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Immunologist: Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Could Cause Long-Term Chronic Illness


In new research published in Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, immunologist J. Bart Classen warns the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines could create “new potential mechanisms” of adverse events that may take years to come to light.


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COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

By Joseph Mercola

Did you know that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines aren’t vaccines in the medical and legal definition of a vaccine? They do not prevent you from getting the infection, nor do they prevent its spread. They’re really experimental gene therapies.

I discussed this troubling fact in a recent interview with molecular biologist Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. While the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA shots are labeled as “vaccines,” and news agencies and health policy leaders call them that, the actual patents for Pfizer’s and Moderna’s injections more truthfully describe them as “gene therapy,” not vaccines.

Definition of ‘Vaccine’

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,1 a vaccine is “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.” Immunity, in turn, is defined as “Protection from an infectious disease,” meaning that “If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.”

Neither Moderna nor Pfizer claim this to be the case for their COVID-19 “vaccines.” In fact, in their clinical trials, they specify that they will not even test for immunity.

Unlike real vaccines, which use an antigen of the disease you’re trying to prevent, the COVID-19 injections contain synthetic RNA fragments encapsulated in a nanolipid carrier compound, the sole purpose of which is to lessen clinical symptoms associated with the S-1 spike protein, not the actual virus.

They do not actually impart immunity or inhibit transmissibility of the disease. In other words, they are not designed to keep you from getting sick with SARS-CoV-2; they only are supposed to lessen your infection symptoms if or when you do get infected.

As such, these products do not meet the legal or medical definition of a vaccine, and as noted by David Martin, Ph.D., in the video above, “The legal ramifications of this deception are immense.”

15 U.S. Code Section 41

As explained by Martin, 15 U.S. Code Section 41 of the Federal Trade Commission Act2 is the law that governs advertising of medical practices. This law, which dictates what you may and may not do in terms of promotion, has for many years been routinely used to shut down alternative health practitioners and companies.

“If this law can be used to shut down people of good will, who are trying to help others,” Martin says, “it certainly should be equally applied when we know deceptive medical practices are being done in the name of public health.”

Per this law, it is unlawful to advertise:

“… that a product or service can prevent, treat, or cure human disease unless you possess competent and reliable scientific evidence, including, when appropriate, well-controlled human clinical studies, substantiating that the claims are true at the time they are made.”3

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Truth About the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic

From an exclusive interview with Lawrence Broxmeyer MD

The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it

While “experts” have been telling us to wash our hands, have they really been doing the factual research needed to compare COVID-19 to say the Great Pandemic of 1918? Dr. Lawrence Broxmeyer MD, whose writings were previously published in the highly ranked The Journal of Infectious Diseases, doesn’t seem to think so. And his views, as expressed in an upcoming publication, aren’t alone.

During the SARS coronavirus outbreak, Wong et al, writing in the Journal of the Chinese Medical Association warned: “Preoccupied with the diagnosis of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory syndrome) in a SARS outbreak, doctors tend to overlook other endemic diseases, such as tuberculosis.”

Perhaps Wong’s warning should be listened to. The present and ongoing COVID-19- pandemic, did not occur in a vacuum. By December of 2018, Liu et al., in a large multi-center study, proclaimed tuberculosis to be an epidemic throughout China, which still simmers on in a country with the second largest burden of that disease in the world   ̶  a disease which also often begins with flu-like symptoms, and a disease whose bacilli are laden with RNA bacterial viruses called mycobacteriophages.

It was a non-virus in 1918 too

Demographers at UC Berkeley (Noymer and Garenne, Population Development Review 2000) claim tuberculosis was behind the many deaths in the 1918 Great Influenza Pandemic was specifically based upon the well-known concept that the secondary bacterial infections that cropped up in 1918 were common in TB-infected lungs.

And in Hiroshi Nishiura’s study (2012) not only was TB shown to be associated with influenza death, but there was no influenza death among controls without TB.  Investigator Nishiura later concluded: “Should a highly fatal influenza pandemic occur in the future, testing the role of TB in characterizing the risk of death would be extremely useful in minimizing the disaster…

But was Nishiura being listened to and learned from? Apparently not. Fast forward, Wuhan, China (2019-2020):

The chronological timetable of the present Wuhan “viral” pandemic suggests nothing “new” or “novel”.  The coronavirus outbreak started in December 2019, first identified in Wuhan, after 41 people presented with pneumonia of no clear cause. The Wuhan winter is from December to February. Yang’s Wuhan study from 2004 to 2013, described the annual TB surge in Wuhan as being fueled by increased transmission in the winter, peaking in March, with a second smaller peak in September. Among the conditions Yang attributed to the increased transmission of TB in the winter was indoor crowding, subsequent vitamin D deficiency, and even air pollution.

The increasingly severe air pollution in Wuhan, powered by the influx of foreign companies and the increased use of incineration for waste disposal, resulted in a visible haze so thick that it reduced peripheral vision as far back as June of 2012   ̶ a haze with inhalable particulate matter, highest in the winter, which according to Yang, was of a particulate size able to harbor Mycobacterium tuberculosis and related mycobacteria. Why is this important?

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Video: David Icke - How Much of This Shit Are We Going To Put Up With?

After almost an entire year of being forced to comply with totally idiotic lockdowns, masks, social distancing and most of us being told "we are nonessential" David Icke asks this most pertinent question, then proceeds to put it all into proper perspective and only David Icke can do. If we all don't snap the hell out of it, EVERYONE IS FORGETTING WHAT NORMAL LIFE WAS LIKE!


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Video: Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works

"Even Joe Biden called me crazy"

By Tom Pappert

Dr. Stella Immanuel, who was lambasted by the media and establishment medical community after she swore to the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine at treating COVID-19 in a viral video last year, is now demanding an apology, as much of the medical community and establishment media now agree with her.

“I demand an apology,” wrote Immanuel. “When we said Hydroxychloroquine works we were ridiculed. Now studies are coming out saying it works.”

“I demand an apology,” she said in the video. “From the media, I’m talking about CNN, CNBC, the New York Times, all those people that called me crazy, from Hollywood.”

“From all those people that sat there and made videos calling me crazy when I said hydroxychloroquine works and we should not allow people to die,” Immanuel continued. “I’m talking about FDA, CDC, NIH, I’m talking about all of you. My colleagues, the ones that called me names, the ones that threatened to report me to the board and all that stuff, because I said hydroxychloroquine works.”

“Now you have all these studies that are saying it works. What about the 500,000 plus people who have died? Who is going to be responsible for them?” said Immanuel. “Somebody needs to get their behind sued so bad that they will not find a way out from where they’re locked up.”

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Video: Corbett Report - Canadian Government Delays Mandatory Traveler Quarantine

The Canadian government announced it was going to subject Canadian residents to mandatory quarantine, at their own expense, after returning from international travel, regardless of their negative COVID status. After public backlash and the threat of legal action, the government is now delaying those plans, but some are alleging that the government has already arrested Canadians arriving in the country by air and transported them to a secret hotel location. Joining us to discuss this developing story and what Canadians can do about it is John Carpay of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.



Police threaten to arrest David Menzies
upon return to Radisson quarantine hotel

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The World Freedom Alliance gathers in Copenhagen, Denmark to bring together the world's most prolific freedom-fighters. Centering around a political rally of JFK21, this documentary features the latest comments from Andrew Kaufman, Catherin Austin Fitts, Dolores Cahill and many other members of the WFA in 2021.


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Video: An Oasis of Sanity - Mask-Free Grocery Store in Naples Florida

Decisions about how best to manage our health is not up to moronic politicians. It's our responsibility. I wish more stores would have the courage to do this. It is PURE INSANITY to continue following these ridiculous orders from people who all have their heads up their asses! There is ZERO credible scientific justification for mask mandates and social distancing bull crap.


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