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30 Studies and Articles Undercutting Utility of Masks for Stopping Covid


Masks have not been proved efficient enough to warrant compulsory application for the checking of epidemics 01/01/1920 American Journal of Public Health
Wearing a face mask could put you at greater risk for coronavirus. 03/01/2020 Sacramento Bee
Surgeon general: Data doesn't back up wearing masks in public amid coronavirus pandemic 03/31/2020 Fox News

WHO says there is no need for healthy people to wear face masks, days after the CDC told all Americans to cover their faces

The use of face masks on healthy people during the coronavirus pandemic has been a major point of contention and confusion among scientists and the public.
On Friday, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that all Americans wear face masks when they are in public.

But new guidance from the World Health Organization released on Monday says healthy people don't need to wear face masks and that doing so won't provide added protection from the coronavirus.

"There is currently no evidence that wearing a mask ... by healthy persons in the wider community setting, including universal community masking, can prevent them from infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19."

WHO also said community masking could lead to a "false sense of security" and cause people to ignore other evidence-based measures like handwashing and self-isolation.

04/07/2020 Business Insider
The Face Mask Debate Reveals a Scientific Double Standard 04/08/2020 Wired
Two boys drop dead in China while wearing masks during gym class 05/06/2020 New York Post
Masks offer little if any, protection from infection 05/21/2020 New England Journal of Medicine
Study authors admit masks mostly used as 'symbolism' 05/21/2020 New England Journal of Medicine
Scientific Information on Masks Against COVID-19 06/07/2020 Lockdown Sceptics
Norway Does a Mask-Wearing Review, Guess What the Result Was 07/28/2020 Healthy Skeptic
Europe's Top Health Officials Say Masks Aren't Helpful in Beating COVID-19 08/06/2020 Foundation for Economic Education
The Ontario arbitration fight about masks 08/07/2020 Twitter
If Masks Work, Why Don’t They WORK? 09/14/2020 Townhall
Surgical mask wearing among individuals in non-healthcare settings is not significantly associated with reduction in acute respiratory illness incidence in this meta-review 09/20/2020 Frontiers in Medicine
Andy Biggs rips mask narrative after CDC report shows 85% of symptomatic people 'often' or 'always' wore masks 10/12/2020 Washington Examiner
The Sketchy Claims of the Case for a Mask Mandate 10/24/2020 American Institute for Economic Research
Randomly controlled trial in Denmark found that wearing masks did not stop Covid spread 11/18/2020 Annals of Internal Medicine
Blount County Mayor Shares Comparison of Mask and No-Mask Counties in Tennessee 11/24/2020 The Tennessee Star
New Study Shows Mask Mandates Had Zero Effect in Florida or Nationwide, But the Lie Continues 12/21/2020 Town Hall
This Tennessee Data for Masked vs. Unmasked Counties Would Be on Every Front Page, if Results Were Different 12/28/2020 Town Hall
Charts showing how masks, if anything, backfired 03/03/2021 Tom Woods
The CDC’s Mask Mandate Study: Debunked 03/04/2021 American Institute for Economic Research
'Some studies indicate that masks and limiting group activities such as indoor dining can help slow the spread of the coronavirus, but less clear is why states with greater government-imposed restrictions have not always fared better than those w/o them' 03/18/2021 The Washington Post
CDC admits having no studies showing masks effective at stopping Covid 04/27/2021 CDC
Meta study shows masks aren't effective against Covid 05/01/2021 Swiss Policy Research
Masks Didn't Slow COVID Spread: New Study 05/18/2021 medRxiv
Study finds prolonged mask use may lead to intermittent hypoxia and an increase in hemoglobin mass 05/26/2021 Transfusion and Apheresis Science
Dangerous pathogens found on children’s face masks 06/16/2021 Rational Ground
Study: Masking children causes hypercapnia 06/30/2021 JAMA
Forced masking and school shutdowns and even more strict distancing all produced worse outcomes for schools 07/21/2021 National COVID-19 School Response Dashboard



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Video: Reiner Fuellmich UPDATE - Humanity vs Inhumanity

WHO Admits COVID No More Dangerous Than Common Flu - REAL Estimates - 500,000 People DEAD from Jabs!

Reiner Fuellmich UPDATE on where we all stand vs the psychopathic globalist lunatics imposing the COVID SCAM. Fuellmich ends this update on an incredibly positive reality about humanity and why we shall prevail against this evil. All honest statistics show the reality that these lunatics simply hijacked the seasonal flu and conned everyone into believing it was some new deadly novel virus. REALITY - It's no more deadly than the flu because IT HAS BEEN NOTHING BUT THE SEASONAL FLU VARIANTS. And the latest HONEST ESTIMATES show that we're looking at 500,000 Americans who have so far been murdered by these COVID jabs fraudulently labeled as vaccines.

This entire fraud, this crime against humanity has been justified by the use of a totally fraudulent test. The PCR test is an outrageous Fraud that is totally incapable of diagnosing an infectious disease. It cannot distinguish between a dead virus and a live virus. AND cannot determine what strain of a coronavirus is being detected. The main goal of this Pandemic Fraud was to inject the entire world with a dangerous mRNA cocktail that turns the body into a pathogen generator with NO OFFI SWITCH!


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Video: Dr. Simone Gold Exposes the Shocking Truth About Covid Treatments

Also the Actual Science, Covid Policy and Severity of Scientific Censorship

In Part 1 of a four-part interview, Dr. Simone Gold of America's Frontline Doctors talks about how scientists and scientific journals falsely stigmatized a drug that has been FDA approved for decades and safely used on hundreds of millions of patients across the globe.

Dr. Simone Gold Exposes the Shocking
Truth About Covid Treatments


In Part 2 of a four-part interview, Dr. Simone Gold of America's Frontline Doctors talks about the senseless approach to Covid taken by our basic institutions from government to media to the health profession.

Simone Gold Reveals the ACTUAL Science We Should Have Followed

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Australia Will Use Military to Enforce Sydney Covid Lockdown

Troops will Knock on Doors to Make Sure Residents are at Home

By Cristina Laila

Australia is sending troops to help local police enforce the new Covid lockdown in Sydney.  Australia’s largest city went into a hard lockdown – again – last Saturday amid rising Covid cases. 

Sydney ordered a shutdown of all construction sites and non-essential retail.

Nearly 1 million residents are banned from leaving their neighborhood for work because a man in his 80s died from/with Covid.

Anti-lockdown protests erupted in Sydney this week because Aussies are sick of the restrictions.

So now Australia is using the military to enforce their lockdown, Reuters reported.

Beginning Monday, 300 troops will patrol Sydney and knock on doors to make sure people are following orders to stay at home.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said 80% vaccination rate is needed before reopening Australia’s largest city – Only 14% of people in Australia are fully vaccinated.

“If you get vaccinated, there will be special rules that apply to you. Why? Because if you’re vaccinated, you present less of a public health risk. You are less likely to get the virus. You are less likely to transmit it,” the prime minister told reporters, according to The Sydney Morning Herald.

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Dexamethasone - Yet Another Miracle Drug That is Life Saving Against COVID

It will will stop sufferers needing hospital treatment

Editor's Note: Many don't realize that the FDA can only grant emergency use authorization for an untested drug "IF THERE ARE NO OTHER TREATMENTS AVAILABLE."  This is why truly safe, effective, and inexpensive treatments have been deliberately suppressed and denied to even exist, causing the death of untold numbers of people who could have received early treatment that would avoid any hospitalizations.


  • MPs have hailed the steroid Dexamethasone, which is being used to treat Covid
  • They called on the NHS to look at at-home use of the steroid to cut Covid cases
  • Steroid has been mostly used in hospital, reducing patients' need for ventilators
  • NHS said dexamethasone is 'not routinely' prescribed for Covid patients at home


By Anna Mikhailova

GPS and MPs have hailed a ‘life saving’ miracle drug being used to treat Covid.

The steroid Dexamethasone is increasingly prescribed to at-home Covid patients to prevent them from needing hospital treatment.

MPs last night called on the health service to look into more at-home use of the drug to further cut cases of serious illness from Covid.

The steroid, which reduces the amount of damage in the lungs, has been mostly used in hospital, reducing patients’ need for ventilators. 

A study by NHS England earlier this year estimated that the steroid has saved at least 22,000 lives in the UK and a million globally.

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Video: Worldwide Corona Crisis - The Worst Crisis In Modern History

By Global Reserach

A great presentation by Prof Michel Chossudovsky from Global Research that details every stage of the totally manufactured fake pandemic crisis. We are at the crossroads of one of the most serious crises in World history. We are living history, yet our understanding of the sequence of events since January 2020 has been blurred. Worldwide, people have been misled both by their governments and the media as to the causes and devastating consequences of the Covid-19 “pandemic”. The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext and a justification to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to precipitate the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy, extreme poverty and despair.

More than 7 billion people worldwide are directly or indirectly affected by the corona crisis. The COVID-19 public health “emergency” under WHO auspices was presented to public opinion as a means (“solution”) to containing the “killer virus”. If the public had been informed and reassured that Covid is (according to the WHO definition) “Similar to Seasonal Influenza”, the fear campaign would have fallen flat. The lockdown and closure of the national economy would have been rejected outright.


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CDC COVID-19 Hospitalization Data Will Shock You – What the Media is Not Showing You

COVID-19 Hospitalization Data Challenges Biden Administration and CDC Histrionics.

By Bob Bishop

The Biden Administration, Saint Fauci the Valiant, and the CDC technocrats are fearmongering by repeating speculation new COVID-19 variants are starting another deadly wave.

The vast majority of the population is healthy and has little or no risk for a severe COVID-19 infection. The focus should be on the most susceptible population for potential severe and lethal conditions.  A new CDC study bears this out.

The CDC just released in its Preventing Chronic Diseases Journal (July 2021 Volume 18, E66) a study with a large sample of Convid-19 hospitalizations (4.9 million admissions) from March 2020 – March 2021. The study concluded that comorbidities (two or more diseases or medical conditions) cause severe COVID-19 illness.

Hospitalization Statistics

Only 5.1% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients were ICU admissions. The volume of the patients hospitalized with comorbidities was 82.4%, with a death rate of 1.9%. So if you are healthy, there is little risk of hospitalization or even death.

Increasing the immune system using D3 and C vitamins, Melatonin, and zinc was swept under the rug to promote the pharmaceutical industry’s experimental vaccine. Several re-purposed drugs like Hydroxychloroquine combined with zinc, Ivermectin, Remdesivir, and magnesium have proven effective in combating COVID-19 infections, alleviating suffering, and reducing hospitalizations and deaths.  The last thing the medical-industrial complex wants is an informed public taking responsibility for their health.

The CDC now demanding the public to re-mask confirms vaccinations do not stop you from catching COVID or transmitting it.  Many more severe infections will continue to occur due to ignoring traditional therapies.  Blaming the unvaccinated populous for spreading COVID is immoral.

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Stunning Revelation on New BOGUS CDC Mask Guidelines



On Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced a new mask guideline for students, teachers, and staff in K-12 to wear masks regardless of vaccination status, as well as in certain indoor settings, again, also regardless of vaccination status. The move was met with swift criticism, especially and including from former President Donald Trump. Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), though, takes issue with the data used to justify the new guidelines.

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Children Are Safe From COVID-19

Editor's Note:  One of the primary LIES beaten into the heads of everyone on the planet is the false presumption that being diagnosed with COVID-19 is somehow a death sentence.  It's pure BS! The survival rate has always been over 98% for healthy people without any treatment whatsoever!  It's even higher for children.



  • A recent study that looked at deaths occurring in children in the U.K. during the first 12 months of the pandemic found 99.995% of children diagnosed with COVID-19 survived
  • Between March 2020 and February 2021, only 25 children under the age of 18 died directly as a result of SARS-CoV-2 infection. This gives us an absolute mortality rate for children of 2 per 1 million
  • In the U.S., 335 children under 18 have died with a COVID-19 diagnosis on their death certificate. The CDC estimates the infection fatality rate from COVID-19 among children 0 to 17 years old is 20 per 1 million
  • The 20-in-1 million mortality rate in the U.S. cited by the CDC is likely a gross overestimate as, unlike the U.K., PCR tests were done with grossly inappropriate cycle threshold levels and those who had legitimate infections also had existing comorbidities that were the true cause of death, yet it was inappropriately attributed to COVID-19
  • Researchers at Johns Hopkins teamed up with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze the health insurance data of approximately 48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with COVID-19 between April 2020 and August 2020. None of the children who died were free of preexisting medical conditions such as cancer

We’ve known from the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic that children were at exceptionally low risk for hospitalization and death from this infection. Despite that, massive efforts are underway to get a needle in the arm of every child.

At present, COVID-19 injections are authorized for emergency use in children as young as 12 in the U.S.,1 and vaccine makers are moving forward with plans to get authorization for children as young as 6 months.

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ZERO COVID DEATHS: Sweden’s Anti-lockdown Strategy Has Worked


Sweden isn’t in the news much right now, for both good and bad reasons. The good reason is that unlike in France, where massive protests and rioting inspired by new anti-coronavirus lockdown measures have made headlines, the Nordic country is peaceful. The bad one is that even though the reason it’s peaceful is because its anti-lockdown strategy has worked, the COVID-panic-porn-obsessed media don’t find this newsworthy. After all, if the masses find out that all the civilization-rending lockdowns and onerous virus restrictions are an exercise in scientific obscurantism, a lot of power-mad politicians could face career destruction.

Here’s the news the opinion cartel finds unnewsworthy: As of Wednesday, Sweden’s seven-day rolling average for China virus deaths was zero (tweet below).

To be precise, Sweden has on occasion curbed restaurant opening hours (I guess the virus only attacks during certain periods of the day) and has at times enforced crowd limits at venues such as shopping malls, but these have been exceptions to the country’s rule of relying on voluntary measures to combat SARS-CoV-2.

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