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Video: Media Lies! 233 New Covid Cases Everywhere!

Editor's Note: Please remember that this whole fake pandemic is driven by a FRAUDULENT TESTING PROCEDURE!  The PCR process is not a legitimate diagnostic tool.  It cannot detect an infection.  It cannot distinguish whether a viral fragment is from a live virus or a dead virus.  It cannot distinguish between different strains of coronavirus.  So all these stats are totally meaningless even where they to be true.

We all know virtually everything the media spews regarding the fake pandemic is total BS but it never fails to astound when someone puts together a compilation that proves it beyond any doubt. They just make shit up to keep people in perpetual mindless fear mode.



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Video: Stelter Trump "Fake Cognitive Decline" Hit Piece Applied To "Real Cognitive Decline" of Joe Biden

Remember the endless stream of "cognitive decline" hit pieces aimed at Trump? Here we have one of them someone converted from Unreliable Sources talking head Brian Stelter being properly applied to Joe Biden. BRILLIANT STUFF.


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Video: What Do You Get When Just 6 Corporations Control What You See and Hear?

Many of you have probably seen a video like this but it's something we must keep in the forefront because it's one of the main reasons we find ourselves in the predicament we're in. A HUGE number of people are being kept in perpetual MINDLESS STUPIDITY AND FEAR because of this almost total control over the information pouring into millions of vacuous noggins by a tiny handful of powerful corporations.

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Florida Is A Case Study In Media-Induced COVID-19 Panic


What do all these news accounts have in common?

  • “Florida Sets Yet Another Coronavirus Record: 173 Deaths In A Day.”
  • “A record 173 Floridians died from the virus Thursday, an average of more than one every eight minutes.” 
  • “The 134 new confirmed deaths is the second-largest increase on record, coming five days after the largest one-day jump of 156 last week.”
  • “COVID-19 has ravaged Florida, with more than 237,000 people testing positive and 2,013 dying from the virus in July alone.”

So what characteristic do all of the reports share? They are all false.

It is not true that 173 people died from COVID-19 “in a day” in Florida. Nor did 134, or 156 on previous days.

It is also untrue than 2,013 had died in July when that story was published. 

All of these scary headlines are based on the number of deaths reported by the state on any given day. This is not the same as the number of deaths that occurred on those days.

The difference might seem trivial. But it’s crucial because the press is using the timing of Florida’s death reports to whip up a frenzy about COVID-19 running riot in the state.

Take a look at the chart below. The blue bars are the number of deaths reported in four days last week. Notice the sharp uphill climb? That’s the story the press has been telling.

But those deaths didn’t occur on those days. In fact, the vast majority of them occurred days, or even weeks, before. The actual date of these deaths is indicated by the orange bars.

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Video: Corbett Report - WHO Cares What Celebrities Think - #PropagandaWatch

WHO cares what celebrities think? WHO cares, that's who! Or, more to the point, WHO wants you to care what they think. Join James for this week's #PropagandaWatch as he peels back the layers on the WHO's "celebrity influencer" propaganda campaign.


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How COVID-19 Fatality Reports Are Distorting the Data on Daily Death Rates

Health departments publish two fatality figures; the media pick the more frightening one.


By Daniel Payne

Seven months into the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, state governments and media outlets continue to publicize confusing, misleading data on the spread of the disease here, perpetuating fears that deaths from the virus are skyrocketing on a daily basis even as those fatalities are generally distributed across a period of days, weeks or even months. 

At issue is how state health departments publicize daily reports of fatalities within the state's borders. State health officials have for months been publishing two sets of mortality statistics: deaths that occurred on the publication date in question, and deaths that have only recently been catalogued from state backlogs. 

The Arizona Department of Health Services publishes both of those figures on its coronavirus dashboard: On its "Summary" page, it lists the "number of new deaths reported today," while on its "Covid-19 Deaths" tab, the state lists the actual "deaths by date of death."

The distinction is a critical one: The state's "new deaths" every day do not actually reflect the number of coronavirus fatalities Arizona has logged in the past 24 hours, but rather the number of COVID-19 deaths it has identified from both new and older death certificates. 

Health department spokeswoman Holly Poynter confirmed to Just the News on Friday that the state's "new deaths" figure is not drawn exclusively from the most recent 24-hour period of fatalities. 

"While we had 91 new deaths reported today, the graph [on the dashboard] shows them by the actual date of death," she said on Friday. "Although those 91 were reported today, it doesn't mean today was the date of death. Those deaths may have occurred at any time on the graph but were simply reported today."

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Videos: NBC 'Doctor' Who Appeared on Air With Coronavirus Never Had Coronavirus in the First Place


NBC medical expert Dr. Joseph Fair who appeared on NBC nearly a dozen times claiming he had the coronavirus, has now come out to say that he never had the virus in the first place.

"After believing he had the coronavirus in spite of getting negative tests, virologist and NBC News science contributor Dr. Joseph Fair tweeted Tuesday that he had tested negative for the antibodies and that the illness that hospitalized him in May "remains an undiagnosed mystery." Steve Krakauer reported on the developments for his Fourth Watch newsletter," reports the Free Beacon.

"My undiagnosed/suspected COVID illness from nearly 2 months ago remains an undiagnosed mystery as a recent antibody test was negative," Fair tweeted. "I had myriad COVID symptoms, was hospitalized in a COVID ward & treated for COVID-related co-morbidities, despite testing negative by nasal swab."

"I was severely ill for 2 weeks, 4 days of it in critical condition, resulting in pneumonia, diffuse lung injury & 18lbs of weight loss," he continued. "My path forward is a 2nd AB test, & follow-up with a pulmonologist & tropical medicine specialist in an effort to diagnose what made me so ill."

It now seems that Fair was attempting to fear monger the American people considering he had multiple interviews from his hospital bed and claimed that he contracted the coronavirus through his eyes.

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