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George Soros Letter Reveals Globalist Plan To Destroy the First World

By eliminating national borders with global migrant blitzkreig invasions


As the Left continues to lose the battle for America's soul, its greatest champions are going full-out in an attempt to turn the tide any way they can – even if it means destroying the country.

One of the vilest among them is billionaire George Soros, a Hungarian-born U.S. citizen who now seeks to demolish the country that gave him his riches along with its allies.

As reported by Breitbart London, Soros recently publicly confirmed that, yes, he seeks to essentially wipe out all European borders following an accusation made last week by the prime mister of his birth country, Viktor Orban (who, unlike Soros, actually has to deal with the tens of thousands of second- and third-world migrants streaming into his country and other European nations – while Soros lives free of such inconveniences in his $10 million mansion/castle outside of New York City).

In recent days, Orban has accused Soros of deliberately encouraging the migrant crisis now engulfing the continent.

"This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state," Orban said. "This Western mindset and this activist network is perhaps best represented by George Soros."



'Let's take down all borders'

Following Orban's statement, Soros sent an email to Bloomberg Business, in which he claimed that his foundations actually help "uphold European values," while Orban's actions in bolstering the Hungarian border and thus impeding a huge influx of migrants "undermine those values."

"His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle," Soros added. "Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle."


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Thirty Families Made Plans For A Future Without You.

Video Rebel's Blog

The Central Banks have been buying corporate stocks. The Federal Reserve has been buying stocks likely through companies like Citadel Capital.  
Max Keiser

Never forget that Federal Reserve Vice-Chairman Stanley Fischer used to be the Governor of the Bank of Israel. He holds dual US-Israeli citizenship and was brought here in 2014 to oversee the demise of the US Dollar.  Vidrebel

Hint: Stanley Fisher used to be a professor of economics. He was a mentor to Ben Bernanke and Mario Draghi. That is all you need to know about him.

David Rothkopf was the Managing Director of Kissinger Associates back in the 1990s. He wrote the book Superclass in which he said that the world was run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. The Thirty Families are the New World Order. The NWO wants to replace the sovereign decision making authority of more than 100 nations with their Absolute Power. One World government would remove the facade of democracy.

The trade treaties TPP and TTIP would have taken power away from sovereign nations and turned it over to corporations. A Swiss study found that 147 corporations controlled 20% of world trade. The 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions wanted these companies to be above the law and to exploit consumers in all nations without recourse to law. So what if you have studies proving Genetically Modified Organisms are harmful to human and animal health. You will eat your GMO and not talk back.

The TPP and TTIP treaties would have been stepping stones to a One World government.

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