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How Vaccine Makers Learned To Create Pseudo-Epidemics Like Covid-19

Why Covid-19 Will Never End

By Bill Sardi

Hey, if the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is a hoax as some claim, it would have to fool a lot of university-trained microbiologists.  But surprisingly this isn’t the first time modern medicine has been completely fooled by a pseudo epidemic.  Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic is fake, obviously much larger than the ones that preceded it, but totally fake.  How so, you ask?

Mike Hearn, posting plan99.net clued the whole world in to how the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, now used to diagnose COVID-19 coronavirus infections, fooled three major medical centers into mistakenly believing they were being besieged by a whooping cough epidemic in the years 2004-2007.

Hearn’s report dated July 26, 2020 was entitled: Pseudo-Epidemics: Why COVID-19 Is Guaranteed To Never End.  Few people paid attention to Hearn’s report that likened what happened during suspected infectious disease outbreaks at three major medical centers in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Tennessee, to our modern-day COVID-19 calamity.

Post up an online claim that COVID-19 is a hoax and you will be subjected to massive ridicule.  Lay people who have amateurishly claimed COVID-19 is a hoax have reportedly died of this infectious lung disease.  Government propagandists parade testimonies of those who thought COVID-19 was a hoax until they were infected themselves.  But these patients really don’t know they had a COVID-19 infection, they were just told that.

But there really IS a COVID-19 coronavirus that is killing hundreds of thousands of humans on planet earth, right?  That’s what infection control officers thought when they were dealing with a lot coughing workers who obviously had something.

Well, a lot of people are dying of anything, ~8000 a day in the U.S., ~150,000/day  worldwide.  The question is, are they dying of COVID-19?

How do we know, after locking down entire populations inside their homes during winter cold and flu season that these excess death numbers aren’t a result of a lack of sunshine vitamin D rather than a corona cold virus?

If it is not COVID-19, what else could it be?

A Reuters Fact Checking team says in 92.8% of deaths COVID-19 was “found to be the underlying cause of death.”  But frankly, there is no study showing COVID-19 is singularly causal for death, at least not yet.

Strikingly, if prior pseudo-epidemics offer any lesson it is that the rate of false positive tests for COVID-19 approaches 100%!

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Video: Emerald Robinson and Dr. Peter McCullough: mRNA Jabs Are Deadly and the Evidence Is Overwhelming

Nobel Prize Given to mRNA Scientists!

Every institution we thought had integrity has been corrupted.  The institution that hands out Nobel Prizes is no exception.  Their latest atrocity saw them handing out a Nobel Prize to scientists behind the deadly mRNA vaccines legitimizing and celebrating one of the greatest crimes against humanity the world has ever seen!



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Video: Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger Explains What's In the COVID Shots Constitutes a Bioweapon


There is still a lot of confusion out there about what Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" actually are – hence why the word "vaccines," in this context, is in quotes. And here this week on the Health Ranger Report to discuss in further detail what these injections actually are was Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, an expert and insider who knows more than many of us do because she worked at the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations where these deadly bioweapons were developed, at least in part.

In speaking with the Health Ranger about the dangers of 5G and other electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) – this particular segment begins around the 22:30 mark in the following video – Dr. Stuckelberger revealed that the contents of COVID jabs are, in fact, bioweapons that were specifically developed for the purpose of harming people, not protecting them against a deadly virus.

"If you're not vaccinated, if you didn't get this BioNTech – and you know Pfizer called it BioNTech, it's bio-nano-tech, or bio-neural tech – and mRNA is mode-RNA," Dr. Stuckelberger explained in response to a question from the Health Ranger about the interface between the injections, 5G, and other EMFs.

"It's a computer program, and it is really about – let me start with this: we are humans, and we are bio-electro-magnetic; we have electroencephalogram; we know that our brain functions with +/- electricity impulse stimulus response neural network ... they have mapped the brain ... they can target your brain, and they can also target those who are vaccinated because they have oxide graphene, and metal, chrome, nickel, aluminum in all vaccines ... and they have parasites, and it is all synthetic – nothing biological."

"It is a receptor, it's an emitter, and it is like a small micro-computer nanocircuit that turns on and off ... if the 5G is on, it puts and triggers this nanocircuit, and if you turn it off it liquifies it. But it can really bio-code" disease, Dr. Stuckelberger warned.



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Video: A Tribute to the Vaxx-Pushers Who Are Useful Idiots, Evil Co-Conspirators, or Both


This is a comprehensive compilation created by Matt Orfalea to remind us about how massively bombarded we were with COVID JAB propaganda that has resulted in the murder of at least 17 MILLION people around the world AND COUNTING



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Study Finds COVID Vaccines Damage ALL Hearts!

Radiology Tests Detect Myocardial Damage in Covid-vaccinated persons


A new scientific study by Nakahara et al. tested COVID-vaccinated people to see if they have “silent” changes in heart muscle function that standard radiology tests could detect. The study shows very unsettling results.

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Video: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi - WHO, mRNA, and YOU: How the Big Pharma and NGO-Driven Agenda Is Our Genocide

This is a clip of a speech given by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi where he exposes the fact that ALL mRNA vaccines being pushed by globalist organizations like the WHO are dangerous and are going to threaten life.   He states that "Every injected mRNA vaccine will cause severe damage in our body and must be forbidden."



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Video: Kevin McKernan - What’s Actually in the COVID Vaccines

Vaccine DNA Contamination & Monkey Virus SV40 - Kevin McKernan


Kevin McKernan Talks COVID Vaccine DNA Contamination, the Monkey Virus SV40 Promoter, and What’s Actually in the Vaccines.

Kevin McKernan worked at the Human Genome Project at MIT as manager of research and development. Today, he is the chief scientific officer and founder of Medicinal Genomics, and is researching DNA contamination in the COVID-19 genetic vaccines.
"There are limits on how much DNA can be in a vaccine precisely because of the concern over DNA integration," says Mr. McKernan. "What we do know is in both shots, there is residual DNA, and this DNA is either right above the regulatory limit or tenfold higher."
Why should we be concerned about lipid nanoparticles and DNA open reading frames? And how is synthetic mRNA fundamentally different from naturally-occurring mRNA?
"Australia has different guidelines on what constitutes gene therapy, and it looks like these vaccines may, in fact, fall under that category, given the fact that there's DNA in them and they're using LNPs. And we now know that some of the DNA in there has been used and documented as a gene therapy tool," says Mr. McKernan.



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Video: Transgenic Edible Vaccines



In a shocking revelation, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) has recently brought to light a deeply concerning issue that should alarm every American citizen. The U.S. government is currently funding research into “transgenic edible vaccines,” a term that sounds like it’s straight out of a dystopian science fiction novel. Yet, it is very much a reality, and it’s happening right under our noses.

The Gateway Pundit reported in 2021 that scientists at the University of California, Riverside, have been experimenting with turning edible plants like lettuce and spinach into mRNA vaccine factories.

According to the press release published by the University of California, the project aims to utilize mRNA technology, similar to that used in COVID-19 vaccines, to turn edible plants into vaccine factories.

The research is funded by a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation and has three primary goals:

  1. To successfully deliver DNA containing the mRNA vaccines into plant cells where it will replicate.
  2. To demonstrate that plants can produce enough mRNA to rival a traditional vaccine shot.
  3. To determine the right dosage of the vaccine.

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Air Vax — The Latest mRNA Delivered Into Lungs


  • Yale University researchers have developed an airborne method for delivering mRNA right to your lungs
  • In a study on mice, the scientists created polymer nanoparticles to encapsulate mRNA, making it inhalable
  • Researchers say this “new method of delivery could ‘radically change the way people are vaccinated,’” making it easier to vaccinate people in remote areas or those who are afraid of needles
  • An airborne mRNA product could be used to rapidly vaccinate the masses, without their knowledge or consent
  • Academic endorsement exists for the use of compulsory, covert bioenhancements, including drugs and vaccines, on the public; the U.S. government also has a history of covert bioweapon experiments

Yale University researchers have developed a new airborne method for delivering mRNA right to your lungs. The team has also used the method to vaccinate mice intranasally,1 opening the door for human testing in the near future.

While scientists are hailing the creation as an easy way to vaccinate the masses, critics wonder if the development of an airborne vaccine could be used for nefarious purposes, including covert bioenhancements,2 which have already been recommended in academic literature.3

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Study Finds Causal Link Between COVID Vaccines and Mortality, Confirming 17 Million Died After Vaxx Rollout!


A new report has estimated that COVID-19 vaccines averaged one death for every 800 injections around the world across all age groups.

This is according to statistical analysis of mortality data from a range of Southern Hemisphere and equatorial countries. It was carried out by Correlation Research in the Public Interest, which is based in Canada, under the leadership of University of Ottawa Lead Scientist Dr. Denis Rancourt. The researchers estimated that around 17 million people died following the rollout of the vaccine, and with 13.5 billion injections provided during the study period, it averages out to 1 death for every 800 doses.

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