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Thirty Families Made Plans For A Future Without You.

Video Rebel's Blog

The Central Banks have been buying corporate stocks. The Federal Reserve has been buying stocks likely through companies like Citadel Capital.  
Max Keiser

Never forget that Federal Reserve Vice-Chairman Stanley Fischer used to be the Governor of the Bank of Israel. He holds dual US-Israeli citizenship and was brought here in 2014 to oversee the demise of the US Dollar.  Vidrebel

Hint: Stanley Fisher used to be a professor of economics. He was a mentor to Ben Bernanke and Mario Draghi. That is all you need to know about him.

David Rothkopf was the Managing Director of Kissinger Associates back in the 1990s. He wrote the book Superclass in which he said that the world was run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. The Thirty Families are the New World Order. The NWO wants to replace the sovereign decision making authority of more than 100 nations with their Absolute Power. One World government would remove the facade of democracy.

The trade treaties TPP and TTIP would have taken power away from sovereign nations and turned it over to corporations. A Swiss study found that 147 corporations controlled 20% of world trade. The 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions wanted these companies to be above the law and to exploit consumers in all nations without recourse to law. So what if you have studies proving Genetically Modified Organisms are harmful to human and animal health. You will eat your GMO and not talk back.

The TPP and TTIP treaties would have been stepping stones to a One World government.

Brexit and the election of Donald Trump have stopped the progression to a One World government. That and the dislike for GMO by consumers around the world.  All you need to know about One World government is that One Bank One Vote would have replaced One Man One Vote.

As Max Keiser was implying, the plan is to run the stock market up so the Uber Rich can unload their over valued shares to the Central Banks, pension funds and small investors then let you eat the inflation as the world plunges into a Global Depression worse than the 1930s.

The Bankers plan to cut our wages and pensions by 60% or more. Of course some nations would be better off than others after a global crash. Russia has very little debt even though it has dipped into reserves. Putin has enough cash left over to buy gold by the ton. Despite Fake News reports, the US does not have more gold reserves than Russia.

The British have more Household or private debt than Americans. But Australia and the Netherlands have even more than Britain. The US and Japan lead most countries in national public debt. And that includes Greece. You will have to do a web search for total private debt as well as public debt for your nation to determine how bad things will become in the relatively near future.

Why am I concerned about debt? Because a Depression is a period in time when Unpayable Debts are cancelled en masse. The preferred method for cancelling Unpayable Debts in the modern era is Hyperinflation. Venezuela just added a zero to their money. On July 4, 2008 in Zimbabwe the price of a bottle of beer rose from 100 to 150 billion dollars between 5 and 6:30 pm.

The United States was over populated by design and has been living off the charity of others since the 1960s. The US prints dollars which people overseas use to buy oil or food or thousands of other products and commodities from producers outside the US. Americans get to pay for imported cars, food, oil, electronics, apparel and everything else with’I Owe You Nothing’ Federal Reserve Notes. That system which allows the US to print dollars foreigners are forced to redeem will come to an abrupt end in the near future.

That is when imported prices either double or triple or even quadruple thus instantly impoverishing everyone who is stuck holding dollars. That will cut American wages and pensions 60%. When you combine that massive paycut with the other accompanying economic dislocations, you can see how Americans will suffer worse than during the Great Depression. Only 3 million Americans starved to death last time in the 1930s.

The Bankers transfer wealth from us to them through a rigged system that allows them to charge us interest on money they created out of nothing. That ability to rob 300 million non-Jewish Americans is sacrosanct. We will not be allowed to change our banking laws until our survival depends on it.

A few hints of things to come before the collapse:

Most of us have friends and relatives who love the price of their home. They do not realize that homes in many areas of the world are way over valued. It was only the phenomenal rise in Unpayable Mortgage Debt that has driven up house prices beyond the ability of young couples to buy.

Others have never thought about what will happen to their city the day after the Nationwide Food Riots begin. WalMart has had riots in localities where the Electronic Transfer Benefit cards for Food Stamps failed to work. Imagine what happens when 120 million Americans cannot afford to buy food because their wages and pensions were cut 50%.

This income reduction will work out in different ways for people around the world. Some nations will be far in worse conditions than others. Both America and Great Britain will have hard times.

Americans do have 350 million guns but millions of people might use them against their fellow citizens to steal what little they have. That is what the Uber Rich want to happen.

It was interesting to note that Donald Trump has 3 generals in his inner circle. To me that signifies that he is prepared for a Civil War. George W Bush had 2 former Defense Secretaries and a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in his inner circle. But that was so America could fight Israel’s wars in the Mideast. I see a greater domestic focus for Trump. Bush’s father was a former CIA Director and had worked for the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. But Trump’s father was a builder in Brooklyn. And his mother had immigrated from the Hebrides islands when she was 18. English was her second language.

Stanley Fischer was lauded by other Central Bankers for his skills. This is not good news for you. He favors using your deposit money to pay for any losses the Banks incur. That means your savings and pension will be cut more than 60%. I read in Zero Hedge that 27 million employed adults who work as many hours as they can get have to skip meals to get through the week. Cutting their wages will be hazardous to the health of anyone who works  for the government and especially for those in law enforcement or the military after martial law is decreed.

I must repeat my previous plea: Only Debt Cancellation will end this Depression painlessly without violence. After the Nationwide Food Riots begin, martial law will be declared. The only sensible solution would be for junior military officers to seize control and arrest the Bankers seizing their assets to fund Debt Cancellation.

I will conclude with something have not said for awhile.

The Fundamental Fact of Your Existence as a modern man or woman is that the bankers of New York and London want to reduce you to Debt Slavery.

Accept that fact and move on to the solution.

That is their plan for you.

What is your plan for them?

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