Editor's Note: We've been reporting for a long time that THIS IS HOW THEY CONTROL THE PERCEPTIONS ABOUT THE FAKE PANDEMIC. They control the cycle thresholds of the PCR process. If you use higher cycle thresholds you get a lot of false-positive results creating the perception that a while pandemic is occurring. Lower the number of cycles the PCR process runs and you get a lot of negative results creating the perception that the pandemic is under control, or in this case, to create the perception that the vaccines that aren't vaccines are working.
There is no scientific reason to lower the threshold for vaccinated people only. There's simply a narrative they need to protect

By JD Ruker
There’s an old saying that goes something like this: “If you torture the numbers long enough, you can make them say anything.” In our Covid-hysteria world, the CDC and other medical organizations have practiced a variation of the saying. If you run enough cycles of the PCR tests, you can make any sample test positive for Covid-19.
For over a year, there have been questions from doctors and scientists about the efficacy of having high “Cycle Thresholds” (Cts) for swab testing for Covid-19. Every cycle doubles the chances of finding a positive case, so 34 cycles will have 16-times more coronavirus materials than a 30-cycle test. There is no consensus about how many cycles should be run to give an acceptably accurate determination of Covid infections. Some doctors say it should be as low as 10. Others go as high as 35.
Some labs where PCR tests are checked will go over 40 or even 50 cycles. This is likely how a pawpaw fruit and goat, neither of which are capable of contracting Covid-19, both tested positive last year in a stunt by Tanzanian President John Magufuli.
The CDC has left the guidelines about the appropriate number of cycles ambiguous from the beginning. As a result, Covid-19 “cases” have skyrocketed at times even though a high Ct threshold can result in false-positives very easily. But things have changed now that tens of millions of Americans have been vaccinated. The CDC suddenly wants limits to the number of cycles but ONLY for those who have been vaccinated.
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