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  • NIH (National Institute of Health)/Dr. Fauci

Billions Continue to Be Laundered Through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to China’s Biowarfare Program


The National Institutes of Health funds China’s biowarfare program in ways similar to shell companies laundering money.

It is now an indisputable scientific fact that the COVID-19 virus was created in a laboratory in China and that work was linked to China’s biowarfare program.

There is also an abundance of evidence that funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), specifically Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), contributed to that effort and U.S. government officials and members of the scientific community attempted to cover-up the laboratory origin of the COVID-19 virus and their potential complicity in its creation.

Judicial Watch recently received 1651 pages of records from the NIH revealing an FBI “inquiry” into the NIH’s controversial funding of bat coronavirus “gain of function” research, experiments that can lead to viruses that are “more transmissible or more virulent than the original organism or those that evade current detection methods and available treatments.”

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NIH (National Institute of Health) Working to Keep Taxpayers in the Dark by Stalling on Fauci Documents


By Jan Jekielek and Zachary Stieber

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is attempting to keep money spent on things like Dr. Anthony Fauci’s salary, the highest-paid U.S. government employee, hidden from members of the public, according to a transparency advocate.

“There is a multi-layered strategy, funded by taxpayers, to keep taxpayers in the dark about how NIH is spending taxpayer money,” Adam Andrzejewski, CEO and founder of OpenTheBooks.com, told Epoch TV’s “American Thought Leaders.”

Andrzejewski’s watchdog group discovered how much Fauci was getting paid and that he received a permanent pay bump in the early 2000s in part to prevent him from leaving the government.

In an effort to learn more about the top doctor, the group filed a Freedom of Information Act request on Jan. 28, 2021, asking for Fauci’s job description, disclosure documents, and other papers.

The NIH produced 51 pages of records in response to the request but did not provide any additional documents, nor did the agency produce records in response to two more requests from the group about documents related to Fauci, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court.

“They’re not complying with open records law,” Andrzejewski said, triggering the suit and dozens of others from various groups.

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MASSIVE Conflicts of Interest Exposed at Fauci's NIH (National Institute of Health)



  • One of the primary vehicles for kickbacks and fraud seems to be foundations associated with federal agencies. The reason they’re so frequently used for questionable transactions is because foundations are private entities and not subject to Freedom of Information Act requests and other open records laws
  • The board of directors of the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) is heavily populated with Big Pharma players. This raises serious questions about conflicts of interest, as the foundation oversees the distribution of hundreds of millions of dollars — unregulated funds that typically go right back into the coffers of the drug industry
  • This conflict of interest also, at least in part, helps explain the actions of Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and now-retired director of the NIH, Dr. Francis Collins. Both have gone out of their way to protect the makers of COVID shots and dismiss evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was created in and escaped from a lab
  • Dr. Julie Gerberding became the FNIH CEO March 1, 2022. She was formerly director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. After leaving the CDC, she became the executive vice president of strategic communications at Merck
  • The FNIH’s board of directors includes seven current or former drug company executives, the FDA, the Sackler family (notorious for its creation of a deadly opioid epidemic), Johns Hopkins (co-sponsor of Event 201, which “predicted” COVID-19 and the subsequent destruction of human rights), and two major investment bankers, Goldman Sachs and BlackRock

One of the primary vehicles for kickbacks and fraud seems to be foundations associated with federal agencies. This article will highlight and expose yet another way we are being conned and manipulated by examining the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health1 (FNIH), whose board is plastered with major Big Pharma players.

This raises serious questions about conflicts of interest, seeing how the foundation oversees the distribution of hundreds of millions of dollars — unregulated funds that typically go right back into the coffers of the drug industry. It’s a very clever strategy to extract even more funds from the American taxpayers.

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LEAKED: Fauci, NIH Head Planned 'Devastating Takedown' of Non-Compliant Physicians

By Renee Nat

Powerful bureaucrats sought to squash those who promoted alternatives to the government’s tyrannical coronavirus lockdown strategy.

Outgoing National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins lamented that the Great Barrington Declaration was getting “a lot of attention”. “There needs to be a quick and devastating takedown of its premises,” the NIH Leader told his colleagues Lawrence Tabak, Cliff Lane and Anthony Fauci in an email from October, 2020.

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The Most Striking Fact in Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s New Book About Fascist Fear Monger Fauci

By Thomas DiLorenzo

I just got my copy of RFK Jr.’s The Real Anthony Fauci.  Flipping through the first couple of chapters, one thing really stood out — that Fauci dispenses some $7 billion in research grants to “public health” researchers all over the world.  He has held that position for 30 years.  This means that for thirty years there has been one-man monopoly control over virtually all public health-related “peer review.”  This proves in spades what a clownish, lying, incompetent, corrupt stooge Fauci is when he responds to criticism with statements like “everyone I know agrees with me on this.”  Yeah, everyone who works for him and is paid by him, or wishes to work for him and be paid by him (with taxpayers’ money).  This means that “public health” peer review is a joke and a fraud.  No other profession in the world would be taken seriously if one single government bureaucrat was effectively in charge of all the professional publications in the entire field.

And what Fauci doesn’t control through government funding, other government bureaucrats at NIH and elsewhere do.  They are Fauci wannabes in this corrupt, stinking, fraudulent field of “public” health.  No wonder Dr. Scott Atlas, a real doctor and medical researcher, was so shocked at the immense incompetence he was exposed to while serving on President Trump’s COVID task force and sitting through meetings with dopey Fauci and that goofy scarf woman.  He told Tucker Carlson that the two of them seemed 100% detached from and unaware of the relevant science and did nothing but repeat leftist lockdown/masking/you-must-obey/jab-every-child/shut-down-all-the-schools-and-churches talking points without even discussing any scientific basis for any of it.

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Video: Corbett Report - Robert Kennedy Jr. Discusses The Real Anthony Fauci

Over his 50-year career as a government bureaucrat, Dr. Fauci has consistently served the interests of himself, Big Pharma and the military — while failing the American public.

Through painstaking and meticulous research, this book unearths facts about Dr. Fauci that should alarm every American who cares about this country — and the future our children will inherit.

This book reveals how Fauci:

  • failed dismally over his 50-year career with the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to address the cause, prevention and cures for the exploding epidemic of allergies and chronic disease
  • sabotaged safe and effective off-patent therapeutic treatments for AIDS
  • violated federal laws to allow his pharma partners to use impoverished and dark-skinned children as lab rats in deadly experiments with toxic AIDS and cancer chemotherapies
  • will personally profit from sales of Moderna’s COVID vaccine, co-developed by Moderna and NIAID
  • promotes “agency capture” — the subversion of democracy and public health by the drug industry
  • partnered with the Pentagon to approve taxpayer-funded “gain-of-function” experiments to breed pandemic superbugs in poorly regulated labs in Wuhan, China and elsewhere, under conditions that almost certainly guaranteed the escape of weaponized microbes like SARS-CoV-2.



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Dr. Pierre Kory Identifies U.S. Agency Truly at War with Ivermectin and It Is NOT the FDA - It's Fauci's NIH

By J.D. Rucker

Somebody in Washington DC does not like Ivermectin. In fact, many “somebodies” have been engaged in an all-out propaganda and bureaucratic war to keep the people in the dark and to keep doctors too scared to prescribe the life-saving treatments, including the highly effective MATH+ Protocol.

Many of us who have been monitoring DC have looked at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the culprits behind the suppression campaign. They hold the keys to the castle, so to speak, when it comes to treatments of diseases doctors are allowed to use. They seem to be the most likely candidate to many of us, but one famous doctor has a different thought.

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Never Has Someone Had More Power in the History of this Republic to be More Wrong Than Anthony Fauci

Every American has had their 'lives impacted or turned upside down by someone they didn't cast a single vote for.



Author of current #1 bestseller "Faucian Bargain," Steve Deace, blasted Dr. Anthony Fauci for his "track record of failure," claiming that Biden's chief medical adviser has "no accountability" for his COVID-19 missteps in an interview with "Tucker Carlson Tonight," Wednesday.

STEVE DEACE: Never has someone had more power in the history of this republic to be more wrong than Anthony Fauci. And Tucker, stop and think about it and everybody in your audience, everyone, every life, every home, every family, every school, every church, every business, all have had their lives impacted or turned upside down by someone they didn't cast a single vote for. And yet we sit here and he has no accountability, a track record of failure over and over and over again. And in our book, we wanted to beg and ask some of the questions that are long overdue of one Anthony Fauci. 

We talk about the FOIA requests that Judicial Watch just successfully got in The Daily Caller from Fauci, his bureaucracy and back and forth communications with the Chinese government. But that's just one of a myriad of bad questions. (On) February 28th [2020], Fauci wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine that when he analyzed the data for COVID-19, he thought it would just be about as bad as a pandemic level flu. And then 11 days later, he went to Congress and told everybody this is going to be Captain Trips and that's what shut the country down.

If you look at the data now as we sit here today, the case fatality rate is 1.8%. The infection fatality rate, if you look at CDC, says we have ten times more cases than we've tested. That would put it at .18%. His original cautious and modest estimations have turned out to be true. So then why did he abandon those for the fear porn we've seen the past year? We must get answers to questions like that. What changed from what he wrote on February 28th and maybe the most esteemed publication, medical publication in the country to then what he told Congress, what changed those 11 days? Because it changed the fate of America.

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Anthony Fauci: 40 Years of Lies From AZT to Remdesivir

As the planet’s “Virus Tsar” since 1984, he has spread misinformation and ignored critical questions. The consequences could hardly be more fatal.

By Torsten Engelbrecht & Konstantin Demeter

Last week, US president Donald Trump committed a kind of blasphemy by attacking Anthony Fauci, his pandemic consultant and practically the spokesperson for the White House regarding COVID-19, saying that:

People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots. He’s been here for 500 years.  Fauci is a disaster. If I listened to him, we’d have 500,000 deaths.“

A remarkable statement of historical dimension, since Trump is the first American head of state to cast doubt on Fauci, who has acted as the virus tsar for no less than six presidencies: Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and Trump.

To make it clear, the logic behind Trump’s attack is scientifically unfounded. He refers to a statement of Fauci he made some months ago, according to which people should “not wear face masks.”. But even if all Americans had followed this advice, it would not have lead to a single extra death.

The simple reason is that the COVID-19 death rate data show unambiguously that a viral cause for the excess mortality seen in some countries, including the US, is virtually impossible — and that instead the massive experimental use of highly toxic drugs is the key factor in this context, as I recently outlined together with Claus Köhnlein MD, in an in-depth analysis for Real News Australia.

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Video: Fauci and WHO Know Damned Well Healthy People DO NOT Drive the Spread of a Virus

This is a segment from a briefing given on January 28, 2020 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in which Dr. Fauci very clearly explains the "well-known FACT" that . . .

"even if there is some asymptotic transmission, in all the history of respiratory born viruses OF ANY TYPE, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks.  The driver of outbreaks IS ALWAYS A SYMPTOMATIC PERSON!

They all know that even if someone has a virus and they're not sick, it's because they are HEALTHY, WITH A HEALTHY IMMUNE SYSTEM that is easily dealing with the virus. They know damned well there's is no legitimate scientific basis to LOCKDOWN, HOUSE ARREST, FORCE MASK WEARING, AND TESTING ONTO HEALTHY PEOPLE!  We have been mindlessly handing over BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to an industry that is LYING TO US and deliberately scaring everyone into doing what they want us to do, which is to willingly participate in our own destruction!

An enormous amount of money, resources and time is being wasted on people who ARE NOT SICK! They want to spend BILLIONS on vaccines that 99% of people do not need because their immune systems have no problem dealing with the virus.

In this briefing, they reference information coming out of China claiming asymptomatic people are spreading the virus but nobody has seen anything to substantiate such a claim that goes totally against the norm. And . . . like we can trust anything coming out of China . . . who clearly wants to keep us all in conditions of fear and economic collapse because, for one thing, THEY WERE LOSING THE TRADE WAR.

There is also a segment from a briefing given by the WHO in June of 2020 reiterating the exact same thing. THEY ALL KNOW THIS yet they are imposing criminal lock downs on EVERYONE!


Full briefing from January 28, 2020 can be found here:
Update on the New Coronavirus Outbreak First Identified in Wuhan, China | January 28, 2020

Dr. Scott Atlas explains the FACT that all the studies, all the data shows that people who are NOT SICK do not spread infections and that this should not be controversial.  It's only made controversial for purely political purposes.

If the video won't play please report the problem by clicking here.

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