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Video: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - The COVID Jabs Are WELL-DESIGNED KILLING TOOLS!!

EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH THIS VIDEO! This is the clearest presentation I've seen so far about what the SHOTS (they are NOT VACCINES) do, how they fill your system with dangerous binding antibodies (not the same as naturally formed antibodies), and how they go about altering your DNA in ways that could leave you PERMANENTLY DAMAGED!


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Ebola: the New Fake Outbreak

The virus is the cover story

by Jon Rappoport

We’re being warned that a new Ebola outbreak is spreading.

Yahoo News (February 26, 2021): “On Feb. 17, the World Health Organization reported a cluster of Ebola cases in Guinea…The Biden administration is moving forward with plans to screen airline passengers from two African countries arriving in the U.S. for Ebola…”

Before yet another lunatic pandemic story takes off, people need to understand the multiple hoaxes behind Ebola.

I covered the story in 2017 and 2014. Here are the essential quotes from my pieces. Buckle up

There is one predictable outcome: at Congo clinics and hospitals, frightened people who arrive with what are labeled “early signs” of Ebola will be diagnosed as probable cases. What are those symptoms? Fever, chill, sore throat, cough, headache, joint pain. Sound familiar? Normally, this would just be called the flu.

Here’s another point you won’t see discussed on the mainstream news: the reliability of tests used to diagnose Ebola.

Two of those major tests—antibody and PCR—are notoriously unreliable.

Antibody tests will register positive for disease because they ping on factors that have nothing to do with the disease being looked for. And even when the test is accurate, a positive reading merely shows that the patient came in contact with the germ in question. It says nothing about whether he’s ill or is going to become ill.

In fact, before 1985, when the science was turned on its head, antibody-positive status was taken to mean the patient’s immune system had successfully warded off the germ.

The PCR test is a sophisticated way of amplifying tiny, tiny bits of what are assumed to be viral material, so they can be observed. The problem here is this: if only tiny bits of material could be found in the patient’s body in the first place, there is no reason to suppose they’re enough to cause disease. Very, very large amounts of virus are necessary to begin to suspect the patient is ill or is going to become ill.

Bottom line: huge numbers of people on whom these tests are done are going to be falsely diagnosed with Ebola.

You “show” people a germ and you tell them what it is and what it does, and people salute. They give in. They believe. They actually know nothing. But they believe.

The massive campaign to make people believe the Ebola virus can attack at any moment, after the slightest contact, is quite a success.

People are falling all over themselves to raise the level of hysteria.

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The Zika Virus Was A Warm-up For COVID It Didn't Fly

by Jon Rappoport

I covered the Zika outbreak extensively in 2016. It was yet another fraud, and it collapsed under the weight of warnings to women to avoid pregnancy. Women wouldn’t obey in great enough numbers.

Basically, the official position was: an outbreak of microcephaly was occurring, worldwide, starting in Brazil. Babies were being born with smaller heads and brain damage. The cause was the Zika virus, carried by mosquitoes.

When I was exposing the lies, in 2016, I wasn’t questioning the existence of the Zika virus. Now, in 2021, I would be demanding proof that the virus had actually been isolated.

Here are excerpts from the many articles I wrote during the “Zika crisis”. There is more, much more to the story, but what I’m publishing here is enough to reveal the standard pattern of pandemic ops: pretend the “medical condition” is entirely the result of a germ; fake the exact cause; cover up ongoing government/corporate crimes.

EXCERPT ONE, 2016: There is no convincing evidence the Zika virus causes the birth defect called microcephaly.

Basically, Brazilian researchers, in the heart of the purported “microcephaly epidemic,” decided to stop their own investigation and simply assert Zika was the culprit. At that point, they claimed that, out of 854 cases of microcephaly, only 97 showed “some relationship” to Zika.

You need to understand that these figures actually show evidence AGAINST the Zika virus as the cause. When researchers are trying to find the cause of a condition, they should be able to establish, as a first step, that the cause is present in all cases (or certainly an overwhelming percentage).

This never happened. The correlation between the presence of Zika virus and microcephaly was very, very weak.

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Video: NUMB by Liv McNeil

Do you think for one second the likes of Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, etc., etc., give two shits about what they have done to destroy the lives of our children?  This is a mini film by Liv McNeil a 9th grader.  It's about the deadly lockdowns and closed schools. She did this for a school project but she was so happy with how it came out she posting it on YouTube and it's gotten about 1.6 million views so far. Really captures the reality of what the psychopaths behind the COVID FRAUD have done to rob kids of their lives and the psychological/emotional damage it's done.

Liv's YouTube Channel


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Video: Angry (Truck Driver Mouth) Nurse Draws the Line on COVID Hoax Stupidity!

I'm not sure who this nurse is but this is an absolute stellar rant! God created foul language precisely for this purpose!! No other words can capture the real stench and appropriate outrage of what total MORONIC IDIOTS we have surrounding us happily facilitating the destruction of normal life. They lap up the bull shit "official narratives" so they can stomp around in virtue-signaling paradise while the world burns to the ground around them and they willingly participate in their own destruction.


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Video: What's REALLY in the Fake Vaccines - Former FEMA employee Celeste Solum with David Icke

This is a MUST SEE presentation.  Celeste Solum has done an incredibly deep dive research effort into the myriad of INSANE ingredients in the so-called COVID vaccines, which are not vaccines in any sense of the word.  They are diabolical gene therapy cocktails that do in fact alter the very nature of our DNA.  She also exposes the fact that these vaccines are all different, many different set of ingredients to target specific groups of people.

This fake COVID Pandemic is in reality ONE HUGE CRIMINAL EXPERIMENT designed to destroy everything it is to be a human being!


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Video: Microsoft (BILL GATES) Daily Pass Program INSANITY! Get Ready to Projectile VOMIT!

Of course, it's being rolled out in COMMIFORNIA LA.  Once again, they ruthlessly target our children, scare the living shit out of them for no legitimate reason except to brainwash/indoctrinate them when they are most vulnerable.  THEY ALL KNOW children pose no risk and are at no risk of any serious illness from this fake pandemic.


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11 Million At Risk Of Losing Their Homes Once COVID Protections Expire


With the Federal government supercharging the US consumer with now periodic massive stimulus payments - $900 billion here and $1.9 trillion there - and universal basic income handouts, it's hardly a surprise that the US economy, where the government is now responsible for a staggering 27% of all personal income...

...  is redlining to the point of overheating as Goldman found recently when its latest Goldman Sachs Analyst Index (GSAI) which provides a snapshot perspective on the US economy, hit an all time high.

None of this is a surprise: when money literally drops from the sky, it would be a miracle if the economy wasn't overheating. The question is what happens when the party stops. Unfortunately for some 11 million people, the hangover will be a disaster.

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Second State Joins Texas in Eliminating Mask Mandates, Re-Opening All Businesses: Mississippi

The State of Mississippi is following Texas’ lead and will reopen the state’s businesses and remove the mask mandates.

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves announced the state is effectively going back to being America again.

“Starting tomorrow, we are lifting all of our county mask mandates and businesses will be able to operate at full capacity without any state-imposed rules. Our hospitalizations and case numbers have plummeted, and the vaccine is being rapidly distributed. It is time!” he tweeted.


The order follows that from the State of Texas earlier today.

“So today, I am issuing a new executive order that rescinds most of the earlier executive orders,” Abbott said. “Effective next Wednesday, all businesses of any type are allowed to open 100 percent.”

“That includes any type of entity in Texas,” the governor continued. “Also, I am ending the statewide mask mandate.”

Liberals, of course, are lamenting the news and trying to rationalize continuing the lockdowns. I suggest that Americans ignore them, just like they ignore our God-given human rights.

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Texas To Drop Mask Mandate and Open All Businesses 100%



Texas Governor Greg Abbott has just announced that Texas will no longer mandate that people wear masks statewide and will also open all businesses up completely on March 10th:


Below is the video of Abbott’s big announcement:


This is incredible news for Texans, especially after the winter storm they just went through.

Hopefully other states will follow suit because we could all use a heavy dose of getting back to normal, especially with many of our vulnerable already vaccinated. It’s time to put this pandemic behind us.

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