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The Great Barrington DECLARATION - Over 6000 Scientists, Doctors Sign Anti-lockdown Petition

Calls for only ‘focused protection’ of vulnerable people from COVID so everyone else can build herd immunity

By Steve Watson

Over six thousand scientists and doctors have signed a petition against coronavirus lockdown measures, urging that those not in the at risk category should be able to get on with their lives as normal, and that lockdown rules in both the US and UK are causing ‘irreparable damage’.

Those who have signed include professors from the world’s leading universities. Oxford University professor Dr Sunetra Gupta was one of the authors of the open letter that was sent with the petition, along with Harvard University’s Dr Martin Kulldorff and Stanford’s Dr Jay Bhattacharya.

It declares that social distancing and mask mandates are causing ‘damaging physical and mental health impacts.’

The petition, dubbed the Great Barrington Declaration after the town in Massachusetts where it was written, has been signed by close to 54,000 members of the public at time of writing, as well as over 2600 medical and public health scientists and around 3500 medical practitioners.

“Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal,” it notes, adding “Keeping these [lockdown] measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.”

“Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health,” the declaration also declares.

It continues, “The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular [heart] disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden.”

“Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice,” the declaration adds.

“Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal, it concludes, explaining that “Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold.”

“Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home,” it emphasises.

Finally, the declaration demands that normal life should resume, stating that “Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume. People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.”

The declaration echoes President Trump’s words earlier this week when he returned to the White House and asked Americans not to live in fear or let let the virus dominate their everyday lives:

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Donald Trump: ‘We Are Learning to Live with COVID’ Just Like the Flu

Charlie Spiering

President Donald Trump on Tuesday said Americans were “learning to live” with COVID-19 just like they were with the seasonal flu.

“Flu season is coming up! Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the Vaccine, die from the Flu,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Are we going to close down our Country? No, we have learned to live with it, just like we are learning to live with Covid, in most populations far less lethal!!!”

The president spoke about the coronavirus after returning to the White House on Monday evening.

Trump’s messaging on the virus shifted after spending time at the hospital fighting the virus, as he urged Americans not to be afraid of it.

“I learned so much about coronavirus and one thing that’s for certain: don’t let it dominate you, don’t be afraid of it,” Trump said. “You’re going to beat it.”


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Video: Crimes Against Humanity - Class Action Lawsuit Against Those Responsible for the Criminal COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich details the information obtained by the German Corona Investigative Committee, information that concludes the entire global COVID-19 pandemic is a massive criminal hoax and arguably the most massive CRIME AGAINST ALL OF HUMANITY the world has ever seen!



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Video: The President’s Life Is In Danger — Being Given Highly Dangerous Drugs

Trump has been given experimental drug and is now undergoing Remdesivir therapy

Jon Rappoport breaks down the dire circumstances President Trump is in as he’s being given experimental and highly dangerous drugs as part of his coronavirus treatment at Walter Reed Hospital.


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Michigan Supreme Court Negates Gretchen Whitmer’s Lockdown Powers

The Michigan Governor's reign of coronavirus terror may be over.


by CQ Livingston

For months, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has invoked an obscure WWII-era law as the basis for her power to keep the state locked down without consent from the legislation. The Michigan Supreme Court struck down that power today, forcing the Governor to now go to the state legislature if she intends to enforce her current lockdown which has been extended to October 27.


House Speaker Lee Chatfield hailed the decision via Twitter:


According to Breitbart:

The Supreme Court ruled today in agreement with the legislature that the 1945 law is unconstitutional,” Chatfield wrote.

“The governor had no right to extend the state of emergency over the Legislature’s objection. Our Constitution matters, and this was a big win for our democratic process.”

“Michigan is now unlocked,” Fred Wszolek, spokesman for Unlock Michigan told Breitbart News.

Unlock Michigan has been leading a petition drive to repeal the same 1945 law. On Friday, the group submitted 593,000 signatures to force a vote by the legislature, Mlive reported.

“We argued from the beginning that unlimited powers for a politician were a terrible idea. Today, we know that they are also unconstitutional,” Wszolek said.

This demonstrates the efficacy of using state judiciary to fight these unconstitutional lockdowns. Every state is different, but in many where lockdowns are prevalent, the state supreme courts can act for the people.

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Video: Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith - The Great Reset Explained, in Eloquent Simple Language.

Compliance leads to more compliance.

This Rabbi is reaching out to tell his people to stop allowing the government to bully them. These Jews among many others were called upon to comply with and pledge an oath to public health and its agenda, which he refers to as communistic, and that to pledge any allegiance to these doctors or the agency would be to their peril. The only way to survive is non-compliance. The government has no authority to mandate masks nor quarantine. He said we all have a responsibility to oppose these unlawful acts. Public health is the destruction of the individual by the official. Take your cell phone and throw it in the water, so the government cant track and trace you. If a man wants to live like a human being and walk down the street without a mask, stop berating him and humiliating him and doing the bidding of the government. It goes against the Torah, and against the constitution. Compliance always leads to more compliance. You have zero influence on the government, the only thing you can do is non-compliance, en masse. This is a war of public health against the people. You have a right to speak the truth, and it is your responsibility to do so. The more you try to please a bully, the more he will take from you. Public health officials are using the Jews, do not go along with them. This is all voluntarily, no one forced you. Do not berate and chase after those who are not going along with the government. They are doing their duty, because they dont fear. Go ahead do whats right, that is why you are here.


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These Coronavirus Trials Don’t Answer the One Question We Need to Know

We may not find out whether the vaccines prevent moderate or severe cases of Covid-19.

By Peter Doshi and

If you were to approve a coronavirus vaccine, would you approve one that you only knew protected people only from the most mild form of Covid-19, or one that would prevent its serious complications?

The answer is obvious. You would want to protect against the worst cases.

But that’s not how the companies testing three of the leading coronavirus vaccine candidates, Moderna, Pfizer and AstraZeneca, whose U.S. trial is on hold, are approaching the problem.

According to the protocols for their studies, which they released late last week, a vaccine could meet the companies’ benchmark for success if it lowered the risk of mild Covid-19, but was never shown to reduce moderate or severe forms of the disease, or the risk of hospitalization, admissions to the intensive care unit or death.

To say a vaccine works should mean that most people no longer run the risk of getting seriously sick. That’s not what these trials will determine.

The Moderna and AstraZeneca studies will involve about 30,000 participants each; Pfizer’s will have 44,000. Half the participants will receive two doses of vaccines separated by three or four weeks, and the other half will receive saltwater placebo shots. The final determination of efficacy will occur after 150 to 160 participants develop Covid-19. But that is only if the trials are allowed to run long enough. Pfizer will look at the accumulating data four times, Moderna twice and AstraZeneca once to determine if efficacy has been established, potentially leading to an early end to the trials.

Knowing how a clinical trial defines its primary endpoint — the measure used to determine a vaccine’s efficacy — is critical to understanding the knowledge it is built to discover. In the Moderna and Pfizer trials, even a mild case of Covid-19 — for instance, a cough plus a positive lab test — would qualify and muddy the results. AstraZeneca is slightly more stringent but would still count mild symptoms like a cough plus fever as a case. Only moderate or severe cases should be counted.

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Could the COVID Vaccine Be Canceled Before the First Injection?

Follow-up: the astounding failure of all three COVID vaccine clinical trials

By Jon Rappoport

I covered this breaking story last week.

I analyzed a startling piece in the NY Times that torpedoed the major clinical trials now underway, headed up by Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna.

My readers, who know the devil is in the details, saw how absurd these trials are.

Now I want to go back and fill in a few new facts that round out the picture.

As a result of increased scrutiny and pressure, the vaccine companies couldn’t just say their experimental COVID vaccine produced antibodies, meaning there was a “proper immune response” to the vaccine. That wouldn’t be enough to win FDA approval.

No, they would have to create two huge groups of human volunteers, give one group the vaccine, and the other group a saltwater placebo shot.

Then what?

Then wait. Since these companies believe the coronavirus is everywhere, descending from the clouds and infecting millions of people, they would wait for some volunteers to “catch COVID-19.”

How many volunteers? 150. That’s the magic number.

At that point, the clinical trial would stop. Everything would stop.

The big reveal would take place. Of these 150 cases of COVID-19, how many occurred in volunteers who got the vaccine, and how many COVID-19 cases occurred in the volunteers who got the placebo saltwater shot?

Get it? In other words, this information would show how successful the vaccine was in protecting the volunteers from COVID-19.

What would the vaccine companies be hoping and praying for? A breakdown like this: only 50 COVID-19 cases in the vaccine group, and 100 cases in the placebo group.

Why? Because this would prove the vaccine was 50% effective in preventing COVID-19. And that percentage is all the FDA requires to issue an authorization for the vaccine—an authorization to shoot up all Americans.

Absurd. Preposterous. 150 volunteers determine whether 350 million Americans will be targeted for a vaccine. But that’s not the bottom line in this story.

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Video: Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer Dr Mike Yeadon: Pandemic Over, Threat Exaggerated, No 2nd Wave, T-Cell Immunity

In this video, Big Pharma insider Dr. Michael Yeadon is speaking out; confirming what I and many others have been reporting, such as:

✅ The pandemic is fundamentally over;
✅ Science clearly indicates that there will not be a second wave;
✅ Many people have t-cell immunity;
✅ COVID-19 PCR tests are scientifically fraudulent;
✅ There are 10 times more false positives than actual positives;
✅ Lockdowns are deliberately based on unscientific, completely fake data;
✅ COVID-19 threat has been greatly exaggerated;
✅ Lockdowns led to tens of thousands of avoidable deaths.


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Researcher Suggests Deliberate Chinese Propaganda Campaign Forced World Into Lockdown

Communist regime flooded social media with fake videos and bots to whip up COVID hysteria.

By Paul Joseph Watson

Researcher and attorney Michael P. Senger suggests that the Chinese government launched an aggressive propaganda campaign to exaggerate the severity of coronavirus in order to force the rest of the world into a draconian lockdown that would serve to benefit Beijing.

In an article for Tablet Magazine, Senger details how in late January, “international COVID-19 hysteria began” with a series of suspicious videos posted to social media sites showing people in China suddenly collapsing on the streets, including one instance where a man held out his arm to break his fall, suggesting the collapse was staged.

After tens of millions of people were confined to their homes during one of the most brutally enforced lockdowns in history, Senger notes how in February the CCP “reported an exponential decline in coronavirus cases, until March 19 when they announced their lockdown had eliminated domestic cases entirely.”

China has officially recorded just 4,634 deaths from coronavirus, despite having a population almost five times larger than the United States, where the current death toll stands at over 205,000.

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