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Video: The Truth About World Events Summed Up in 90 Seconds

In this short clip a woman precisely explains how the insanity of this world is orchestrated and what we can do about it.  Fact is, 1% of the population controls the world.  4% of the population are the puppets of the 1%.   90% of the population are zombies and 5% are trying to wake the zombie population up.



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Audio: Vehicle KILL SWITCH Mandate Means You Will Be a PRISONER in Your Own Vehicle!

This is a major step in the New World Order plan for total control of your movements.

Congress, with bipartisan support, passed a kill switch mandate for every vehicle after 2026, which would enable the vehicle to monitor your driving patterns and decide whether it likes your driving, and if it doesn’t, it will shut off. This is a major step in the New World Order plan for total control of your movements.



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Video: Australian Senator, Alex Antic Blows the Climate Scam Completely Out of Water in Under Two Minutes

Globalists are very, very good at continually pounding us over the head with PANIC PORN, one manufactured emergency after another to keep us in a perpetual state of fear so they can bend us to their will.  The one thing they ALWAYS LEAVE OUT of their rhetoric is the fact that NOTHING THEY HAVE EVER SAID HAS COME TRUE!  It's all been pure bullshit!



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Video: Documentary Implicates Schwab, Gates, WHO, UN and Other Globalist Entities in Massive Crime of ‘ Democide ’



The world must ‘Cut Off the Head of the Snake’ or devolve into a new Dark Age of tyrannical global government

I reported last week on the arrest of a prominent international lawyer who has been investigating and exposing the criminal intent surrounding the unleashing of toxic Covid “vaccines” on the world population.

Today, I discovered another influential man, along with a woman, who might want to watch their backs.

They are Swiss banker Pascal Najadi and Swiss scientist turned WHO-whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger.

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Video: Why a Global Government Is the Ultimate Goal of Billionaires


  • The European Union’s “Energy Performance of Buildings Directive” — the legislative instrument that dictates the energy performance standards for buildings within the EU — will be used to achieve a massive wealth transfer scheme
  • By 2030, the EU must meet a minimum 55% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. By 2050, they want every building — commercial, public and residential — in the EU to meet zero-emission standards. To achieve that, they will impose a slew of new renewal energy requirements on homeowners
  • For example, heating systems that use fossil fuels are to be completely phased out of existence by 2035. Homeowners will be required to install new “green,” presumably electric, heating systems — and pay for it out of pocket. The cost for these new energy requirements are estimated to be around 100,000 euros for a residential house
  • The goal is to force people out of their homes. If you cannot afford the required upgrades, you’ll be forced to sell your home. Asset management companies will then buy them and turn them into rentals
  • September 20, 2023, the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) president approved a declaration on pandemic prevention, which assigns pandemic authority to the WHO, without a full assembly vote and over the objections of 11 member states. The objections should have prevented a consensus adoption the declaration, but the U.N. is skirting the rules by having the UNGA president, rather than the General Assembly, approve the declaration

(Mercola)—In the video above, Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen, a best-selling Norwegian novelist, explains how the European Union’s “Energy Performance of Buildings Directive” — the legislative instrument that dictates the energy performance standards for buildings within the EU — will be used to achieve a massive wealth transfer scheme.

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While Barely Anyone Was Watching, Leaders at the UN Made a 7 Year Agreement to Implement a Single Global Agenda


Have you heard about the agreement that global leaders adopted at the United Nations during the “2023 SDG Summit” that was held earlier this week?  On Monday and Tuesday, officials from all over the world gathered in New York City to commit their nations to fully implement the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals over the next 7 years.  If you are not familiar with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, you can find them right here.  They are essentially a blueprint for how the globalists want the world to be run.  Just about every area of human activity is covered by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and it would take extreme measures over the next 7 years in order to achieve all of them by the deadline.

But that was what the “2023 SDG Summit” was all about.

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Soros’ Son Complains That Another “MAGA-style” Presidential Victory Would “Imperil” Globalist Vision

Says populist leadership in U.S. would "undermine the progress...in Ukraine"


Alex Soros, son of arch globalist Open Society founder George Soros writes in an op-ed that he is worried that another Trump victory, or “MAGA style” victory in a U.S. election will endanger the “unity” of globalists in Europe.

“I believe a MAGA-style Republican victory in next year’s U.S. presidential election could, in the end, be worse for the EU than for the U.S.” the younger Soros writes.

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Video: General Flynn Breaks Down the Most Alarming Points of the ' Declaration of North America '


General Michael Flynn of https://generalflynn.com joins guest hosts Michael Yon of https://michaelyon.locals.com/ and Ann Vandersteel of https://rightnow.news/ to break down the most alarming parts of the new Delcaration of North America.

Read it at White House web site here:






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These 14 American Cities Have A ‘Target’ of Banning Meat, Dairy, And Private Vehicles By 2030

They are part of another globalist climate organization called the "C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group"


Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.” 

C40’s dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which was published in 2019 and reportedly reemphasized in 2023. The organization is headed and largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.

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Video: The UN Deception

There is literally a mountain of evidence, hidden in plane site so-to-speak, that confirms there is and has been a concerted effort by those that are in control of this world, to destroy nation states and replace them all with a centralized, global government which they alone control.  A case in point can be found in David Rockefeller's own memoirs.

Page 405 of his book “Memoirs” published in 2002
Chapter: Proud Internationalist
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure, one world if you will.  If that’s the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it.”

This quote is very typical of what these massively wealthy "globalists" publish about what their real agenda is.  Of course they totally lie about it when asked in public settings.  But here you can see one clear example of how treasonous these people are.   They are actively and deliberately working against the best interests of the United States!  They cannot establish a global government so long as the United States remains intact.  Their previous attempt at a global government body was called the League of Nations, and it failed simply because the United States government refused to sign onto it.

This documentary details what the ruling class has done throughout history.  They orchestrate their devious, convoluted schemes to amass even more wealth and power for themselves primarily through intimidation and deception. This documentary reveals that the United Nations was set up by the global elites for one purpose and one purpose only.  To be the hub of "their" global government.

If we continue to believe their lies and deception, soon our national sovereignty will be a thing of the past and we will be subject to an international authority that is literally accountable to no one.


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