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Video: What's Really Happening At CERN

The world’s most astonishing science experiment, simply explained.

On the border between France and Switzerland is the biggest science experiment humanity has ever built. Over a 100 meters underground, there’s a tunnel 27 kilometers long in a big loop under nearby homes, businesses, and farms. Inside that tunnel, scientists built a blue tube big enough to crawl through, and inside that tube, they put two pipes that they keep colder and emptier than outer space. Down those pipes, they fire particles smaller than atoms in opposite directions…. and push them faster and faster… until when they’re almost at the speed of light… they SMASH TOGETHER.

This underground particle-smasher is also known as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. It took thousands of scientists from over nearly 100 different countries $5 billion dollars and 30 years to plan and build. My question is: Why? Why did they do that??? Why spend so much money and time to smash particles underground? And now… why do so many scientists say what we really need to do is build… a BIGGER one? To answer those questions, we’re going on a journey all the way to Switzerland, to the particle smasher itself! And you’re never going to see yourself or the world around you the same way…


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Video: There's a Secret Network - Skynet 2.0

There's a secret network in operation today and this network can send centralized commands from its master to slave devices without anyone being able to stop it. It has the most advanced location tracking capabilities and no one can intercept its traffic. It can bypass the internet. There are billions of devices that it can utilize and potentially control.


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Video: The Earth is Flat?

This video shows additional views from a jet at 43,000 feet and the International Space Station at about 5 miles up. It also includes a clip from a video produced by the 747 Pilot Kelsey who offers to pilot a flight from Buenos Aries to Melbourne Australia to prove the Earth is a sphere.




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Video: The Map of Quantum Computing - Quantum Computer Technologies Explained

In 1980 the idea of a quantum computer was born.  In the last 10 years there's been a huge growth in the computing industry with dozens of startups spending hundreds of millions of dollars in a race to build the best quantum computer.



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Climate Alarmists Focus on Emissions While Ignoring the Natural Causes of the Rising Sea Level



Sea level rise on planet Earth could be attributed in part to astronomical influences that involve the sun, moon, and other planets, according to a new research paper from The Heritage Foundation taking aim at media reports on climate change that fixate on carbon dioxide emissions while ignoring other factors.

The gravitational interactions of heavenly bodies throughout the solar system figure into a larger set of natural phenomena affecting the oceans, cited in Heritage’s special report. (The Daily Signal is Heritage’s news and commentary outlet.)

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Audio: David Adair Says He Designed Fusion Rocket Engine Like One Found at Area 51



Before he was a teenager, David Adair was fascinated with jet propulsion. By the time he was 11 he had built his first rocket, and at the age of 17 he supposedly pioneered a new type of engine that used neither liquid nor solid jet fuel – it used electromagnetic fusion. From that point on, he says he caught the eye of government agents, but not just any agents… top brass, Area 51-clearance-level agents.

Adair was a child prodigy when it came to astrophysics and rocket science, voraciously reading through all of the relevant literature he could find at his local library. According to his story, when a local librarian noticed he was correcting the flawed data in astrophysics texts, she was amazed and ordered him hundreds more.

Adair became enamored with space travel, designing rocket propulsion systems with cryogenic fluids. Eventually this led to his creation of a new type of system that had never before been created, the electromagnetic fusion containment engine. With this engine, he says, his rocket could propel from zero to 8,654 mph in just over four seconds.


Riveting In-depth Interview on the Art Bell Show (1997)
Duration: 2:46:55

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Videos: ‘Society One Step Closer To Dystopia’: Vision-Pro Early-Adopters Spotted In Wild



Apple’s nearly $4,000 mixed-reality headset, Apple Vision Pro, hit store shelves on Friday, and early adopters have already been spotted in the wild. 

Let’s begin with Fox’s The Simpsons, which has successfully predicted the future once again. 

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Video: CO2 - Carbon Dioxide — The Gas of Life

Dr. William Happer, professor emeritus of physics at Princeton University presents a divergent interpretation of selected climate change data. Dr. Happer questioned current dogma about climate change by presenting scientific data and theory which question the underlying assumptions of conventional wisdom. He knows he is a controversial figure. Dr. Happer worked in various capacities for the Bush and Trump administrations.




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The Year That Expertise Collapsed



Getting sick and getting well is part of the human experience at all times in all places. As with other phenomena of human existence, that suggests there is a great deal of embedded knowledge on the topic woven into the fabric of our lives. We aren’t born knowing but we come to know: from our moms and dads, experience of siblings and others, from our own experience, and from medical professionals who deal with the problem daily. 

In a healthy and functioning society, the path toward maintaining personal and public health becomes embedded in the cultural firmament, just like manners, belief systems, and value preferences. It’s not necessary that we think about it constantly; instead it becomes a habit, with much of the knowledge tacit; that is, deployed daily but rarely with full cognizance. 

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