more data is acquired, the picture doesn’t always get clearer.

In some ways, COVID-19 data are like a Rorschach blot from which writers, politicians, and experts can glean whatever conclusions they wish to find. Take Sweden, where daily COVID-19 deaths recently reached zero.

According to Newsweek editorial director Hank Gilman, Sweden’s “lighter touch” approach was a failure because seven times as many people died there than in neighboring Scandnavian countries such as Finland and Norway. He is not alone in the assessment.

On the other hand, Sweden suffered far fewer deaths per capita than several European neighbors that instituted strict lockdowns—including Belgium, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom—and has avoided some of the economic fallout other nations have endured. Unlike other countries, its currency is growing stronger.

Indeed, Sweden’s death rate is remarkably close to that of France, which Williams praised as a model in contrast to the “utter disaster” in the US. However, the US actually has a lower per capita death rate than both Sweden and France—at least for now. (While it’s true COVID cases are on the rise again in the US, deaths recently reached three-month lows.)

This raises questions about how we measure success in the age of COVID-19. While most attention is being paid to rising case numbers, death tolls would seem to be the most important metric. While US deaths per capita (401/1M) put the country among the ten highest in the world—ahead of France and Sweden, but just below the Netherlands—those numbers also don’t tell the entire story.

Few may have noticed that 42 percent of all COVID deaths in the US come from just three states—New Jersey, New York, and Massachusetts. These three states account for nearly 56,000 of the nearly 133,000 deaths in the US, even though they represent just 10 percent of the population. If these three states are excluded, the US suddenly finds itself somewhere in between nations such as Luxembourg (176/1M) and Macedonia (166/1M), where some of the better fatality numbers in Europe are found.

Why have New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts suffered so much more than other US states? We don’t yet know the answer to that question, but evidence suggests it could be policy related.

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Video: Dr. Richard Bartlett Discovers "Existing" Treatment for COVID - Budesonide

Texas Doctor Claims Covid Cure as Big Pharma Backed Media Attempts to Cancel Him.  Dr. Richard Bartlett’s findings on his experience treating COVID-19 patients with the inhaled steroid budesonide, a drug commonly used to treat asthma.


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New Docs: NIH (Fauci-run National Institute of Health) Owns Half of Moderna Vaccine


By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense

New documents obtained by Axios and Public Citizen suggest that the National Institute of Health (NIH) owns half the key patent for Moderna’s controversial COVID vaccine and could collect half the royalties. In addition, four NIH scientists have filed their own provisional patent application as co-inventors. Little known NIH regulations let agency scientists collect up to $150,000.00 annually in royalties from vaccines upon which they worked. These rules are recipes for regulatory corruption.

NIH’s stake in the jab may explain why Anthony Fauci moved Moderna’s vaccine to the front of the line and to let Moderna skip animal trials despite the experimental technology and the inherent dangers of Coronavirus vaccines. Every prior coronavirus vaccine has proven problematic and can be lethal to animals due to COVID’s unique penchant for “pathogenic priming.” Death occurs only after a vaccinated animal encounters the wild virus.

Public health advocates and scientists criticized Fauci’s decision to skip animal trials as reckless. It may also explain why Anthony Fauci arranged a $483 million grant to Moderna from a sister NIH agency, BARDA, despite the fact that Moderna has never brought a product to market or gotten approval.

… Fauci publicly announced he was ‘encouraged’ by Moderna’s catastrophic Phase 1 clinical trials despite the fact that groups of super healthy volunteers had Grade 3 ‘severe or medically significant’ reactions following vaccination.

Fauci’s infusion made Moderna CEO Steve Bancel a billionaire and further enriched Fauci’s mentor and co-investor Bill Gates. It may also explain why Fauci publicly announced he was “encouraged” by Moderna’s catastrophic Phase 1 clinical trials despite the fact that 20% of the high dose and 6% of the low dose groups of super healthy volunteers had Grade 3 “severe or medically significant” reactions following vaccination. Those results would have spelled DOA for any other medical product. After getting the abysmal news, Bancel and four other Moderna executives immediately dumped more than $89 million in stock and Fauci was forced to make his optimistic public assessment to save Moderna’s plummeting shares from death spiral.

Fauci knows from experience that no matter how dangerous a vaccine, the easy part is convincing people to take it. Pharma, after all, controls the media.

Fauci painted lipstick on that lame donkey and now he’s trying to convince everyone it’s a thoroughbred. Moderna and NIH began manufacturing the first of 1 billion doses of the deadly vaccine this month. Fauci knows from experience that no matter how dangerous a vaccine, the easy part is convincing people to take it. Pharma, after all, controls the media.

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