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Video: Warning: The COVID Jabs Are Administered Incorrectly



  • Recent research suggests that by not aspirating the needle to make sure the injection is not going into your bloodstream, vaccine administrators may be contributing to vaccine injuries
  • Mice given an mRNA COVID shot intravenously developed myopericarditis, inflammation of the heart and surrounding heart sack
  • Intravenous injections of the mRNA “vaccine” induced visible degeneration and death of heart muscle cells. This damage is likely permanent, as heart cells do not regenerate. The damaged or lost cardiac tissue is simply replaced by scar tissue, which permanently inhibits muscle contraction
  • Intravenous injection also caused calcium deposits on the inner (visceral) layer of the pericardium, a condition that can lead to restrictive pericarditis and diastolic heart failure
  • The mice that received the COVID shot intravenously also had extensively damaged liver cells

In the featured video above, retired nurse lecturer John Campbell, Ph.D., reviews research1 showing that intravenous injection of mRNA COVID shots can induce acute myopericarditis in mice. As it turns out, most health professionals in the U.K. and U.S. are administering the COVID shots incorrectly, thereby raising the risk of serious side effects such as heart inflammation.

COVID Shots Are Administered Incorrectly

As explained by Campbell, when you administer an intramuscular injection, the injection is supposed to go into the muscle — not a vein or blood vessel. To ensure you haven’t hit a blood vessel, you need to pull the plunger out a bit before injecting the fluid in the syringe to confirm that the needle isn’t in a blood vessel.

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Video: New Harvard Study - COVID SURGES Among Most Vaxxed Communities

Jimmy Dore details a new Harvard study that exposes the fact that we are experiencing a pandemic of the VACCINATED, not the other way round as the propaganda wants you to believe.  It is now clear that these so-called vaccines ARE NOT SAFE NOR ARE THEY EFFECTIVE!!


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TAIWAN: More Deaths from Vaccination Than From COVID-19

More people have died from the vaccine than the virus in Taiwan.

According to NTD news there are now 865 deaths linked to the COVID vaccines.  There are 845 deaths linked to the virus.


NTD reported:

In Taiwan, the number of people dying after their COVID-19 vaccination is exceeding the number of deaths from the virus itself.  Taiwan’s health authorities say that as of Monday, deaths after vaccination reached 865. While deaths from the virus are 845.

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Video: Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Warning on Therapeutic Nihilism and Untested Vaccines

“Unbelievable Atrocity” Is Unfolding


Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Trusted Treatments with Untested Novel Therapies

Dr. Peter McCullough gave an extensive rundown on everything Covid-19 vaccines, from safety and efficacy to the fraudulent “approval” of the Pfizer vaccine.

Dr. McCullough is a cardiologist and was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University. McCullough is editor-in-chief of the journals Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiorenal Medicine. He was and is an advocate for early COVID-19 treatment that included hydroxychloroquine.

This speech by Dr. Peter McCullough was highly recommended by a highly successful and trusted friend in the medical community. Dr. McCullough says, “The disability of this vaccine will go down in history as an unbelievable atrocity.”

The information he shares here is a wake-up call to Americans. Over 15,000 are now dead from the COVID vaccine, 25,000 are permanently disabled. Why does the CDC and FDA continue to promote these dangerous vaccines?

This is an important presentation from a very respected and knowledgable expert in his field.


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Aspirin Lowers Risk of COVID: New Findings Support Preliminary Israeili Trial

The treatment reduced the risk of reaching mechanical ventilation by 44%. ICU admissions were lower by 43%, and an overall in-hospital mortality saw a 47% decrease.

Over-the-counter aspirin could protect the lungs of COVID-19 patients and minimize the need for mechanical ventilation, according to new research at the George Over-the-counter aspirin could protect the lungs of COVID-19 patients and minimize the need for mechanical ventilation, according to new research at the George Washington University.

The team investigated more than 400 COVID patients from hospitals across the United States who take aspirin unrelated to their COVID disease, and found that the treatment reduced the risk of several parameters by almost half: reaching mechanical ventilation by 44%, ICU admissions by 43%, and overall in-hospital mortality by 47%.

“As we learned about the connection between blood clots and COVID-19, we knew that aspirin – used to prevent stroke and heart attack – could be important for COVID-19 patients,” said Dr. Jonathan Chow of the study team. “Our research found an association between low-dose aspirin and decreased severity of COVID-19 and death.”

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Dr. Michael Yeadon - Most Covid-19 Deaths Were a Direct Result of the Administration of Midazolam or Remdesivir

By Dr Mike Yeadon
Former Chief Scientist for Pfizer

Fauci is a ghastly inhuman person. Watch Kary Mullis’ last interviews. Scientifically, he drew a bead on Saint Fauci over the AIDS scandal. AZT (Wellcome) was a toxic drug from anti-cancer & immunosuppression research, being an analogue of the bases used in genetics.

I recall being very surprised that its clinical safety profile was adequate to permit dosing in HIV/AIDS. I was a young post-doc, coincidently newly hired to research in Wellcome & watched it gain approval. I had lots of trust in institutions then.

Turns out that many American & European gay men were killed by this wretched drug (not so much of a surprise now) and billions were made, and I’m sure relationships were formed between Fauci, certain drug companies & regulators, which stood in profitable stead over subsequent decades.

The PCR test for viruses was a huge turning point. Mullis repeatedly stated that it isn’t an appropriate technique for diagnostics. I think it could be, under carefully calibrated conditions. But it certainly is not, used as it is around the world to diagnose Covid-19.

Fauci slid remdesivir into treatment guidelines almost, it seems, based on his say so.

He hadn’t treated patients for decades if he ever did.

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HUNDREDS of Congressmen, Families, Staffers Received Successful Ivermectin, Preventative Covid Care – Never Told Public!

Medical doctor claims elected US representatives beat COVID with early treatment protocol. 'Saved themselves & stayed silent as IVM was torched.'

By Adam Salazar

A medical doctor professes hundreds of congressional lawmakers, family members and staffers have received Covid-19 preventative care that included an ivermectin regimen – and kept those facts from the American people.

The incredible claim was made in tweets last week from Dr. Pierre Kory, who promotes an early preventative treatment protocol that includes administration of ivermectin, vitamins C and D3, zinc and monoclonal antibodies.

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Video: Dr. Daniel Nagase Exposes Deliberate and Malicious Withholding of Life-Saving Medications

On the Steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery on October 1st, celebrating the 75 Anniversary of the Nuremberg Code, Dr. Nagase gave this Powerful Speech. Dr. Nagase has been a doctor for over 15 years, he graduated from Dalhousie Medical School in 2004. He has been an emergency doctor for 10 years and has been working in rural under-serviced communities throughout Alberta since 2015. Daniel Nagase has a story he’d like to share with you about what happened after he gave Covid patients Ivermectin in a small hospital west of Red Deer.


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More Than 200,000 Have Already Died From the COVID Jab in the US

People under 50 are more likely to die from the jab than from Covid-19 itself.



  • So far, the CDC has not determined that any death was directly caused by the COVID shot, but that doesn’t mean the injections haven’t killed anyone. Calculations using VAERS data suggest the COVID shots have resulted in 212,000 excess deaths in the U.S.
  • An estimated 300,000 Americans suffered permanent disability from the COVID shots, and anywhere from 2 million to 5 million may have suffered adverse reactions
  • If you’re under the age of 50, your risk of dying from the vaccine is greater than your chance of dying from COVID-19
  • Dr. Peter Schirmacher, chief pathologist at the University of Heidelberg, who is recognized as one of the top 100 pathologists in the world, autopsied 40 patients who died within two weeks of their COVID jab, and found 30% to 40% of the deaths were conclusively due to the shot
  • One top neurologist claims to have 2,000 reportable vaccine injuries in 2021, compared to zero in the last 11 years. In all, 5% of her existing patients now have suspected vaccine injuries, but she has only filed two VAERS reports due to the complexity of the filing

Yesterday, October 8, 2021, I published a Highwire exclusive interview with Deborah Conrad, a physician’s assistant who is blowing the whistle on COVID jab injuries, and the fact that these injuries are rarely reported because of a faulty VAERS database design.

Today you’re in for yet another bombshell video: “Vaccine Secrets: COVID Crisis.” It’s the first episode of “The False Narrative Takedown Series,” produced by Steve Kirsch, executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund.

“Vaccine Secrets” complements and supports everything Conrad shared in her interview, so I highly recommend saving these files on your computer and watching both of them. Both are available on Bitchute.

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Video: New COVID Pills Are Cancer Causing Gene Tampering Nightmare

Scientists Warn ‘Proceed With Caution At Your Own Peril’: Merck’s COVID ‘Super Drug’ Poses Serious Health Risks

Company stands to profit immensely by charging customers up to 40x what it costs to make the drug.


As it turns out, all the scientists and doctors who insisted that Merck’s “revolutionary” COVID drug molnupiravir is extremely safe weren’t faithfully adhering to “the science” after all. Because according to a report published Thursday by Barron’s, some scientists are worried that the drug – which purportedly cut hospitalizations in half during a study that was cut short – could cause cancer or birth defects.

So much for having a “strong safety profile,” as Dr. Scott Gottlieb claimed in an interview on the day Merck first publicized the research.

It’s perfectly understandable why Merck might choose to play down this safety risk: assuming it’s approved, the drug is widely expected to be one of “the most lucrative drugs ever” – which is one reason why Merck’s shares soared into double-digit territory after the announcement.

As we reported earlier this week, Merck and its “partner” Ridgeback Biotherapeutics will profit immensely by charging customers up to 40x what it costs to make the drug, which Ridgeback originally licensed from Emory University for an “undisclosed sum”. The drug was developed with funding from the federal government.

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