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Hidden FDA Doc Explains Why “Liar” Fauci Opposes Hydroxychloroquine, Top Doctors Explain


A document no longer available from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration regarding “Emergency Use Authorization” of potential COVID-19 treatments appears to suggest that hydroxychloroquine satisfies the criteria for the classification, but would stand in the way of lucrative other drugs, and a vaccine. 

The possible treatment, shunned by the mainstream media and Big Tech, has far-ranging champions from Yale epidemiologists to frontline doctors to President Trump. Despite this support, corroborated by scientific studies, the medical establishment under the auspices of Dr. Anthony Fauci have refused to grant hydroxychloroquine “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA).


July 29th documents from a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) presentation reveal, however, that the “qualifying criteria” for extending EUA to the drug appear to have been met: it “may be effective” and that “no adequate, approved, and available alternative” exists.

The document makes clear that Emergency Use Authorization cannot be used for more than one drug or therapeutic, and the establishment is potentially therefore saving the EUA pre-emptively for vaccines and remdesivir – patently high-value Big Pharma drugs – instead of hydroxychloroquine.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who authored a study on the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine, outlined the medical establishment’s campaign against the drug on the War Room: Pandemic show.

He emphasized that Dr. Fauci has “lied to the American people” by insisting that authorizing a treatment for COVID-19 rests on “controlled trials to get anything through the FDA.”

“That is not true. That has never been the historical precedent and almost no other medication has ever had to meet those standards,” Dr. Zelenko continued.

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Association Of American Physicians And Surgeons Sounds Off On Face Masks

The AAPS, a national association of doctors founded in 1943, accurately delineates the physics and dynamics of face masks. Any government official that mandates the wearing of masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is acting in complete defiance of proven scientific facts.



Conclusion: Wearing masks will not reduce SARS-CoV-2.

N95 masks protect health care workers, but are not recommended for source control transmission.

Surgical masks are better than cloth but not very efficient at preventing emissions from infected patients.

Cloth masks will be ineffective at preventing SARS-CoV-2 transmission, whether worn as source control or as personal protective equipment (PPE).


Transmission of SARS-CoV-2

Note: A COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) particle is 0.125 micrometers (μm); influenza virus size is 0.08 – 0.12 μm; a human hair is about 150 μm.

*1 nm = 0.001 micron; 1000 nm = 1 micron; Micrometer (μm) is the preferred name for micron (an older term)

1 meter is = 1,000,000,000 nm or 1,000,000 microns



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Video: Dr. Scott Barbour Details Questionable History of What We Were Told About the COVID-19 Pandemic

In this video Dr. Scott Barbour covers this history of how this whole insane COVID-19 pandemic began and how virtually everything we've been told didn't make any real sense. As we all now know, there isn't much of what we were told that even remotely true yet all that false and unreliable information has been used to do massive damage to our economy, our way of life, and deeply compromised the health and well-being of the entire planet! The response to this false information has destroyed countless lives, exponentially more than this alleged new novel virus has.


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Yale Epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci Running 'Misinformation Campaign' Against Hydroxychloroquine

Accuses prominent doctor of harboring 'total anti-science viewpoint.'


Dr. Harvey Risch, a noted Yale epidemiologist,  has accused White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci of waging a "misinformation campaign" against the drug hydroxychloroquine, claiming the medication has shown consistently encouraging results in treating COVID-19 when used properly. 

Hydroxychloroquine has been at the center of a protracted political debate since March, when President Trump cited the drug as a promising possible treatment for the novel coronavirus. HCQ has long been used by doctors to treat malaria along with other syndromes such as arthritis and lupus. The World Health Organization lists it as an essential medicine, while nearly five million Americans hold prescriptions for it. 

Since Trump's speculative endorsement of the drug, media outlets and medical officials have for several months aggressively promoted various medical trials that have determined the drug has no effectiveness in fighting COVID-19; many commentators have also insisted, in spite of the drug's decades-long safe track record, that it is too dangerous to be used to cure the disease. 

Among the drug's critics has been Fauci. In March, the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infection Diseases dismissed claims of HCQ's effectiveness as "anecdotal" and has periodically voiced that skepticism over the course of the pandemic.

On Tuesday during an interview on "Good Morning America," Fauci further downplayed the drug's purported benefit, claiming that "the overwhelming prevailing clinical trials that have looked at the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine have indicated that it is not effective in [treating] coronavirus disease."

Drug is 'the key to defeating COVID-19,' says infectious disease expert

Risch, however, is sharply criticizing Fauci's approach to evaluating the drug's effectiveness, arguing that repeated trials and tests have shown that it is markedly effective at treating COVID-19 so long as it is administered properly. 

Risch, a professor of epidemiology and the director of Yale's Molecular Cancer Epidemiology Laboratory, has been pushing for the drug's use in the fight against the coronavirus for months. Last week in a Newsweek op-ed he called HCQ "the key to defeating COVID-19," claiming its use — particularly when administered with one of two antibiotics and the nutritional supplement zinc — has been "shown to be highly effective" in treating high-risk coronavirus patients. 

On Tuesday, Risch went further, charging in an interview with Just the News that Fauci is perpetrating a "misinformation campaign" in his opposition to the drug. 

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Video: Dr. Kelly Victory Insists People Ignore the Hysteria Over Rising Case Numbers

Dr. Kelly Victory details exactly why everyone should IGNORE ALL THE FEAR MONGERING OVER RISING CASE NUMBERS and explains her support and use of Hydroxychloroquine/Zinc for the treatment/cure of COVID-19.  She points out that not only is it highly effective, it only costs $12 to treat a patient as apposed to the Faucci/WHO supported drugs that cost $2000 to treat a patient and those treatments don't even work.  Classic Big Pharma con job!


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GDP Shrinks Record 32.9 Percent In Second Quarter Amid Virus Lockdowns

The U.S. economy shrunk at a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 32.9 percent during the second quarter of 2020 as the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic spurred an economic collapse of record-breaking speed and size, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

Between April and June, U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) shrunk at a pace that would have wiped out roughly a third of the value of the economy if extended over 12 months, according to the Commerce Department’s advance estimate of second-quarter growth. It is the largest one-quarter plunge in economic growth since the federal government began reporting quarterly GDP data. 

“This was the steepest decline since the start of the global financial crisis in 2008, when output shrank by 8.4%,” wrote Agathe Demarais, global forecasting director at The Economist Intelligence Unit in a Wednesday preview of the report. “The scale of the fall in the first quarter will be dwarfed by that in the second.”

On a non-annualized basis, GDP shrunk roughly 9.5 percent between the first and second quarters of 2020.

The staggering decline in GDP growth was widely expected by economists after the onset of the coronavirus pandemic forced millions of Americans into quarantine and out of work. More than 20 million Americans lost their jobs in March and April as thousands of businesses were forced to close and lay off their workers.

The mass layoffs and business closures derailed consumer spending, sapping a crucial source of strength for the U.S. economy that drives roughly two-thirds of annual growth. Spending on goods and services plunged at a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 34.6 percent in the second quarter, another record-breaking plunge.

“Consumption is the biggest component of GDP — almost 70% — so this drop alone will have subtracted some 24 percentage points from headline growth,” wrote Ian Shepherdson, chief economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics in a Thursday research note.

Investments in buildings, equipment and intellectual property — important drivers of U.S. economic production — fell at a yearly rate of 49 percent. Exports also plunged at a yearly rate of 64 percent.

While the economy has since regained roughly 8 million of the jobs lost during the pandemic, a second surge of cases has slowed the burgeoning recovery. Permanent job losses increased in each of the past two monthly jobs reports despite strong net totals and the number of unemployed Americans applying for weekly jobless benefits has remained above 1 million for four months.

The Labor Department reported on Thursday that initial unemployment claims rose for the second week in a row to a seasonally adjusted 1.43 million for the week ending July 25. Another 829,000 jobless workers applied for benefits through the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program for contractors and gig workers not typically covered by traditional unemployment insurance.

The Trump administration, Senate Republicans and Democratic congressional leaders are struggling to strike a deal on another economic rescue package to guide the U.S. through the pandemic-driven recession. Lawmakers have already missed a window to come to an agreement before enhanced unemployment benefits effectively lapsed and a federal eviction and foreclosure moratorium expired on July 25.

Economists have warned that the steep decline in fiscal support from Congress and the impact of a second wave of coronavirus infections could cause deep long-term damage to the U.S. economy that could take years to reverse. 

“While the initial rebound in monthly activity was stronger than expected, the recent flattening in high frequency indicators suggests a more gradual pace of recovery from here,” wrote economists at Nomura in a Wednesday research note.

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Video: Dr. Simone Gold and Dr. Richard Urso Explain the Safety of Hydroxychloroquine Use

In this video, Dr. Simone Gold and Dr. Richard Urso cover the long-term studies and history of hydroxychloroquine use that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that hydroxychloroquine is one of the safest drugs on the market. It has been around for well over 60 years, prescribed to tens of millions of people, and is considered so safe it's available over the counter in many countries around the world.


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Video: Dr. Mobeen Syed Explains Exactly How Hydroxychloroquine Works To Prevent and/or CURE COVID-19

In this video, Dr. Mobeen Syed explains, in very clear language, precisely how hydroxychloroquine works to PREVENT viral infections and how it can CURE viral infections once they start. And yes, even the hysterically hyped COVID-19 virus.


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Video: America's Frontline Doctors Summit- Session 2


Editor's Note:  This video was almost immediately deleted from Google's YouTube.  The America's Frontline Doctors web site has also been removed.  I was able to find another copy on the Bitchute platform but who knows how long it will stay there?  These doctors are being MASSIVELY CENSORED and a huge effort to discredit them is well underway.  THE GLOBALIST DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW THERE IS A CURE.  They want everyone to think they have to line up to get an F'd up vaccine before life will return to any semblance of normalcy.

LIVE from the steps of the US Supreme Court. America’s Frontline Doctors - Physicians from around the country address the American people about Covid-19 and the FACT that we have had a very safe, effective and inexpensive CURE for the so-called COVID-19 illness from the very beginning called hydroxychloroquine, used in conjunction with Zinc that's been deliberately suppressed and falsely reported on to scare people away from considering it in favor of pushing a forthcoming DNA altering vaccine.  Big Pharma has also made sure hydroxychloroquine is hard to get and in short supply in the U.S. 

Hydroxychloroquine as been studied for well over 50 years, been prescribed for millions of people, and proven to be one of the safest and most useful drugs available.   It is extremely effective against preventing and curing viral infections INCLUDING THE current coronavirus they claim is sweeping the planet.

The frontline doctors at this Summit explain exactly what hydroxychloroquine is and how it works to cure what's being called COVID-19 illness.  In addition, they explain exactly how we've all been deliberately misinformed about this cure to make everyone believe we cannot go back to any semblance of normal life UNTIL EVERYONE GETS A DNA ALTERING VACCINE!


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Video: This Good Doctor Calls Out COVID19 Hydroxychloroquine Nay-Sayers

Dr. Stella Immanuel sets the record straight about this VERY SAFE AND EFFECTIVE DRUG

Editor's Note:  Google's YouTube immediately censored/removed this video.  They do not want you to hear this information.  They keep removing these videos as fast as I can find new copies to post.  I'm probably going to end up having to make my own version and upload it to a platform I know won't delete it.


Dr. Stella Immanuel explains how HCQ not only works as a cure but can also be used to PREVENT COVID infection in the first place!

There are good doctors out there like Dr. Stella Immanuel trying to alert everyone that they are BEING MASSIVELY LIED TO ABOUT THIS SO-CALLED PANDEMIC in order to scare the living hell out of you.  The population is being led to believe if you get any kind of respiratory illness, it's COVID-19 AND IT'S A DEATH SENTENCE . . . well, until they get the magical vaccine that is.  It's all a lie.  If you find yourself with flu-like symptoms that are causing you respiratory distress, THERE IS A CURE right here, right now, inexpensive, effective and no side effects!  And it works quickly to alleviate symptoms.    THERE IS NO REASON TO BE SO FULL OF FEAR!!


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