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New Study Shows For First Time Men and Women’s Brains Work Differently

Transgender lobby won’t be happy.


In what may prove a massive blow to the transgender lobby, scientists have officially proven for the first time that male and female brains are distinct and operate differently.

“There has never been any definitive proof of difference in activity in the brains of men and women, but Stanford University has shown that it is possible to tell the sexes apart based on activity in “hotspot” areas,” reports the Telegraph.

Researchers discovered that “sex is a robust determinant of human brain organisation” in key areas of the brain including ones that regulate emotion, memory, sexual stimulation, habit forming and introspection.

The “default mode network” which is the neurological center for “self” is also different between men and women.

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Ohio Bans Sex Changes For Minors and Protects Female Sports After State Senate Overrides RINO Governor Mike DeWine’s Veto



Doctors can no longer mutilate minors in Ohio, and female sports are now protected there thanks to courageous Republicans defying their RINO governor Wednesday.

As CBS News reported, the State Senate voted to override Governor Mike DeWine’s veto of House Bill 68, a common-sense measure that sought to prohibit gender-affirming care for minors and to restrict transgender athletes’ participation in girls’ and women’s sports.

The official tally was 24-8. The Ohio House earlier overrode DeWine’s veto against Ohio House Bill 68 in a 65-28 vote as TGP’s Cristina Laila revealed.

With both the House and Senate passing their overrides with veto-proof majorities, House Bill 68 is now law.

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Video: Shocking Trans-Indoctrination in a Church: Gospel Ignored to Encourage Child Abuse

This is going on all over the world and it's SICK beyond belief.  The Trans Cult ALWAYS targets the most helpless and vulnerable with their incessant, INSANE gender bullshit.



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Commiefornia to Fine Stores That Don’t Have ‘Gender-Neutral’ Children’s Toy Section



A new law due to come into effect in California next month will see stores issued with fines if they fail to comply with radical gender ideology.

The law, which comes into effect on January 1, 2024, mandates stores that sell children’s items to have a gender-neutral section.

Details of the “woke” new law are confirmed on a state government website.

The law applies to any company that sells “childcare items” or toys and employs a minimum of 500 employees across store locations.

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Video: Prager University Releases Child Sex Change Documentary

What happens when a child is told she is born in the wrong body and undergoes life-altering surgery only to experience regret? A growing number of young Americans are being manipulated by social media and pushed by medical professionals to take hormones and undergo surgery. Now, many are finding the courage to detransition and warn others about their experience.





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The Gender Revolution Dehumanizing Our Kids


A handful of years ago, who could have imagined that the grandest, most advanced civilization in history would go off the rails to such a degree that a Supreme Court Justice – herself a woman – declares herself unqualified to define what a woman is because she is not a biologist? Who could have imagined that authoritative medical institutions in the Western world would promote the biological impossibility that men can give birth and have periods, or would encourage the medical mutilation of children supposedly “assigned” the wrong “gender” at birth? That the language with which we define our shared reality could be perverted so successfully that we have traded “mothers” for “birthing persons,” “women” for “uterus-havers,” and “vaginas” for “bonus holes”? That we would celebrate men for dominating women’s sports, winning women’s beauty pageants, and usurping the coveted cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue?

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Video: County Councilman Triggers Woke Liberals by Proclaiming He Now Identifies as a Lesbian “Woman of Color"



An Indiana Republican politician caused woke leftists to lose their minds when he reintroduced himself as a “woman of color” and “a lesbian” because he is attracted to women.

Earlier this month, Delaware County council member Ryan Webb posted a photo to his Facebook account showing him with a pistol in his waistband. The caption read “Ready for an awesome day! Hope everyone has a great day!”

The “awesome day” he was referring was him “coming out” as a black, transgender female.

The Muncie Star-Press reported Webb posted the following message:

After much consideration I have decided to come out and finally feel comfortable announcing my true authentic self, It is with great relief that I announce to everyone that I identify as a woman and not just any woman but as a woman of color as well. I guess this would make me gay/lesbian as well, since I am attracted to women.

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Real Women in Sports Need Real Protections from Obvious Injustices


Op-Ed by Representative Rachelle Smit, Michigan’s 43rd District

Men have no place in women’s sports.  On average, men are physically larger, faster, and stronger than women.  Allowing men to compete in biological women’s athletics gives them an obviously unfair competitive advantage.  But even beyond the unfairness of it – should young high school and college girls be forced to shower in the locker room with biological males?  Frankly, it’s creepy, and no young woman should be forced to endure this depraved nonsense.

While it’s shocking that this even must be debated, it’s also shocking that political elites are encouraging the violent repression of those who oppose men in women’s sports.  There is a violent and deranged socio-political movement attempting to force all Americans to accept their insanity as objective reality. Americans need to stand strong and demand their political leaders protect our daughters’ health and well-being.  No, men cannot play in women’s sports.

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PROF. JENKINS: On 'Gender,' We Must Stop Using the Left's Language




There’s an old saying that those who define the terms usually win the argument. That dynamic has been playing out on the political stage now for at least half a century, as the Left constantly attempts to control the language. 

We see this on college campuses all the time. Back in January, Campus Reform reported that Stanford University had labeled an entire slate of innocuous words “racist” or “biased”—words like “white paper,” “she,” and “American.”

 More recently, Michigan State University released a new “language guide” with its own list of “harmful” words and phrases, including “tipping point,” “cake walk,” and “bonkers.” I’m guessing that last one was added to prevent people from accurately describing the guide’s editors. 

Even more insidious than what we’re not allowed to say, however, is what we are required to say—the words that, according to leftists, we MUST use or else face their wrath. And nowhere is this terminological tyranny more evident than in the debate over “transgenderism.” 

 The Left’s corruption of common, simple words like “man” and “woman” is well-documented, as are their strident demands that everyone use their “preferred pronouns.” But even the term “transgender” itself, viewed rationally, is absolute gibberish. 

“Trans” is short for “transition,” which according to Merriam-Webster refers to “a change or shift from one state…to another.” And “gender” is simply another word for “sex.” Since changing one’s sex is biologically impossible, “transgender” is thus incoherent. 

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