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Videos: The Legal Case Against Anthony Fauci



The Great Barrington Declaration was released to the public on October 4, 2020. It argued for focused protection for vulnerable elderly and ending the lockdown for everyone else – allowing children to return to school normally. It was signed by many doctors and scientists and now has 939,000 signatures.

The Declaration was created by:

  • Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations
  • Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases.
  • Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations.

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Video: Dr Ryan Cole: Fauci Told Our Government to Tell People Not to Do Autopsies on Covid Patients

In this clip Dr. Ryan Cole discloses yet another effort by murderous Anthony Fauci to coverup the consequences of the Covid jabs he knew damned well were deadly.   Fauci has been killing people with deadly drugs his entire career of death and destruction.



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Video: Inventor of the PCR Test Kary Mullis Exposes Dr. Anthony Fauci For Who He Really Is!

Kary Mullis won a Nobel Prize for his invention of the PCR test so if anyone would know whether the test is being used properly or not it would be Kary Mullis. In these clips, Kary makes it quite clear what he thinks of Dr. Anthony Fauci and how his test is being misused to deliberately manufacture the false perception of pandemics that don't actually exist. The pandemics are not viral pandemics but rather FAKE TESTING PANDEMICS!

If you're not already aware, the PCR process Mullis invented is not a "test".  It's a manufacturing process to quickly replicate a tiny sample of something you want to do research on.  Prior to Kary's PCR process it was extremely difficult to replicate samples. 

The PCR process was never intended to be used for diagnostic purposes.  But people like Anthony Fauci realized it could be used to control the public perception of the spread of fake pandemics.  It's ideal for that purpose because if you use a high number of cycles, you can produce the perception of a LOT of positive results. (a cycle is running the PCR process one time to double the sample, two cycles doubles the sample again, etc., etc.) x

So everyone is instructed by the CDC, Fauci, etc., to run the PCR test at high cycles to get a LOT of positive results to make everyone believe a virus is running wild.  Then, when you roll out a fake and dangerous vaccine to make BILLIONS on, you run the tests and a lower number of cycles and, oh lookie!  We get a lot of negative results making people believe the vaccine is working.  You couldn't come up with a better way to manufacture a market for your products when the products are drugs!  The whole thing is a massive criminal hoax.


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Video: Smoking gun: Fauci States COVID Test Has Fatal Flaw

Confession from the “beloved” expert of experts

The COVID delusion is finished, blown apart

By Jon Rappoport

OK, here we go. Smoking gun. Jackpot.

Right from the horse’s mouth. Right from the man we’re told is the number-one COVID expert in the nation. What Fauci says is golden truth.

Well, how about THIS?

July 16, 2020, podcast, “This Week in Virology”: Tony Fauci makes a point of saying the PCR COVID test is useless and misleading when the test is run at “35 cycles or higher.” A positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed.

Here, in techno-speak, is an excerpt from Fauci’s key quote:

“…If you get [perform the test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more…the chances of it being replication-confident [aka accurate] are miniscule…you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle…even 36…”

Each “cycle” of the test is a quantum leap in amplification and magnification of the test specimen taken from the patient.

Too many cycles, and the test will turn up all sorts of irrelevant material that will be wrongly interpreted as relevant.

That’s called a false positive.

What Fauci failed to say on the video is: the FDA, which authorizes the test for public use, recommends the test should be run up to 40 cycles. Not 35.

Therefore, all labs in the US that follow the FDA guideline are knowingly or unknowingly participating in fraud. Fraud on a monstrous level, because…

Millions of Americans are being told they are infected with the virus on the basis of a false positive result, and…

The total number of COVID cases in America—which is based on the test—is a gross falsity.

The lockdowns and other restraining measures are based on these fraudulent case numbers.

Let me back up and run that by you again. Fauci says the test is useless when it’s run at 35 cycles or higher. The FDA says run the test up to 40 cycles, in order to determine whether the virus is there. This is the crime in a nutshell.

If anyone in the White House has a few brain cells to rub together, pick up a giant bullhorn and start revealing the truth to the American people.

“Hello, America, you’ve been tricked, lied to, conned, and taken for a devastating ride. On the basis of fake science, the country was locked down.”

If anyone in the Congress has a few brain cells operating, pull Fauci into a televised hearing and, in ten minutes, make mincemeat out of the fake science that has driven this whole foul, stench-ridden assault on the US economy and its citizens.

All right, here are two chunks of evidence for what I’ve written above. First, we have a CDC quote on the FDA website, in a document titled [2]: “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel For Emergency Use Only.” See page 35. This document is marked, “Effective: 07/13/20.” That means, even though the virus is being referred to by its older name, the document is still relevant as of July 2020. “For Emergency Use Only” refers to the fact that the FDA has certified the PCR test under a traditional category called “Emergency Use Authorization.”

FDA: “…a specimen is considered positive for 2019-nCoV [virus] if all 2019-nCoV marker (N1, N2) cycle threshold growth curves cross the threshold line within 40.00 cycles (< 40.00 Ct).”

Naturally, MANY testing labs reading this guideline would conclude, “Well, to see if the virus is there in a patient, we should run the test all the way to 40 cycles. That’s the official advice.”

Then we have a New York Times article (August 29/updated September 17) headlined: “Your coronavirus test is positive. Maybe it shouldn’t be.” [3] Here are money quotes:

“Most tests set the limit at 40 [cycles]. A few at 37.”

“Set the limit” would usually mean, “We’re going to look all the way to 40 cycles, to see if the virus is there.”

The Times: “This number of amplification cycles needed to find the virus, called the cycle threshold, is never included in the results sent to doctors and coronavirus patients…”

Boom. That’s the capper, the grand finale. Labs don’t or won’t reveal their collusion in this crime.

Get the picture?

I hope so.

If a lawyer won’t go to court with all this, or if a judge won’t pay attention and see the light, they should be stripped of their jobs and sent to the Arctic to sell snow.

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Video: Fauci & CIA Collude For Covid Genocide


Dr. Anthony Fauci was smuggled into CIA headquarters, “without a record of entry,” where he “participated in the analysis to ‘influence’ the Agency’s” Covid-19 investigation, according to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.  A mass hypnosis submission that lead to the deaths and injuries of innocent lives.




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Skeleton Crawls from Fauci’s Closet, Shows Him Saying Benefits of Gain-of-Function Research Outweighed Pandemic Risk



In a newly resurfaced paper from 2012, Dr. Anthony Fauci argued that the benefits of gain-of-function research are worth the increased risk of a potential pandemic-causing lab accident.

Despite the risks of a pandemic, Fauci called gain-of-function experiments “important work” writing:

“In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic?

“Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario – however remote – should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?

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FREE Video Library: FAUCI (Dr. Anthony Fauci)

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun


  •   Never Forget the Lies Fauci Told Under the Guise of "Science"
    It is beyond belief that Fauci is still walking around free and still being propped up by the lunatic leftist as an "expert" who we should trust.  This psychopath doesn't have a trustworthy bone in his body as highlighted by the inventor of the PCR process that Fauci realized he could con everyone into believing was a reliable test for viral infection, to manufacture the false perception that a pandemic was occurring.  You can listen to Kary Mullis's comments about Fauci here
  •   Covid Cover-Up Revealed: Top Fauci Advisor Admits to Deleting Emails Concerning Covid Origin
    After analyzing and deconstructing a trove of emails and other documents that emerged from inside the global health policy industry it's been revealed how often and how deliberately healthcare workers and officials lied to the public about many aspects of Covid.
  •   Fauci Was Like the Covid Fairy
    This video starts with Rob Schneider detailing the string of lies Fauci told everyone, one lie morphing into the next. The video then presents a compilation of the actual lies told by this stone-cold psychopathic murdering lunatic who should have been tried for crimes against humanity a long time ago!
  •   Top NIH Adviser Deleted Records, Used Secret Back Channels to Help Fauci Evade COVID Transparency
    A top adviser at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) deleted records critical to uncovering the origins of COVID-19 — and used a “secret back channel” to help Dr. Anthony Fauci and a federal grantee that funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China, evade transparency.
  •   Dr. Naomi Wolf: Fauci Needs to Go to Jail
    Lr. Naomi Wolf details the EXTREME CRIMES Anthony Fauci is guilty of and yet there is no serious effort to hold this murdering psychopath accountable, not even the like of Senator Rand Paul who essentially ignores the truly serious crimes Fauci has committed in favor of focusing on the least serious.
  •   The Legal Case Against Anthony Fauci
    Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said Dr. Jay Bhattacharya’s lawsuit against Anthony Fauci for censorship is the most important First Amendment legal case in modern times and will certainly end up at the Supreme Court. He said the case “determines the scope of the First Amendment in a virtual world”.
  •   Fauci & CIA Collude For Covid Genocide
    Dr. Anthony Fauci was smuggled into CIA headquarters, “without a record of entry,” where he “participated in the analysis to ‘influence’ the Agency’s” Covid-19 investigation, according to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.  A mass hypnosis submission that lead to the deaths and injuries of innocent lives.
  •   Worse Than Fauci: Peter Hotez Vies for Power as Lead Propagandist for Big Pharma and the Global Deep State
    Seemingly vying for the position of lead propagandist for Big Pharma and the global Deep State is Dr. Peter Hotez, dean for the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston — a scientist enamored with dangerous virus tinkering, censorship and state-directed cyberattacks on civilians, who decries the benefits of whole food and nutrition and is a leading advocate for biomedical tyranny and the murder of independent thinkers.
  •   7 Facts Fauci Knew But Hid From the Public
    The following is a paraphrase of the opening round — the warning shot — by U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) last Tuesday in which he used his time to outline seven facts that Dr. Anthony Fauci knew, and, more importantly, what Fauci did, and did not do, when he was made aware of these facts.
  •   The Real Anthony Fauci
    In this interview, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an environmental activist and attorney turned ultimate freedom fighter, discusses his latest book, “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health,” which is a must-read if you want to know more about the behind-the-scenes of this giant fraud. We could talk for hours and not cover but a fraction of what's in this book, which Kennedy calls a “devastating indictment of Tony Fauci.”
  •   Dr. Robert Willner Exposed Fauci Over 30 Years Ago Over Fauci's Murderous Lie That HIV Causes AIDS
    Fauci has LITERALLY been getting away with mass murder for DECADES orchestrating one fake pandemic after another!  This is a segment from a presentation given by Dr. Robert Willner where he accuses Anthony Fauci of genocide.  Dr. Willner exposes Fauci's first major criminal fraud, the HIV causes AIDS hoax.  Fauci realized he could hijack the newly invented PCR process, call it a test and used it to manufacture the perception that a pandemic was occurring by simply controlling the number of cycles used in the process. This total FRAUD that HIV causes AIDS is STILL responsible for killing a never-ending stream of innocent people to this very day.  It's a fraud that has generated well over half a TRILLION dollars in profits for Big Pharma by KILLING people with the most toxic drugs in existence.  Dr. Willner published the evidence to back up his claim in his book "Deadly Deception, The Proof that  SEX and HIV Absolutely DO NOT CAUSE AIDS."  Dr. Willner even injects himself with the blood of someone known to have the HIV virus to prove his points! 
  •   U.S. Patent Office Rejected Fauci's Efforts to Get mRNA Jabs Patented As Vaccines!
    This is a short segment from the longer presentation by Dr. David Martin in which he exposes hard evidence that the psychopathic criminal Dr. Anthony Fauci knows damned well the mRNA Jabs ARE NOT VACCINES.  Martin has documented proof that Fauci attempted to get the mRNA jabs patented as vaccines and that the applications were summarily REJECTED.  
  •   Fauci MUST BE CRIMINALLY INVESTIGATED and Charged With Crimes Against Humanity
    Along with everyone else involved in this global Holocaust they are imposing on what little is left of free humanity. Nobody can pretend anymore that Fauci is a criminal PSYCHOPATHIC SERIAL LIAR!!
  •   Focus On Fauci
    This event brings before the public the vast pathology of crimes against humanity, which many key researchers and experts allege against Anthony Fauci (the most powerful man on earth in the public health administration sector).  Featuring: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Dr Judy Mikovits – Dr David Martin – Dr Rocco Galati.
  •   David Martin Exposes Fauci’s CRIMINAL Violations
    David Martin, PhD , DavidMartin.world, joins to discuss the criminal violations of Fauci — and the money trail & patents that lead to the usual suspects. Money through shell corporations to fund banned research, corruption, predatory pricing, anti-trust violations — Fauci could easily be led away in handcuffs if AG Barr wished.
  •   Fauci Knows Damned Well Healthy People DO NOT Drive the Spread of a Virus
    This is a segment from a briefing given on January 28, 2020 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in which Dr. Fauci very clearly explains the "well-known FACT" that . . . "even if there is some asymptotic transmission, in all the history of respiratory born viruses OF ANY TYPE, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks.  The driver of outbreaks IS ALWAYS A SYMPTOMATIC PERSON!”
  •   Yale Epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci & FDA Have Caused the 'Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of Americans'
    HUGE! Noted Yale Epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci and FDA Have Caused the 'Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of Americans' that Could Have been Saved with treatment using Hydroxychloroquine.
  •   Senator Rand Paul Challenges Dr. Fauci
    The lone bright spot in a Senate hearing with Dr. Fauci came from Dr. Rand Paul, Senator from Kentucky, who sliced, diced and ground Fauci unbridled hubris into a million pieces.
  •   Dr. Anthony Fauci's Ex-Employee, Judy Mikovits Who Fauci Jailed for Opposing Him, Finally Tells All.
    Go behind the scenes with an experienced expert, virologist who worked under Anthony Fauci,director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. She was jailed and now tells all. All is revealed and be prepared for a future you are NOT PREPARED FOR!
  •   Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine Movement
    Incredibly interesting and lengthy conversation with Robert Kennedy Jr. where he talks vaccines, Dr Fauci, family history and JFk assassination with Patrick Bet-David.
  •   Dr. Graves Slams Dr. Fauci & Attack on Liberty Amid COVID19
    In this exclusive interview with The New American, Dr. Karladine Graves, a high-profile medical doctor who has been providing information and advice to the White House on coronavirus and other issues, slams the willingness of Americans to trade their liberty for supposed safety. She also slammed Dr. Anthony Fauci, questioning whether he has a conflict of interest. In particular, Dr. Graves believes the government should get out of the way and let doctors deal with their patients. She also supports the use of hydroxychloroquine, despite the Democrats and others trying to stop its use.


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How Fauci Purged a Heroic Scientist



The great Ron Unz has reminded us that when RFK Jr.’s monumental book The Real Anthony Fauci, which exposed “Dr.” Anthony Fauci’s criminal career, became a best-seller, the Left subjected it to a massive smear campaign. But one section of the book was ignored. This dealt with Fauci’s barrage of vilification against Dr. Peter Duesberg. He showed by meticulous research that  the Fauci-promoted “treatment” for HIV, which netted Fauci a vast amount of money, was phony. HIV doesn’t cause AIDS, which isn’t a single disease at all. Fauci responded by destroying Duesberg’s career. The Left doesn’t want you to know about that—it would be too dangerous for them.

Here is Ron Unz’s exposure of the cover-up of the AIDS section of RFK Jr.’s book: “When hostile journalists seek to destroy a candidate, they naturally direct their coverage where they believe he is most vulnerable and do their best to ignore his greatest strengths. A shrewd campaign might use such biased reporting as a road-map, one that provides the photographic negative of the issues that should be emphasized. So if the Times and other media outlets seek to avoid the Kennedy assassination conspiracies, perhaps those are exactly the right issues to discuss.

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Video: Robert Kennedy Jr. - Fauci Knew Remdesivir Would Kill You

Once again Robert Kennedy Jr. tells the brutal truth about the murderous psychopath Dr. Anthony Fauci. In this short clip, Kennedy discloses the truth about "the only approved treatment" for COVID, the drug Remdesivir, was known by Fauci to be one fo the most toxic, deadly drugs every created!



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