Astonishing Success Rate of Ivermectin in Indian State Shreds ‘Horse Dewormer’ Propaganda
By JD Ruker
Editor’s Commentary: When Daniel Horowitz over at The Blaze posted an article last month about Uttar Pradesh in India and their success with Ivermectin, I was dumb enough to assume mainstream media would be forced to report on it as well. The Blaze has a strong audience and the story was compelling. Certainly, corporate media couldn’t sweep this one under the rug, right?
Like I said, I was dumb. Nobody in the Mainstream Media Industrial Complex picked it up. Literally zero. What shocked me was that very few in conservative media picked it up, either. That’s arguable more distressing. Since then, I’ve realized “conservative” news outlets that rely on Google, Facebook, Twitter, or any of the other Big Tech sugar daddies refuse to talk about Ivermectin, adverse reactions to vaccines, or any topics that could get them blacklisted.
Ivermectin is cheap as dirt. Big Pharma cannot cash in on the science so they are forced to cash in on ignorance.
The story is a bombshell and since Horowitz wrote it, the numbers have trended even better to prove the efficacy of Ivermectin as a treatment and even preventative against Covid-19.
Uttar Pradesh is a huge state in India with a population well over 200 million. With all residents included, it’s nearly 3/4ths the size of the entire United States. In an area so densely populated, one would almost certainly believe their hospitals are overrun with Covid-19 patients. Nope. As of September 13, 2021, they had 175 active cases.