You should find the following stories and information extremely disturbing. We have taken an awful lot for granted in this country because most of us felt we could trust our government and felt that the citizens charged with the election process are actually interested in producing an accurate counting of all of our votes. Well, it's pretty clear that our trust is totally misplaced and it's falling to ordinary citizens like Bev Harris, to hold the people running elections accountable. Nobody in the media will spend any time investigating the election process, how votes are actually counted, and the massive security holes every step along the way. We pay ridiculous amounts of money to the government and yet it's becoming increasingly clear that WE are going to have to monitor our election process ourselves, like hawks, if we ever hope to actually get an honest election.
These videos and audio interview demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that our elections are a total sham and the last thing we can do is trust those conducting them.
The government pays a couple corporations millions upon millions of dollars for voting machines that are proven to be easy as pie to hack and on top it it, provide no secure system for counting the votes. And paying the big bucks for a recount only goes to expose the fact that the system is utterly incapable and unwilling to provide honest results.
If our votes are not counted accurately, we have no power over our government. It's just that simple. The following info demonstrates we don't even have the most minimal security in place to ensure votes are not tampered with. The ballots are routinely put in cardboard boxes, secured with nothing more than flimsy tape. It's absolutely a crime we should all be up in arms about. At the very least, some of those millions should have been spent on establishing a secure chain of custody procedure and something like lockable, metal boxes to put the ballots in, with key card access that records exactly who accesses them.
Vote Fraud Expert Convinced Chain of Custody is Corrupt
by Paul Joseph Watson
Fresh from her confrontations in New Hampshire during which public officials were grilled about slapdash chain of custody and ballot box tampering issues, Bev Harris is now convinced that a "criminal enterprise" is running the primary recount.
Harris was fundamental in the vetting and production of the HBO special Hacking Democracy, and has contributed towards bringing charges against vote fraudsters who cheated in Ohio in 2004.
Harris traveled to New Hampshire personally to discover for herself the disgraceful lapses in chain of custody for the memory cards and ballot boxes used in the recent primary
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