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Video: NWO Builds Planetary Suicide System

What more proof do you need that the elite want you dead?

Many cults reach a point where mass murder is inevitable. It is no different with the Climate Change cult.

Recently, at the 28th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as the COP28, Pope Francis issued an apostolic exhortation to address the climate crisis. While President of COP28 Sultan Al Jaber, CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company raised questions.

These people won’t stop until all life on Planet Earth is no more. And they continue to ignore the science. King Charles demanded that US taxpayers pump trillions of dollars to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. While John Kerry wants food production halted and millions to starve in order to worship his delusions. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia spearheads a 500 Billion dollar project to cram 260,000 people per square kilometer into a 110-mile-long dense nightmare. Another part of their misguided solution is the use of carbon dioxide removal machines.

However, the potential leaks from storing carbon in underground reservoirs due to well failures, earthquakes and big money ignoring potential regulations could be catastrophic to life on Earth. The leaking CO2 underground in high concentration combined with the coupled processing of poisonous hydrogen sulphide could potentially wipe out millions per incident. A perfect target for potential terror attacks or false flag events. Putting the extinction of targeted populations in the hands of NWO psychopathic cults with a weapon of genocide lurking beneath our feet.



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