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Mark Zuckerberg Group to Store ‘Voting Machines and Ballots’ Ahead of 2024 Election

Editor's Note:  Private organizations, much less any connection to this cretin, should not be allowed anywhere near election equipment or ballots.  They should not be allowed to play any part in conducting our elections!




An organization funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is buying up storage space to store “voting machines and ballots” that will be used in the 2024 election.

The storage space is being bought up by the Alliance for Election Excellence (AEE).

The AEE is led by Tiana Epps-Johnson and the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) and started with almost $100 million in April 2022.

CTCL is a nonprofit organization that controvertibly utilized hundreds of millions of dollars of Mark Zuckerberg’s money, dubbed “Zuckerbucks,” to boost Democrat voter turnout in the 2020 election.

According to reports, the CTCL disobeyed local election officials and used mail-in voting in the 2020 campaign.

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How Zuckerberg Used a Tax-Exempt Foundation to Help Biden Fix the 2020 Election

By David Horowitz and John Perazzo

Everybody to the right of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez knows that the root cause of the crisis facing America — the most serious since the Civil War — is lawlessness. And everybody not under the spell of the Democrat spin machine understands that the lawlessness begins at the top, with government and the many agencies of the executive branch who are tasked by our Constitution with enforcing the law. Whether by failing to enforce our immigration statutes, or failing to prosecute criminals in our streets, or violating our election procedures to favor one party, Democrat administrations in our nation’s capital and our major cities have brazenly supported criminal behavior carried out by Black Lives Matter rioters, common street thugs, and anti-Supreme Court agitators seeking to extort decisions by fear. The effect has been to systematically undermine the rule of law, stoke the fires of anarchy, and sow chaos in our institutions.

This trend has been evident since the revival of the radical left on the eve of the 9/11 attacks and its creation of Sanctuary Cities designed to flout the law and prevent the enforcement of the PATRIOT Act. It escalated with Obama’s illegal, unconstitutional — and self-acknowledged — violation of America’s immigration laws. And it spread to the revenue authority of the I.R.S., which systematically rejected the applications for tax-exempt status of conservative organizations, until the scandal grew so large that it forced the resignation of the tax commissioner Lois Lerner. But while one commissioner is gone, the illegal partisan practices of the I.R.S.  have continued to grow under her latest successor, Charles Rettig, playing a key role in skewing the results of the last presidential election.

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Video: Deep State Caught Secretly Meeting at Spy Museum to Steal 2024 Election

Find out what the social engineers were up to at this election summit

A group of some of the nation’s most notorious election fraud deniers and election officials, including anti-Trump Secretaries of State, secretly gathered at CEIR’s Soros-tied and Zuckerberg-funded Election Summit in Washington DC on May 8 and May 9 called, “Summit on American Democracy.”

Laura Loomer joins Alex Jones to report.



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Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘Hate Ban’ Isn’t About Safety — It’s About His Own Ego


By Kevin D. Williamson


Why is Alex Jones permitted to have a telephone?

It’s a serious question.

Facebook on Thursday announced that a small assortment of kooks — Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Paul Nehlen, Louis Farrakhan — will be permanently banned from Facebook, Instagram and other platforms it controls. Jones’ publication, Infowars, also will be banned. Praise of these figures, and expressions of support for them, also are to be prohibited.

Facebook is a private company and is under no legal obligation to provide accounts to figures whose views its executives find objectionable.

But how far do we want to extend that line of thinking?

There are about 30 cellphone-service providers in the United States, although the market is dominated by four of them: AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint. Federal regulation might prohibit them from discriminating against customers based on their political views, but the principle is the same. Why should Louis Farrakhan be allowed to use a telephone to spread his hateful message? Why should anybody sell him paper — or a pencil, for that matter? Think of the damage he might do with them.

Why should people with unpopular political views be allowed to have jobs? If you employ people with ugly political beliefs, you are providing financial support for the cultivation of those beliefs. Imagine your next job interview: “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?” Communists murdered 100 million people in the 20th century. If that isn’t a hate group, I don’t know what is. In most states, there is no law against corporations discriminating against employees and job applicants for their political views.

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Emails Show ERIC Was SHARING Voter Information With Third-Party Group Tied To Zuckerberg In 2020 Election


Newly acquired public records reveal that there’s much more to the exact relationship between the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) and the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) than meets the eye.

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Video: 'Unprecedented Bribery Schemes' Uncovered In Wisconsin 2020 Elections

Former Justice Michael Gableman details exactly how Mark Zuckerberg used his considerable weath to rig the 2020 election in Wisconsin through substantial bribery schemes.



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Zuckerbucks Takes on New Life in 2024

Aimed at Recruiting Far-Left Operatives to Take Over Elections Offices Across the Country


If you thought the Zuckerberg interference in US elections was over in 2020 when Democrats pulled off a shocking victory over President Trump five days after Election Day, you would be wrong.

Zuckerbucks are back.  And Democrats are now going after local elections offices around the country and pushing far-left candidates or secret sleepers to move elections in the Democrat Party’s direction.

Democrats no longer have to worry about nominating candidates who are senile or can’t string together two sentences.  All they have to do is make sure they are running the elections offices and counting the ballots.

It’s nothing new.  Joseph Stalin excelled in this effort.

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