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Video: FRONTLINE: The Power of the FED (Federal Reserve Bank)

When COVID-19 struck, the Federal Reserve stepped in to try to avert economic crisis. As the country’s central bank continues to pump billions of dollars into the financial system daily, who is benefiting and at what cost?


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Amid a Banking Crisis with the Segment Rated “Negative” – Four Banks Awarded Over $60 BILLION to BLM Movement


With the banking segment being downgraded to “Negative” by Moody’s, we discover that four banks gave more than $60 BILLION to BLM-related causes over the past few years. 

Over the weekend, two banks went under.  One bank, Silicon Valley Bank, was the second-largest bank failure in history.

Yesterday, Moody’s rated the ENTIRE Banking Segment as “Negative”.  This is a very big deal.  We also discovered that US Banks have assets that are $2 TRILLION under their balances.

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Video: Fiat Empire

This Telly Award-winning documentary, which features presidential candidate RON PAUL, was inspired by the book, "The Creature From Jekyll  Island" by well-known author, G. EDWARD GRIFFIN.

Find out why some feel the Federal Reserve's practices are a violation of the U.S. Constitution and others feel it's simply "a bunch of organized crooks." Discover why experts agree the Fed is a banking cartel that benefits mainly bankers and their corporate clients as well as a Congress that would rather increase the National Debt to $9 trillion than raise taxes. Find out how the corporate media facilitates the partnership between the Fed and Congress and why it fails to disclose what's going on. Lastly, find out how the Federal Reserve member banks are owned and controlled by an elite group of insiders.


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Video: The Secret of OZ - From the Director/Writer of the Money Masters!

The economy of the U.S. is in a deflationary spiral. Nothing can stop it -- except monetary reform.

  1. No more national debt. Nations should not be allowed to borrow. If they want to spend, they have to take the political heat right away by taxing.
  2. No more fractional reserve lending. Banks can only lend money they actually have.
  3. Gold money is NOT the answer. Historically gold ALWAYS works against a thriving middle class and ALWAYS works to create a plutocracy.
  4. The total quantity of money + credit in a national system must be fixed, varying only with the population.


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Video: Michelle Malkin to Trump: ‘Shut Down’ Federal Reserve Remittance Program for Illegal Aliens

Columnist Michelle Malkin is calling on President Trump to “shut down” a Federal Reserve program that profits off remittances sent to foreign countries by illegal aliens.

During an interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, Malkin detailed how the Federal Reserve actually aids illegal aliens living in the United States through a federal remittance program, included in her latest bookOpen Borders, Inc: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?

“I was working on a section in Chapter One which is on the caravan cartel called ‘Banking on Illegals’ and I’d reported on this all the way back from the late 1990s on Bank of America and Wells Fargo and private institutions that were profiting,” Malkin said. “And in the middle of that research, I discovered the Federal Reserve, itself, was trying to hone in on this segment of the market with its own program to have a remittance program that is specifically marketed to illegal aliens in America.”

“This program still exists, it doesn’t make a lot of money, but the idea that the federal government itself is breaking the laws of aiding and abetting illegal aliens and that it hasn’t been shut down,” Malkin continued. “I mean not only should President Trump fulfill the promise that he made many, many, many months ago to tax remittances but he should shut down this Federal Reserve program as well.”

The “Directo a Mexico” program Malkin references was started by former President George W. Bush’s administration in 2005, funneling remittances through the Federal Reserve directly to Mexico’s central bank, according to Judicial Watch, which has been suing the federal government for more information on the scheme.

“The Trump administration should release it to Judicial Watch and then shut it down,” Malkin said.

Malkin said when she first reported on Directo a Mexico, she discovered how American taxpayer money has funded the Federal Reserve’s marketing of the program to illegal aliens living in the U.S.

“I reported for the first time … how they marketed the program I believe it was in Minnesota,” Malkin said. “So taxpayer money was used to have a little fair and there were games and they brought families in to recruit illegal alien customers.”

“It’s very important that American taxpayers know that its largely their money that’s funding their own destruction,” Malkin said.

Every year, as Breitbart News has reported, about $150 billion in remittances are sent to foreign countries by illegal aliens and legal immigrants living in the U.S. This money is untaxed.

Mexico, in 2017 alone, received about $30 billion in untaxed remittances from foreign nationals living in the U.S., while China took in between $15 to $20 billion that year. India and the Phillippines also enjoyed more than $10 billion in untaxed remittances sent from foreign nationals living in the U.S.

Watch Malkin’s full interview here: 


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Video: Monopoly Men - The Federal Reserve Fraud

The Federal Reserve, or the Fed as it is lovingly called, may be one of the most mysterious entities in modern American government.  Created during Wilson's presidency to protect the economy in times of financial turmoil, its real business remains to be discovered. During the Wilson presidency, the U.S. government sanctions the creation of the Federal Reserve. Thought by many to be a government organization maintained to provide financial accountability in the event of a domestic depression, the actual business of the Fed is shrouded in secrecy.

Many Americans will be shocked to discover that the principle business of the Fed is to print money from nothing, lend it to the U.S. government and charge interest on these loans. Who keeps the interest? Good question. Find out as the connective tissue between this and other top-secret international organizations is explored and exposed.


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Video: Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve

This 41 minute film is a great introduction into how the banking system really works.  This information should be taught to every single American in the public schools, yet is not, simply because if everyone knew the criminal nature or what bankers are getting away with, nobody would put up with it.  After watching this film, I highly recommend you take the time to watch the 3.5 hour Money Masters, for a complete history that will blow your mind! 


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Video: The Capitalists Conspiracy

This is a fairly old presentation that details exactly who the people are in control of all the most powerful institutions on this planet and who control virtually all major world events because of it.   It also reveals the simple steps we can all take to put an end to their reign, all of which this project endorses whole-heartedly.  We have to eliminate their power base, control of government and control of our currency and credit.   Once we doe that, they fall.

It's amazing how relevant and accurate this presentation is today.  Everything is accurate except the fact that "communism" is no longer our biggest, baddest enemy.


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Video/Audio: Half of U.S. Gold Reserves Gone? Watchdog: 'We want to expose and stop the manipulation'

The following audio is from a recent interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi and a second interview with William Murphy concerning the revelation that the central banks have been manipulating the gold market to keep the price of gold artificially low in order to keep the value of the dollar up as they've been simultaneously inflating the currency.  The result is finally hitting the fan as the dollar value is rapidly plunging and the price of gold can no longer be held artificially low.  This has all been done on purpose, to destroy the currency and consolidate real assets into the hands of the robber barons.  There is no end to the lying, deceit and treachery of the world bankers.

This story exposes the primary reason why we have to put an end to corporate control of our Congress.  The legal fiction of "corporate personhood" is primary reason the bankers were allowed to take over Congress, set up the Federal Reserve and through their control of our currency and extension of credit through the outright fraud of the "fractional reserve banking scheme" we have allowed them to amass most of the wealth and assets of the world for themselves.


By Jerome R. Corsi 
Firstpublished 1/29/2008


U.S. central banks may have less than half the gold they claim to possess in their vaults, charges a watchdog group in an ad scheduled for publication in the Wall Street Journal this week.

As WND reported, the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, or GATA, claims the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury are surreptitiously manipulating the country's gold reserves by participating in undisclosed leases, according to an advance copy WND obtained of the ad running in Thursday's edition of the Journal.

GATA believes much of the borrowed gold out on lease will never be returned to the central banks.

"With the demand for gold so strong worldwide, it has become impossible to return much of the leased gold without driving the price to the moon," said GATA's chairman, William J. Murphy III.

"Most observers calculate central bank reserves are supposed to have about 30,000 tons of gold worldwide in their vaults, but we believe the amount of gold actually there may be more like 15,000 tons," Murphy said. "The rest of the gold is gone."

The U.S. Treasury denies the claim, insisting the stock is accounted for regularly."We want to expose and stop the manipulation of the gold market by the United States Treasury and Federal Reserve right now," Murphy said.

 "The purpose of this ad is to wake people up in the investment world as to what is going on behind the scenes in the U.S. gold and financial markets," Murphy told WND.

He explained GATA has decided to pay the Wall Street Journal $264,000 for a one-time placement of the full page ad in the national edition because the financial press has not covered the story.

"We have had two major international conferences since 2001; the mainstream financial press has blackballed our message," Murphy explained.

"Anybody Seen Our Gold?" the ad is titled, charging U.S. gold reserves held at depositories such as Fort Knox or West Point may have been seriously depleted as they are shipped overseas to settle complex transactions utilized by the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury to suppress prices.

GATA further charges the U.S. government strategy to manipulate the price of gold has begun to fail.

"The objective of this manipulation is to conceal the mismanagement of the U.S. dollar so that it might retain its function as the world's reserve currency," the ad copy reads.

"Gold's recent rise toward $900 per ounce shows that the price suppression scheme is faltering," GATA says. "When it is widely understood how central banks have been suppressing gold, its price may rise to $3,000 or $5,000 an ounce or more."

As evidence of gold price manipulation by the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve, GATA cites Treasury's weekly report of the government's international reserve position that since May has listed gold loans and swaps as a line item in accounting for U.S. gold reserves.

The ad also cites a July 24, 1998, statement by then-Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, who told Congress "central banks stand ready to lease gold in increasing quantities should the price rise."

The most recent U.S. Treasury statement of the U.S. international reserve position, released Jan. 24, lists the total U.S. foreign currency reserves as $71.515 billion, of which $11.041 billion is listed as gold (including gold deposits and, if appropriate, gold swapped).

The Bank of International Settlements reports the gold derivatives market hit a peak of $640 billion dollars in December 2006.

Murphy emphasizes that tracing the derivatives back to central bank gold transactions and determining precisely the degree to which the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury are involved is not possible now, given the lack of public accountability and transparency built into the gold derivatives financial system worldwide.

Murphy said his group filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve "to find out what this line item is all about."

"What is the true status of the U.S. gold that is supposed to belong to the American people?" he asked. "Has U.S. gold been put into play without the Treasury or Fed letting the American people know?"

A statement on Treasury's website claims the agency's Exchange Stabilization Fund has not been used to manipulate gold prices. But no statement could be found on the Treasury website that categorically denies the agency engages in gold swaps, leases or futures contracts for reasons other than to manipulate the price of gold.

The London Bullion Market Association lists on its website more than 80 members working as "bullion bank market makers" engaged in the worldwide gold commodities market place as principals originating and participating in various gold derivative products, including gold leases and swaps.

The U.S. members of the London Bullion Market Association listed include Bear Stearns Forex Inc., Goldman Sachs International, JP Morgan Chase Bank, Bank of America, Citibank, Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley.

A legal memorandum filed Feb. 28, 2003, on behalf of Barrick Gold Corporation, a major gold company affiliated with bullion bank J. P. Morgan, admitted Barrick engages with central banks in gold leases and other gold derivative transactions, without specifically admitting whether any such transactions were conducted on behalf of the Federal Reserve and Treasury.

In September 1999, European central banks meeting in Washington signed what has become known as the "Washington Accord," an agreement in which the banks agreed to limit the amount of their gold sales to 400 tons per year and not to expand their leasing operations during the five years of the agreement.

Under a gold lease, a central bank loans gold to a bullion bank at a nominal rate of interest, typically 1 percent.

The bullion banks then takes the gold lease to a commodities market such as the London Bullion Market, where the physical gold is sold, thereby adding to the supply of gold available on the market.

Problems develop when the price of gold rises dramatically, such as it has in recently months, with gold currently running over $900 an ounce.

Now, when the leased gold needs to be returned to the central banks at the end of the lease period, the bullion banks may have to go into the market and buy gold at a much higher price than the price when the gold initially was leased.

To hedge against the risk, bullion banks typically buy futures contracts or gold call options to secure gold delivery at a specified future date for a specified future price.

In the world of gold derivatives, a wide variety of contracts exist, including transactions in which central banks swap gold reserves, so they can carry out leasing or other gold derivative transactions using the gold of the other central bank rather than their own.

Gold swaps make central bank gold transactions even less transparent and more difficult to track.

Under current International Monetary Fund rules, central banks do not have to disclose on their financial statements how much of the gold in their stated reserves is encumbered by derivative contracts, including gold leases and swaps.

Nor are bullion banks required to disclose to the public the contracts under which they lease gold from central banks.

Gold yesterday hit a new all-time high, with futures contracts for February delivery surging to $929.80 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange in mid-day trading.

Click Photo to see full size ad and Reference Links


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