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Video: Carol Kerr Follows the Money!

Carol Kerr addressed the Vandalia Illinois School Board asking them two questions. After explaining she had research with her that showed masks are dangerous, she said through her research she decided to “follow the money” and asked if the district was receiving money in exchange for having masking and protocols in place. As with everything else COVID Fraud related, all the usual corrupt government agencies are controlling it all through funding.


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Video: This is How You Do It! Parents Get Kids Into School WITHOUT MASKS!

Parents Encourage Students To Defy Mask Mandates At Michigan High School – & They Do!

This is what resisting tyranny and defying unlawful mandates, policies and crimes against the people looks like! I hope the parents are just as stringent on what their kids are being subjected too in the public indoctrination centers we call public school, but if there is a lesson learned at a Manchester, Michigan high school it is to defy tyrants! And the parents were teaching their kids just that and it is glorious!


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Video: Tucker - The Far-Left Agenda Your Children are Being Taught Every Day

Nothing changes a society more over the long term than the way we teach our children, what we teach them, and how we teach them. If you want to pass on your values, you tell your kids about them. So school matters maybe more than anything.

From the very first day "Tucker Carlson Tonight" came on the air in November 2016, we have covered the way our schools are changing and the indoctrination that your kids are suffering through. Over the past four-plus years, the curricula in so many schools has turned from the extremely left-wing to the outright totalitarian. 

For example, the school district in Buffalo, N.Y., now has an Office of Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Initiatives. The Buffalo school district's "first days of school" lesson plan gets political in very specific terms.

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Expecting Math Students To Get The Right Answer Is Now Considered A Form of White Supremacy

Editor's Note: You just can't make this crap up.  Institutionalizing mental illness . . . teaching this crap to "educators." 


From page 6 of this PDF:

Original: https://equitablemath.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/11/1_STRIDE1.pdf

Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20210212205034/

Deconstructing Racism in Mathematics Instruction

White supremacy culture infiltrates math classrooms in everyday teacher actions. Coupled with the beliefs that underlie these actions, they perpetuate educational harm on Black, Latinx, and multilingual students, denying them full access to the world of mathematics.The table below identifies the ways in which white supremacy shows up in math classrooms.

Dismantling white supremacy in math classrooms

We see white supremacy culture show up in the mathematics classroom even as we carry out our professional responsibilities outlined in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP). Using CSTPas a framework, we see white supremacy culture in the mathematics classroom can show up when:

• The focus is on getting the “right” answer.

• Independent practice is valued over teamwork or collaboration.

• “Real-world math” is valued over math in the real world.

• Students are tracked (into courses/pathways and within the classroom).

• Participation structures reinforce dominant ways of being.

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Video: Trump to Establish ‘1776 Commission’ to Promote Patriotic Education

Trump said students in US universities are ‘inundated with critical race theory, a Marxist doctrine holding that America is a wicked and racist nation’, and the new project would teach the youth to ‘love America.’

In a move aimed at pleasing his conservative voter base less than two months before the November 3 election, US President Donald Trump on Thursday signed an executive order to set up a “national commission to promote patriotic education” in the US.

The initiative, dubbed the ‘1776 Commission’, is an apparent counter to The 1619 Project, a Pulitzer Prize-winning collection of essays on African American history of the past four centuries, which explores the Black community’s contribution in nation-building since the era of slavery to modern times.

Trump announced the move at a history conference celebrating the 233rd anniversary of the signing of the US Constitution (on September 17, 1787); the document being written in the decade after the original 13 colonies declared independence from the British Empire in 1776.


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Video: Sweden Has Kept Schools Open During the Pandemic Despite Spike In Cases

Editor's Note: Funny how the Left always throws Sweden up as a glowing example our country to follow, EXCEPT WHEN IT GOES AGAINST THE POLITICAL AGENDA THEY ARE PUSHING. FACT IS an increase in cases doesn't mean a GD thing. They never tell you hardly any people they claim test positive are sick. Even if someone does get sick, for 99.9% of people the virus isn't going to kill them.  The Swedish people certainly aren't a bunch of simpering wimps like the people in our country are.

Bucking the global trend, Swedish schools have stayed open throughout the pandemic even with relatively high cases of Covid-19. FRANCE 24’s Catherine Norris-Trent and James André report from Stockholm.


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Video: School POD SYSTEM and Measures Out of a Prison Manual Imposed on Kids That Pose No Risk To Anyone!

This is one of the most disgusting things I've seen so far from the lunatics running schools. This takes social conditioning/brainwashing in schools to an entirely new level of CRAZY! Kids literally have a ZERO% risk of serious illness from COVID-19 much less dying from it. In addition, the evidence still shows kids are unlikely to catch or spread coronavirus yet look at the abuse some LUNATICS are subjecting kids to! This is CHILD ABUSE!




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Video: Special Secrets of Public Education

Shocking Indoctrination Caught Thanks To Online Classes

Public school teachers have been bragging online about their indoctrination of children, and they are lamenting about how they are no longer able to do so via online classes. They fear that they might get caught by eavesdropping parents. Parents, Christians, and conservatives are enemies of the new education.





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Video: Children DO NOT pass on Coronavirus. Not ONE case ever.

Like everything else regarding the "official narrative of COVID-19" THEY ARE LYING TO YOU. There is no evidence to support keeping the schools closed and no evidence supporting making our children wear face masks and keep six feet apart! It's CHILD ABUSE! THIS IS NOT ABOUT PROTECTING THE HEALTH OF CHILDREN!


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