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Video: Chinese Immigrant Warns Communist Cultural Revolution Happening NOW In America

We must learn from history or it will repeat

This episode of The Tucker Carlson Encounter features Chinese immigrant Xi Van Fleet urgently warning the American people a communist revolution is taking place in the U.S.

Van Fleet described her life growing up under Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, explaining the Red Guards “took over the country.”

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Leftism Is the Politics of Weakness


There’s a lot to be said for the destructiveness of Marxism, particularly the unique brand of Marxism that has taken hold of America and so much of the Western World. But one of the greatest indictments of Marxism/leftism is that, at its heart, it is nothing short of the deification and idolization of weakness. And this quality has played a major role in bringing the once-great civilizations of the West to decline.

Similar descriptors of Marxism have been used before; some conservatives refer to the Left’s politics as that of grievance or of victimization. These are correct, but they do not get to the deepest level of the matter, which is that the various forms of Marxism reverse the traditional ideals of strength, success, and achievement and instead ennoble weakness and failure as the targets to which one must aspire.

In the Marxist conception of history, for example, the emphasis is no longer on great men who performed heroic feats.

Historians from ancient times up to the modern era focused on generals, kings, statesmen, warriors, and the conquests they made, empires they built, and civilizational innovations they fostered.

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Video: Yuri Bezmenov - The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion (1984)

According to Bezmenov, ideological subversion is a covert strategy used by the KGB and other Soviet agencies to undermine and ultimately overthrow Western governments by spreading propaganda and disinformation.




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Video: Confessions of KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov - Deception Was My Job


Yuri Bezmenov, the son of a high-ranking Soviet officer, was a member of the elite propaganda arm of the KGB, known as the Novasti Press Agency. One of his assignments was to accompany journalists visiting the Soviet Union to make sure they did not discover the truth about Soviet life. After becoming disillusioned with the oppressive system, he escaped to the West at great risk to his life.

In this interview, conducted by G. Edward Griffin, Mr. Bezmenov tells how the Soviets used propaganda against their own citizens, how he hoodwinked American journalists into publishing Soviet propaganda, how slave laborers are concealed from foreign visitors, and how he escaped to the West posing as an American hippie. Includes many photographs brought with him on microfilm at the time of his escape.

  • Part 1: Life under Soviet Collectivism
  • Part 2: Propaganda and Mind Control
  • Part 3: Cultural Subversion and Escape

The original 1985 release of this program was entitled Soviet Subversion of the Free-World Press. It provides insights to state propaganda that is as current as today's newspaper.



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Video: FLASHBACK: Louisiana Teacher Began Sounding the Alarm About Marxist Trends in our Schools in the 80s and 90s



Sadly, today’s teachers are groomers. They’re in the classroom to do one thing: teach children the progressive way of life. Reading, writing, and arithmetic have taken a backseat to politics, but this isn’t a new problem. It’s actually been going on for well over 30 years now. As a matter of fact, one teacher named Ezola Foster was sounding alarms back in the ’80s, pointing out all the Marxist tricks that liberals were using to influence our kids’ minds. If only we had listened to Ezola back then, we could have saved ourselves a lot of confusion and heartache. But her words still matter today, so listen to every last one of them.

Here’s what popular X account “End Wokeness” had to say about Ezola on X:

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Marxism Emerges as Government-Run Grocery Stores Get Floated in Leftist Cities Across America

“Who controls the food supply controls the people,” said Henry Kissinger.



This first tenet of his three-steps to centralized globalist domination is manifesting before our eyes in a nation that once opposed Marxism by default. Cities across the country are toying with the concept of government-controlled grocery stores for the sake of equity, climate change, and a nutritional nanny state.

This initiative is not only being driven by Democrats in government. “Charitable” organizations and lobbyist groups are working behind the scenes to sell the concept of State-Owned Enterprises to usher in a new era they hope will yield the Socialist States of America.

And it’s not  just theoretical. According to Manic Contrarian over at Red State, this threat is already manifesting…

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College Professor: Higher Education Has Become a Threat to America



John Ellis is a professor emeritus of German Lit at UC-Santa Cruz. In a column for the Wall Street Journal, Ellis declares that higher education has become a threat to America and he is right.

Ellis contends that our college campuses have been taken over by radical left-wing ideologues obsessed with social justice and other progressive political concepts and that actual education has suffered as a result.

He suggests that this problem will get worse unless more Americans wake up and see this threat for what it is and demand that Congress cut funding and that schools send the radicals packing.

From the Wall Street Journal:

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Mao’s America : A Survivor’s Warning



Written by Xi Van Fleet. New York: Center Street, Hatchet Book Group, October 31, 2023, 275 pages, $27.

Who is Xi Van Fleet (“Xi” is pronounced “she”) and why did she write this book? Rachel Campos Duffy of Fox News answered both questions as she wrote:

No one is doing more than Xi Van Fleet to sound the alarm on how history is repeating itself in today’s America. As a survivor of Mao’s cultural revolution, Xi explains the dangerous parallels between her experiences and the Marxist Woke ideology sweeping across America. Xi’s inspiring story should be required reading for anyone trying to make sense of the un-American things that are so rapidly transforming our country. Information is power. Understanding the historical roots of the cultural revolution we are living through is the first step in the fight to restore freedom and save America.[1]    

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Video: George Orwell A Final Warning

Editor's Note: What most don't realize is the possibility of the Police State/Big Brother system being brought about through "MEDICAL TYRANNY," which is precisely what they tried to do using their manufactured COVID-19 pandemic scare.  They used a manufactured virus that we don't even know was real since the death statistics are made up and the reason many died was due to the deadly treatment protocols forced on everyone, not from any virus.  And of course, many were and still are dying from the deadly jabs.  Nonetheless, they were able to scare the crap out of everyone FOR YEARS so they would agree to do things they would never ordinarily agree to.  If everyone doesn't wake the hell up, if everyone keeps bowing to this lunacy, before you know it the real Big Brother system is going to be a reality that's very hard to get rid of.


"In our world, there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. The sex instinct will be eradicated. We shall abolish the orgasm. There will be no loyalty, except loyalty to the party, but always there will be the intoxication of power. Always at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one. Don’t let it happen. It depends on you." ~ George Orwell
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