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Red States Are Having Big Success Treating COVID with Monoclonal Antibodies

Biden administration is going to start rationing it

By Daniel Paine

You've probably heard about monoclonal antibodies—a therapeutic treatment that has been highly successful at treating COVID-19. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, for instance, aggressively championed the procedure in his state, which saw such promising results that even Dr. Anthony Fauci came out strongly in support of it.

Now, however, the Biden administration is announcing that it will begin rationing the treatment throughout the U.S., citing an alleged fear of shortages:

An HHS spokesperson said seven states have accounted for 70% of orders for the therapy. Those seven states are Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana.

"Given this reality, we must work to ensure our supply of these life-saving therapies remains available for all states and territories, not just some," the HHS spokesperson said.

The distribution, which is similar to a system employed earlier this year, will fall to HHS, which will allocate product to states and territories each week, rather administration sites ordering them directly.

But is the threat of shortages real? Texas Montgomery County Judge Mark Keough wrote on Facebook this week that there was, in fact, no looming shortfall of the drug:

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Video: Funeral Home Director: COVID Medications, Not the Virus, Triggers 250 Percent Increase In Deaths

In this compelling video, a British funeral undertaker speaks to an independent journalist giving first-hand testimony revealing what has really been happening with the dead from care homes and hospitals. Undertaker, John O’Looney talks of the lies and shenanigans spun by corrupt politicians and media to brainwash the public into believing there exists a ‘deadly virus’. Lindie Naughton interviews this candid funeral director to learn that due to medication given during the pandemic “Deaths jumped 250 percent when injections began.”

“As part of my work I visit hospitals routinely. During the pandemic I got to speak to many medical staff. We all understood we were being lied to and this was fraud,” says O’Looney.

The undertaker explains it is routine that when collecting the dead for burial/cremation they keep a mortuary register (a kind of ‘guest book’) this shows a record of any usual events. The undertaker explains that he saw, during the pandemic, unusual patterns of high deaths at care homes where the vast majority deaths were known by staff not to be from COVID19 but more likely due to the medication given to the elderly.


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Video: Idaho Doctor Reports '20 Times Increase' of Cancer in Vaccinated Patients

'Post-vaccine, what we are seeing is a drop in your killer T-cells, in your CD8 cells,” said Dr. Ryan Cole.

BOISE, Idaho  (LifeSiteNews) — A doctor has found an increase in cancers since the COVID-19 inoculation rollout. 

On March 18, Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified pathologist and owner and operator of a diagnostics lab, reported to the public in a video produced by Idaho state government’s  “Capitol Clarity” project,  that he is seeing a massive ‘uptick’ in various autoimmune diseases and cancers in patients who have been vaccinated.  This doctor trained at the Mayo Clinic and runs the largest independent testing laboratory in Idaho. Listen to what his lab testing is showing:


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Shocking Report: Covid Spike in Ultra-Triple-Vaxxed Israel Is WHY Dear Leader Biden Enacted Medical Dictatorship

The data should be a crystal clear warning about the so-called vaccines. Instead, the evil leaders in our government are using it as the reason to double- and triple-down.

by Jd Rucker

The world is backwards right now, especially when it comes to anything coming out of the White House. The vaccine mandates imposed last week, mandates that are being expanded upon this week, came about at a peculiar time. Based on literally every bit of data coming out of Israel, the most triple-vaxxed nation in the world that relies almost solely on the FDA-Sort-Of-Approved Pfizer jabs, we should be slamming on the brakes.

Instead, the Biden-Harris regime is doubling down.

A shocking report details how the waning effectiveness of the Covid-19 jabs is the reason the White House rushed through booster shots and rolled out the mandates when they did. Instead of doing the scientifically sound move of halting the vaccine push until they can determine why the drugs are failing so miserably, they are doing the politically expedient and eyebrow-raising opposite.

According to POLITICO, the White House has seen the data, which is currently unpublished, and determined that they needed to start forcing as many people as possible to get on the vaccine regimen before it is revealed that this is likely leading us to ceaseless boosters. Those who get on the jab program will be on the jab program for the rest of their lives with a likelihood of shorter and shorter intervals between treatments as the coronavirus mutates.

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Hot Mic Catches Israeli Health Minister Admitting Vaccine Passports Are About Coercion

Officials unaware comments were being broadcast live on television.

By Paul Joseph Watson

Unaware that he was on a hot mic and being broadcast live on a TV station, Israeli health minister Nitzan Horowitz admitted that vaccine passports were primarily about coercing skeptical people to get the vaccine.

“Imposing “green pass” rules on certain venues is needed only to pressure members of the public to get vaccinated, and not for medical reasons, Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz said on Sunday, ahead of the weekly Cabinet meeting,” reports Jewish News Syndicate.

Unaware that his words were being broadcast live to the nation on Channel 12, Horowitz told Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked that not only should the green pass be removed as a requirement to dine at outdoor restaurants, but also, “For swimming pools, too, not just in restaurants.”

“Epidemiologically, it’s true,” said Horowitz, adding, “The thing is, I’m telling you, our problem is people who don’t get vaccinated. We need [to influence] them a bit; otherwise, we won’t get out of this [pandemic situation].”

The health minister went on to acknowledge that the system wasn’t even being enforced in most venues.

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Video: This is How You Do It! Parents Get Kids Into School WITHOUT MASKS!

Parents Encourage Students To Defy Mask Mandates At Michigan High School – & They Do!

This is what resisting tyranny and defying unlawful mandates, policies and crimes against the people looks like! I hope the parents are just as stringent on what their kids are being subjected too in the public indoctrination centers we call public school, but if there is a lesson learned at a Manchester, Michigan high school it is to defy tyrants! And the parents were teaching their kids just that and it is glorious!


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If You Are Vaccinated and You Fear the Un-Vaccinated, You May Be a Moron

By Larry Johnson


Why is the idiot Biden threatening the un-vaccinated? According to Biden the vaccines work. If you get the vaccine then you will not get Covid. Right? So if you are protected from Covid what difference does it make to you if someone else wants to take the risk of not getting vaccinated? If it will only affect the un-vaccinated then it should be none of your business if another free American chooses to not get vaccinated.

But it appears that Dementia Joe and his team of inept advisors know that the vaccine is not really a vaccine. A true vaccine–made out of Covid–would produce immunity to Covid. But we now know that it does not.

How do we know? Just ask the Israelis.

And yet Israel now has the world’s highest rolling weekly average of new Covid cases. That’s been something of a shock and raises the question of whether the country’s pandemic plan has worked. While the news may look grim, and the government has been scrambling to respond, the reality is more prosaic: Israel hasn’t defeated the virus, but it has probably redefined what success against the virus looks like. It’s a messy reality, but not an intolerable one.

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Video: Former War Crimes Prosecutor Lays Out Blueprint to Prosecute Fauci & Co. for Creating COVID-19

Dr. Francis Boyle breaks down the details of how Fauci and all his cohorts can be prosecuted for engineering COVID-19 and the deadly bioweapons jabs. This is a jam packed interview that is LOADED with valuable information that puts this unprecedented crime against humanity into perspective and provides a way to put a stop to it!



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Newly Released Documents Show Fauci LIED About Wuhan Coronavirus Research

By Andrew Kerr

A trove of newly released documents detailing U.S.-funded coronavirus research in China prior to the COVID-19 pandemic shows that Dr. Anthony Fauci was “untruthful” when he claimed that his agency did not finance gain-of-research in Wuhan, an infectious disease expert said Sunday.

Documents published by The Intercept on Sunday show that Fauci’s organization, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), provided federal funds to the U.S. nonprofit group EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology to construct laboratory-generated SARS and MERS-related coronaviruses that demonstrated enhanced pathogenicity in humanized mice cells, according to Rutgers University professor of chemical biology Richard Ebright.

“The documents make it clear that assertions by the [National Institutes of Health] Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful,” Ebright said in a tweet Sunday evening.

Fauci said during a congressional hearing in May that the NIH and NIAID “categorically has not funded gain-of-function research to be conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

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Video: Dr. Peter McCullough Totally Destroys the COVID Narrative - URGENT UPDATE on FDA Malfeasance & More!

Dr. Peter McCullough joins Alex Jones with the most current revelations about what's really going on with the "alleged" FDA approval, top FDA officials resigning and much, much more info that totally destroys the "Official COVID Narratives."


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