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Video: Steve Harvey Talks About Hate From Blacks On Social Media When He Met With Trump

Steve Harvey Talks About Hate From Blacks On Social Media When He Met With Trump To Make A CHANGE! Steve Harvey is willing to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Now if only there were more like him.

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Video: Shelby Steele On Blacks Not Catching Up

Shelby Steele (born January 1, 1946) is an African American author, columnist, documentary filmmaker, and a Robert J. and Marion E. Oster Senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. He specializes in the study of race relations, multiculturalism, and affirmative action. In this clip, he talks about the state of blacks in America.

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When it Comes to Tyre Nichols and George Floyd, Many Are Willfully Ignoring the Donkey in the Room



There are many idiotic narratives forming around the beating death of Tyre Nichols by five former Memphis police officers. The most obvious one is that this is somehow a sign of “white supremacy” and “systemic racism” even though all five ex-cops who beat Nichols severely are black.

Why would the radical left demand pure cognitive dissonance in order for the people to embrace their narrative? It seems counterproductive, especially in light of the facts that justice is in the process of being served. All five officers were fired, arrested, and charged. The “Scorpion” division of which they were a part of has been permanently disbanded. Prima facie, this is a case of very bad cops doing a very bad thing and has absolutely nothing to do with racism or white supremacy.

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Terrence Williams Put His Own Picture on the Box of his Pancake Mix — Facebook Labeled it as ‘Racist’



We live in an upside-down world.

According to actor and comedian Terrence K. Williams, Facebook is now flagging accounts for buying and sharing pictures of his Pancake Mix, Cousin T’s.

“So according to Facebook, my Pancakes are racist!” Williams wrote on his Instagram Sunday.

“I’m on a 90-day restriction and now they are also flagging accounts for buying or sharing pictures of my Pancake Mix. This is absolutely crazy and it has everything to do with me being MAGA! I won’t apologize for it. Anyways go load up on some “racist” Pancakes,” he added.

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Black Lives Matter is Blamed for 32% Spike in Murders of African-Americans

n wake of George Floyd's killing as experts claim protests scared-off cops and worsened crime spiral

  • The murder rate for African Americans jumped 32 percent after the beginning of the pandemic
  • The murder rate for whites increased 21 percent from 2019 to 2020
  • 2,457 more blacks died at the hand of another in 2020 than the year before
  • Over the decade between 2010 and 2019 43 percent more blacks were killed, roughly a 1000 more than whites each year
  • Criminal justice experts blame criminal justice reform and the Black Lives Matter movement
  • Some academic and police say that the increase in gun purchases and economic inequality bear some responsibility 


By Jason Fisher

The number of black Americans murdered in 2020 jumped by 32 percent - with an expert blaming BLM protests for the huge spike by scaring-off cops.  

Killings across racial demographic have swelled by 30 percent between 2019 and 2020, the largest increase since 1905, but blacks have borne the larger impact of that deadly trend, according to the FBI's Uniform Crime report.

In 2020, 9,941 African Americans met their death at the hand of another human being, compared to 7,484 the year before, an increase of 2,457 murders.

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Video: Blacks Waking Up – This Scares Democrats:

“I Used to Hate America” – Why Amala Changed Her Mind

Amala Ekpunobi shares what sparked her transformation from America-hating activist to being proud to be an American.


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How “Black Lives Matter” Kills Black Americans

Heather MacDonald is the author of “The War on Cops” and “The Diversity Delusion”. After the initial Ferguson Riots and the birth of the “Black Lives Matter” movement, she coined the term “Ferguson Effect” to describe the deadly effect BLM and de-policing have on vulnerable minority communities. Since the George Floyd riots, the murder rates in US cities have spiked an average of 30%. Gateway Pundit spoke to Heather MacDonald about the Derek Chauvin trial and what it will mean for the US in the future.


By Jim Hoft

You coined the phrase “Ferguson Effect”. What will the “George Floyd Effect” be?

The “Ferguson Effect” refers to the twin phenomena of officers backing off from discretionary proactive enforcement under the accusation that such enforcement is racist, and the resulting emboldening of criminals.  The first iteration of the Ferguson Effect in 2015 and 2016, following the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014, led to the largest two year increase in homicides in 50 years. Another 2000 blacks died of homicide over those two years compared to the benchmark of 2014. 

The George Floyd Effect dwarfs anything seen so far.  2020 saw the largest percentage increase in homicides in U.S. history.  Over 2000 more blacks have been killed in drive-by shootings in 2020 compared to the already high benchmark of 2019.  When final tallies come in, there will likely have been about 8500 black homicide victims in 2020, more than all white and Hispanic homicide victims combined, even though blacks are only 12% of the U.S. population.

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Video: This Must Be Said! Being Poor Is Your Fault

“Defund the police!”is shouted in the streets.

A.C.A.B.is spray painted on precinct buildings. Countless citizens believe all police are racists.

In this era of civil unrest and political divide, how do Black cops—or any cops—maintain the motivation and commitment to do their job? Former Tucson police officer—Brandon Tatum,shares his story and the stories of other police officers in the pages of his new book, Beaten Black and Blue.

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Video: Candice Owens at 2020 CPAC Speech on the Left's Distortion of Racial Issues

Another outstanding speech by Candace Owens exposing the deliberate way in which the Left totally distorts the entire history of the world (by ignoring ALL OF IT) to foment constant racial conflict.


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Video: Thomas Sowell: Common Sense in a Senseless World

Thomas Sowell: Common Sense in a Senseless World traces Sowell's journey from humble beginnings to the Hoover Institution, becoming one of this era's greatest economists, political philosophers, and prolific authors. Hosted by Jason Riley, a member of "The Wall Street Journal" editorial board, this one-hour program features insights from Sowell and interviews with his close friends and associates, revealing why the intensely private Thomas Sowell is considered by many to be "one of the greatest minds of the past half-century" and "the smartest person in the room."


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