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Pandemic Panic Theater: Why All 14 ‘Gold Standard’ Randomized Controlled Trials of Face Masks Have Been Suppressed

Why Masks Are a Charade



  • Driving the irrational and unscientific narrative about mask wearing is the censoring of truthful and factual information by tech platforms. YouTube recently banned a video by U.S. Sen. Rand Paul in which he stated that masks don’t work
  • In a 2020 email obtained via a freedom of information act request, Dr. Anthony Fauci stated, “The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through the material”
  • February 25, 2020, U.K. health authorities published guidance discouraging the use of masks even for health care workers in residential care facilities, as there’s no evidence that they prevent viral spread
  • Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have long been regarded as the gold standard in medical research, yet RCTs are now ignored when it comes to mask wearing
  • Of 14 RCTs that have tested the effectiveness of masks in preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, 11 suggest masks are either useless or counterproductive. The remaining three suggest masks may be useful, but not to a statistically significant degree

For more than 18 months, we’ve dealt with questionable advice on masking, ranging from head-scratching and mildly amusing to outright laughable, and there seems to be no end in sight, despite the lack of scientific underpinning for universal masking.

Driving this insanity is the censoring of truthful and factual information by tech platforms such as YouTube. In the Fox News report above, Tucker Carlson calls out YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki for censoring a video by U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, in which he pointed out that most masks cannot and will not protect you from the virus.

“Saying cloth masks work, when they don’t, actually risks lives,” Paul said in his banned video. Contrary to Wojcicki, Paul is an actual medical doctor, yet Wojcicki believes she’s capable of determining what is and is not medical misinformation.

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Video: Dr. Bryan Ardis - The Pandemic of Deliberate Misdiagnosing and Deadly Treatment Protocols

Editor's Note:  I can't tell you how many articles and videos I watched and read over the last year and a half and still we have horrific revelation after revelation about what has really occurred, about how deeply evil those are behind this global pandemic hoax.  The information in this video is some of the most disturbing I've heard so far.  These people have to be STOPPED and ARRESTED!

Here we have yet another set of shocking revelations about what has REALLY been the cause of people dying . . . and it's not been COVID-19. Dr. Bryan Ardis exposes the diabolical and deadly used to manufactured the perception of a deadly viral pandemic to justify global genocide and tyranny that increases every single day. Big Pharma and all their minions knowingly misdiagnose illnesses to drive toxic drug sales - the fake pandemic being one of the evilest examples in all of human history!  Dr. Ardis also exposes a new horrific disease in children caused by the experimental jabs called Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome. 


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Video: Microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Explains COVID Jab Effects


  • The FDA can only grant emergency use authorization for a pandemic drug or vaccine if there’s no safe and effective preexisting treatment or alternative. Since there are several such alternatives, the FDA is legally required to revoke the emergency authorization for these shots
  • While the COVID injections have been characterized as being somewhere around 95% effective against SARS-CoV-2 infection, this is the relative risk reduction, which tells you very little about its usefulness. The absolute risk reduction is only around 1% for all currently available COVID shots
  • Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) refers to a condition where the vaccination augments your risk of serious infection. We are now starting to see evidence that ADE is occurring in the vaccinated population
  • One of the most common side effects of the COVID shots is abnormal blood clotting, which can result in strokes and heart attacks
  • Even microclots that don’t completely block the blood vessel can have serious ramifications. You can check for presence of microclots by performing a D-dimer blood test. If your D-dimer is elevated, you have clotting somewhere in your body

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Video: Shocking New Study Reveals Covid ‘Vaccines’ Do Permanent Damage to 62% of Recipients

We've seen numerous studies and tons of data showing how the Covid-19 "jabs" cause immediate adverse reactions, including death. But the long-term damage is much wider spread than anyone else is reporting.


Dr. Joseph Mercola


  • Dr. Charles Hoffe, a family physician from Lytton, British Columbia, told health officials that his patients were suffering adverse effects from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines
  • Hoffe was quickly accused of causing “vaccine hesitancy” and local health authorities threatened to report him to the licensing body
  • The spike protein in the vaccine can lead to the development of multiple, tiny blood clots because it becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium; these cells are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly, but the spike protein means there are “spiky bits sticking out”
  • Hoffe has been conducting the D-dimer test on his patients to detect the potential presence of blood clots within four to seven days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine; 62% have evidence of clotting
  • The long-term outlook is very grim, Hoffe said, because with each successive shot, it will add more damage as you’re getting more damaged capillaries

Dr. Charles Hoffe, a family physician from Lytton, British Columbia, wrote to Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C. provincial health officer, in April 2021 with serious concerns about COVID-19 vaccines. One of his patients died after the shot, and six others had adverse effects. While their small town had no cases of COVID-19, Hoffe said the vaccine was causing serious damage and he believed “this vaccine is quite clearly more dangerous than COVID-19.”1

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Video: Lab Founder Shows Damage Covid Jab's Spike Protein Inflicts on Vital Organs

An independent lab founder and seasoned pathologist has graphically displayed the inflammatory damage to vital organs inflicted by the COVID jab-created spike protein. During a one-year anniversary White Coat Summit on vaccines, Dr. Ryan Cole emphasized the finding that the spike protein created by injected mRNA spreads throughout the body, and itself causes disease – and he had the lab images to show it.


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Louisiana vs Arkansas vs Mississippi: Data AGAIN Proves Face Diapers Do Not Stop Covid-19

By JD Rucker

Pandemic Panic Theater may be the worst gaslighting and propaganda agenda we’ve ever seen. Facts and science have been tossed out the door by governments, media, academia, and even many in the medical arena. Logical statistical analysis has been replaced by unhinged hysteria and placating “solutions” that have less of an impact in stopping Covid-19 than a placebo.

Louisiana is one of the latest states to initiate an ineffective face mask mandate. In a comparison between Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi, one thing is crystal clear: Face masks just don’t work. Compared to neighboring states, the face mask mandate in Louisiana seems to have increased the rate of infection instead of mitigating or stopping it.

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Video: Joe Rogan Experience #1671 - Bret Weinstein & Dr. Pierre Kory on Ivermectin

Dr. Pierre Kory is an ICU and lung specialist who is an expert on the use of the drug ivermectin to treat COVID-19.  Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist, visiting fellow at Princeton, host of the DarkHorse podcast, and co-author (with his wife, Heather Heying) of the forthcoming "A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century."


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Video: ICU Nurse Exposes COVID Lies

ICU Nurse Nichole presents a comprehensive overview of the truth about the manufactured pandemic and exposes all the lies we've been told every step of the way.  Arguably the most important LIE has been that there was and still isn't any effective treatments except for the experimental gene tampering jabs.  TOTAL LIE.  There are extremely effective ways of treating and preventing covid and big pharma and the government are doing everything they can to keep people from knowing it because they are making insane amounts of money selling you vaccines.


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The Lies Behind the ‘Pandemic of the Unvaxxed’


  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the White House and most mainstream media, what we have now is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” with 95% to 99% of COVID-related hospitalizations and deaths being attributed to the unvaccinated
  • To achieve that statistic, the CDC included hospitalization and mortality data from January through June 2021. The vast majority of the United States population was unvaccinated during that timeframe
  • January 1, 2021, only 0.5% of the U.S. population had received a COVID shot. By mid-April, an estimated 31% had received one or more shots, and as of June 15, 48.7% were fully “vaccinated”
  • Natural immunity offers robust protection against all variants, whereas vaccine-induced immunity can’t. The reason for this is because when you recover from the natural infection, you have both antibodies and T cells against all parts of the virus, not just the spike protein
  • According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Delta variant is both more transmissible and more dangerous than the original virus and previous variants, but real-world data show it is actually weaker and far less dangerous, even though it does spread more easily

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the White House and most mainstream media, what we have now is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”1

According to the official narrative, 99% of COVID-19 deaths and 95% of COVID-related hospitalizations are occurring among the unvaccinated. In a July 16, 2021, White House press briefing,2 CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky claimed “over 97% of people who are entering the hospital right now are unvaccinated.”

But as reported by Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham on “The Ingraham Angle,” “that statistic is grossly misleading,”3 and in an August 5, 2021, video statement, Walensky inadvertently revealed how that 95% to 99% statistic was created.

Grossly Misleading Data Manipulation

As it turns out, to achieve those statistics, the CDC included hospitalization and mortality data from January through June 2021. It does not include more recent data or data related to the Delta variant, which is now the most prevalent strain in circulation. The problem is, the vast majority of the United States population was unvaccinated during that timeframe.

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